urban small world

Chapter 116 Out of the Forest

Chapter 116 Out of the Forest

Seeing the blue wolf not far away, he tried to get up several times, but failed in the end. Ye Bo also had a bottom line in his heart. With such a hero there, at least his safety would be improved a lot.How could he hesitate at this time, and immediately began to climb down from the tree.

But it was obvious that he was still afraid that the blue wolf would suddenly violently attack and hurt people. When he came down, he deliberately chose the side away from the blue wolf, and while climbing down, he paid attention to the reaction of the blue wolf. If there is any change in it, he promises to go up the tree as soon as possible.

But obviously, he thought too much.The blue wolf didn't stand up at all, just kidding, this is Li Qingyun's territory, if it can stand up at this time, where will Li Qingyun's face be put?

What he wanted was to leave a tall figure in Ye Bo's heart, which would be beneficial for his subsequent arrangements.

"Little brother, who is he, why is he here alone?" Li Qingyun asked Ye Bo who was carefully getting down from the tree.

"Thank you hero for saving my life. My hometown is far away. I'm on the earth. I don't know if you've heard of it." Ye Bo was about to shake hands with Li Qingyun, but he stretched his hands halfway, and then remembered that this is ancient times. I'm not happy to shake hands.Then imitating Li Qingyun's appearance, he cupped his fists and said to him.

"Earth? I haven't heard of it, but it doesn't matter. The Wulin Continent is so big, and it's normal if I haven't heard of it. How can my little brother be here alone? It's very dangerous here. If you encounter a big bug, it will be dangerous. "

"I got separated from my family and strayed into this place. Can the hero take me out?" Ye Bo made up his background in a random way.When I read novels before, didn’t the protagonists all get mixed into another world like this?

But what he didn't know was that Li Qingyun also came from the same place as him, but everything he said was just to lie to him. Seeing that Ye Bo didn't say a word of truth, Li Qingyun also wanted to laugh.

But this is also very normal. If it were him, he would not easily reveal his life experience.After all, if the other party is really a person from another world, no one will believe him when he tells the truth.

But although it's funny, Li Qingyun is pretending to be a person from another world at this time, so of course he won't show it.

As a hero, of course he will do what a hero should do.

"Okay, I just want to go back, so you can come together." Li Qingyun agreed without thinking.

"Thank you, hero. I don't want to repay my kindness. This is a small specialty of my hometown. Try it, hero. It's delicious." Ye Bo took out a few packs of snacks from his backpack, and he was afraid Li Qingyun was suspicious, so he tried it first.

When Li Qingyun saw Ye Bo give him what he had eaten, he couldn't help feeling depressed.Really, he doesn't eat much of such things, so he doesn't have much interest.

But he didn't show it at this time. After all, he was pretending to be an ancient person at this time. He took a pack of snacks, looked at the package, and then looked at Ye Bo. Ye Bo was also cooking and tasting Actions.

Li Qingyun took out a spicy stick and tasted it, then immediately opened his mouth wide, "Ah, it's so spicy. What is this, and why is it so spicy."

Well, these are all pretended by Li Qingyun. When he was a child, he also liked spicy noodles very much. He hasn't eaten them for many years. To be honest, he still misses them very much. But at this time, of course, he can't show it in front of Ye Bo. .

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't know that heroes can't eat spicy food, so here's a bottle of water." Seeing Li Qingyun's appearance, Ye Bo immediately took out another bottle of water.These are all prepared by him to avoid chasing and killing.

But now, in order to make a good impression on Li Qingyun, he is not reluctant.

After Li Qingyun got the water bottle, he didn't open it in the normal way. Instead, he swung his two fingers as a sword, and Ye Bo was surprised to find that the bottle mouth and lid fell to the ground, which made Zheng Zheng The exit reminded him how to open the water bottle, and he immediately closed his mouth.

Well, heroes are indeed heroes, but they are different from ordinary people.

Seeing the surprise in Ye Bo's eyes, Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing.This is what I want.

After drinking a little water, Li Qingyun finally got better, but he didn't touch the spicy stick anymore.

Seeing Li Qingyun's respectful and distant manner, Ye Bo couldn't help feeling depressed. He didn't expect this to happen. If he had known it would be like this, he wouldn't have brought out something spicy.

"Wait a minute, I'll deal with it." Li Qingyun pointed to the blue wolf not far away at this time and said.

Before Ye Bo could speak, Li Qingyun walked towards the green wolf.

In order to shock Ye Bo, Li Qingyun could only feel sorry for the green wolf.

Anyway, there are many such guys in the small world.One or two less won't matter.

Seeing Li Qingyun approaching, Qinglang tried to stand up several times, but unfortunately all failed.Even if it was the vicious Qinglang, there was a hint of fear in his eyes at this moment, but unfortunately, it would be useless to regret it at this moment.

At this time, it remembered that the ancestors told them not to mess with that kind of two-legged monster, but unfortunately, it didn't take it seriously, and it was useless to regret it at this time.

If God gave it another chance, it would definitely run as far as it saw such a two-legged monster.

Li Qingyun didn't know what it was thinking, walked over, killed it with one palm, and then directly picked up its hind legs and walked towards Ye Bo.

Ye Bo saw with his own eyes how Li Qingyun killed the blue wolf with a single palm, but he never thought that such a powerful blue wolf would not be able to survive a single move in Li Qingyun's hands.This made his heart very hot, and he couldn't help thinking, if he was so powerful, would his enemies still be able to get away with it?
At this time, a seed was planted in his heart to become stronger.

Seeing the change in Ye Bo's eyes, Li Qingyun couldn't help but nodded, this is what he wanted.

This small world is only filled with some ordinary people, that is of no use, only when they are strong, can this small world help the growth of the small world.

Therefore, Li Qingyun decided early on that he would pass on some cultivation techniques here.

Of course.What he was going to pass down was just some martial arts.

But don't think that martial arts are bad.As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome, and all roads lead to the same goal at the end of practice. Martial arts practice to the end, breaking the law with strength, the combat power is also very strong.

The reason for choosing martial arts is because martial arts does not require a lot of spiritual energy.You can practice even on Earth.

The reason why there are very few people cultivating on this earth now.One is the lack of cultivation methods, and the other is the suppression of the ruling class for thousands of years, which forced them to go into the dark.

After all, there has been a saying since ancient times that chivalrous use of martial arts is forbidden.For those ruling classes, of course they don't want to see some people who don't obey discipline exist.Various suppressions have never stopped.

Especially in the past 100 years, with the rise of hot weapons, martial arts has been pushed to a desperate situation.After all, no matter how good your martial arts are, you can be knocked down with one shot.

In many cases, after more than ten years of practice, it is no match for an ordinary person's shot, so this makes many people not interested in slowly practicing martial arts.

In many cases, practicing martial arts is a long-term job, and more than ten years may only be regarded as laying the foundation.In the modern society, there are even fewer people who can practice with peace of mind.On the contrary, the so-called Tai Kwon Do in Bangzi Country can see the effect faster, so it attracts a large number of boys and girls to learn.

Li Qingyun had long since disliked the arrogance of those guys.

That's why he wanted to promote martial arts.

In comparison, the threshold of martial arts cultivation is much lower than that of comprehension.This is very helpful to improve the physical fitness of Huaxia's people.

Ye Bo was the first person to come to the small world.Of course Li Qingyun wanted to train him to be a spokesperson.

Ye Bo didn't know that from the moment he entered here, he had been calculated by Li Qingyun, and he had the idea of ​​becoming stronger at this moment, and all of this was within Li Qingyun's plan.

Li Qingyun pulled the big blue wolf in front, and Ye Bo followed behind. He tried it just now, and he used all his strength, but he couldn't pull the big blue wolf. One can imagine how heavy it is, but now In Li Qingyun's hands, it was like a chicken.It was easily pulled away by one hand.One hand, one hand.

The more Li Qingyun was like this, the more he wanted to learn Li Qingyun's skills.

And ever since he followed behind Li Qingyun, he never saw anyone who dared to attack them.

Even though many animals were seen along the way, they all ran away from a long distance. Obviously, they were all scared away by Li Qingyun's aura.This made Ye Bo feel like he was pretending to be a tiger.

After walking for half an hour, they finally walked out of the forest. Ye Bo thought to himself, it seems that the stone wall is not far from here.Calculated according to his walking speed, it is estimated that it is only two or three kilometers away.

After all, the road in this forest is not so easy to walk, so it took me a long time to walk.

There is a hill outside the forest, and he found that there is a thatched house at the foot of the mountain in the distance.Li Qingyun was leading him there.

After another 10 minutes, they came to the place.

Sure enough, I read it right, here are just a few thatched cottages, Ye Bo couldn't help but think, this is not the home of this wild hero, although I call you a wild hero, but you don't really want to be wild, here Just you, what should I do?

Of course Li Qingyun also saw Ye Bo's reaction, but he didn't pay much attention to him.He directly took out his artifact kitchen knife and started to deal with the blue wolf.

Seeing Li Qingyun's slaps and slaps, he skinned the wolf and took out its internal organs.Ye Bo knew that he must have done such things before.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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