urban small world

Chapter 1169 Cake

Chapter 1169 Cake
That day, after sending those relatives away, as soon as Li Qingyun returned home, he saw Xixi and Hang Hang cheering happily.

No way, the most depressing thing about the two little guys is that they are too young.Because of their young age, many things are inconvenient for them to do.They have long wanted to grow up quickly.Because that way, they can do what they want to do.No more being watched all day long.Think about how depressed you are all the time.

It's a pity that their mental age can be more mature than their physical age, but their physical age has to grow according to the law, unless Li Qingyun is willing to help them speed up time, so that they can grow up overnight.But it's a pity, how could Li Qingyun do this.

It doesn't do them any good.

Li Qingyun also wanted to spend a good time with them when they were young.

If they were allowed to grow up so quickly, then, not to mention Lin Qingwei, even Zhao Hongfang and Tan Qingrou would not agree.

And the relationship between people is also cultivated in the usual way of getting along.

They don't want to see their grandchildren grow up when they don't see each other for a few days.This will make them miss out on a lot of growing up for the two little ones.

Therefore, Li Qingyun would not do this either.

Seeing the excitement of the two little guys.Li Qingyun couldn't help thinking that when he was young, he wanted to grow up quickly just like them.Because when they grow up, they don't need to be controlled by their parents, and they can live the life they want.

It's a pity that human beings are contradictory creatures, and only what they can't get is the best.

When they were young, they wanted to grow up quickly.

But when they reach a certain age, they don't want to grow up, because they will have a lot of troubles when they grow up.

And when they really grow up and want to go back to their carefree childhood, how innocent they were at that time.They look free like adults, but most of the time, they are not free. They will be supervised by their superiors at work, and even, in many cases, they have to laugh with them.Live a life worse than a dog.

This is the price of growing up. Unfortunately, this is not something children can understand.

Li Qingyun shook his head when he saw the two little guys clamoring to grow up quickly. He thought of himself more than 20 years ago.

The party of the two little guys was held during the day, and at night, there were no other people in their house.Because the others were driven away by Li Qingyun.

And the only ones left were Li Qingyun and his family, as well as Tan Jingrou and the others.

The other one is Li Qinglin and Ye Bo.Li Qingyun did not stay with those relatives in their family.

Originally, Li Qingyun wanted to keep his grandparents, but they said that they were not used to the life here, and it would be more comfortable to live in the village, because that was their hometown, and they were reluctant to part with those old fellows in the village.

There was nothing Li Qingyun could do about it.

As for Li Qinglin and the others, they all had thick skins. At this time, even if they wanted to drive them away, they would not leave.

They also said that last year, when the two little guys had their birthdays, they didn't celebrate well, and they couldn't miss it this year.

When Li Qingyun saw off the guests, they guys even made cakes themselves.

Birthday cake, although a few big men have never done it.But Yinger said she would do it.When she was in high school, she worked part-time at a cake maker and learned how to make cakes. Although she hadn't done it for many years, she was still a martial artist. If she wanted to recall the memories of those years, she still No problem.

No tools, not even materials.

They can make their own.

There's no reason why others can't make something they can't make.

Li Qingyun and his family are never short of eggs, and it doesn’t matter if there is no butter. Li Qinglin and the others find out how to make it from the Internet, and they can make it themselves.

Li Qingyun ignored the two little guys who were overly excited because of their birthdays, but walked directly inside.

When Li Qingyun came back, he happened to see that Li Qinglin and the others were there, spreading cream on the cake.

Xixi and Hanghang were not happy to see their father ignoring them.But as soon as they saw that Dad was attracted by the cake, the two of them became happy.

"Dad, we have helped beat the eggs for this cake."

"Yeah, that egg is so slippery, hehe."

"Wow, Xixi Hanghang, you guys are really capable!"

Seeing the two little guys running over again, Li Qingyun couldn't help but stop and praise them.

Sure enough, when they heard Li Qingyun praise them, the two little guys really became very happy immediately.

In fact, children's requirements are not high. As long as their parents can praise them a few words, they will be very satisfied.

No, Li Qingyun just finished speaking.Xiaoshuai over there also ran over, "Father, I also helped, and I even helped to stir it."

"That's right, Xiaoshuai is also very capable."

"Hee hee." The handsome guy who got the compliment immediately went to play happily after Xi Xi Hanghang.

Sure enough, children are still carefree, and I don't know how long they can maintain this state.

But of course Li Qingyun hopes that they will never grow up, and will always be so obedient and cute.

But he also knew that this was impossible.

Many parents in the world have thought this way, but it is a pity that time is a force that cannot be resisted, even if it is as strong as Li Qingyun, it cannot resist the power of time.

After dismissing the three little guys, Li Qingyun finally walked to the front of the cake.

"How about it, brother, we all made it ourselves. All handmade cakes, how about it, this is not comparable to the ones bought on the street."

Li Qingyun couldn't help shaking his head when he saw Li Qinglin and the others waiting for his praise. How old are they? They are still like children, waiting for their praise.Li Qingyun didn't bother to pay attention to them.

He is still looking forward to this cake, and he doesn't know how it will taste.

After all, the eggs are from their own chickens, and even the cream is made by a very complicated process that they just squeezed from the cows.

After all, none of them here is an ordinary person.Many steps that required special tools and even time were overcome by them one by one, and then all of them were solved.

That's why there was this semi-finished product that Li Qingyun saw after he came back.

Just decorate it a bit more.

(End of this chapter)

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