urban small world

Chapter 1137 Climb the primary stage

Chapter 1137 Climb the primary stage
Fortunately, Li Qingjing and the others are also monks in the Nascent Soul Stage, and they have already learned the art of transformation.Just want to change their appearance, which is not difficult at all.

And with their strength, they changed their appearance. In the Wulin Continent, except for Li Qingyun who could see through them, no one else had such ability.

Even those from the Xuanyuan family are the same.

On this point, Li Qingyun was very confident.

Under normal circumstances, at least one has to be a level higher than the one who casts the technique of transformation to see through the opponent.Even for people of the same realm, it is generally impossible to see through it.Even if they have some senses, they can't see through them.

Therefore, they changed into another person and went out without fear of others knowing their true identities.

The Art of Transformation is not a very advanced spell, not only Li Qingjing and the others know it, in fact, most warriors in the Baodan Realm can learn it as long as they buy such a small spell.

After all, warriors have strong control over their bodies, and even in this regard, warriors have a little advantage over monks like Li Qingjing and the others.

The art of change.For a warrior, it is also a necessary skill.Who hasn't had a time when they don't want people to know themselves and them.

Especially when they do something that they don't want others to know, but they have to do it, among ordinary people, at this time, they will wear a mask on their face, or put on stockings or something, but this is very important for those warriors. Say, it's much easier.Just change the appearance of the horse directly.

Of course, most people wouldn't do this if it was some time to show off.For example, in the Hall of Refining Hearts.

Although it didn't take long for the Temple of Refining Heart to appear.

But many people regard it as a playing field.

Yes, for example, those who have hatred, they will go to the Hall of Refining Hearts to see who can go higher.

There are also major forces that are also participants in this game.

They lost a lot of face a while ago and lost a lot of prestige, so they are going to get it back here in the Heart Refining Palace.

Therefore, they also sent some people. If they can surpass the hostile forces, they will make a big formation, as if they are afraid that others will not know.

Therefore, at this time, it is not just a matter of 8 or [-] people boarding the Heart Refining Hall.At this time, the Heart Refining Palace also involved the hearts of many people in the Wulin Continent.

As for Li Qingjing and the others, if they wanted to go to this place of focus, of course they wouldn't use their real faces.

After all, they are also masters of the Nascent Soul Stage.If they can't surpass some ordinary people by then, where will they save their face?Although the chances of this are not great, everything is possible before going up.What if they are really in a bad state of mind?

Even if they are very powerful, singing and advancing all the way, that will attract more attention.When they went there, they just wanted to practice hard and close the gap with Li Qingyun, not to show off.

If they want to show off, they don't need to go to the Hall of Refining Hearts. With their identities and strengths, they might not have a place to show off.

Li Qingjing and the others were going to the Heart Refining Hall, except for Li Qingyun, Zhao Hongfang, Li Youde and Xixi, Hang Hang knew about it and didn't tell anyone else.

But what they didn't know was that at this time, it wasn't just the two of them who were preparing to go to the Hall of Refining Hearts.Li Qinglin, Li Qingsong and Ye Bo were all going to walk over to the Heart Refining Hall.

Even though they didn't know the use of the Heart Refining Palace until now.But they can feel that there should only be good things and no bad things.It can only be seen from the performance of the people on the steps.

In fact, they have already had the idea of ​​​​exploring it.But a while ago, it wasn't Chinese New Year, and more or less of them also had relatives and friends over, and they couldn't leave at all.

So I waited until this time.

Now that the new year is finally over, they are also planning to take some time to visit the Hall of Refining Hearts.

Of course, no matter how they say it, they are also people with a head and a face. It's okay if they can reach a high place.What if the boat capsizes in the gutter?Such a thing is hard to say, so they thought about it, and decided not to use their real faces.

And at this time, there are not a few people who have the same thoughts as them.Many real masters in the Wulin Continent also changed their appearance and went to the Palace of Refining Hearts.

Moreover, Li Qinglin and the others have never greeted each other. Obviously, they don't want others to know their whereabouts.

So just like that, there were a few more people on the mountain path below the Hall of Refining Hearts.

But they were nothing, because a large number of people climbed the steps every day, so Li Qinglin and the others were inconspicuous among the crowd.

But it is obvious that the steps up the mountain and the checkpoints in front of it can stop some ordinary Huajin warriors from moving, but for some really powerful people, they can't create any obstacles at all.

No, Li Qinglin and the others walked up, and the dozens of steps in front of them, it can be said, did not have any effect on them at all.In the eyes of outsiders, after they climbed the steps, they didn't stop at all, and continued to walk up.

And there are not a few such people.

In fact, this is not the first time that such a situation has occurred in the past half a month.

After all, the Wulin Continent is that big.There are all kinds of people, and there are still many people with a high level of cultivation.

After all, the one who is ranked number one now, when he first started to climb the steps, he walked up a hundred or so steps in one breath before slowing down.

Although Lin Qingwei and the others were girls, they thought they were stronger than Ye Bo and the others in terms of mental state.

After Lin Qingwei and the others stepped up the steps, phantom formations also appeared, but Lin Qingwei and the others could see the flaws in those phantom formations at a glance. For them, it was like watching a TV series. They have no effect.

In this case, of course they continued to climb up without being affected.

In this way, they climbed to more than 300 steps in one breath, which no one has ever done before.

There were still tens of thousands of people on this step, and no one was watching them all the time.Otherwise, with their speed, I don't know how many people would be scared.

Especially now there are at least 8 people on the 1000 steps below, and less than [-] people in the half of the steps behind.

But at this time, most of the people's eyes are on the people at the top, and few people pay attention to the situation below.

It was precisely because of this that no one discovered how powerful Li Qingjing and the others were.

In fact, apart from Li Qingjing and the others, there are some people who are no worse than them.

For example, Ye Bo and Li Qinglin.Of course, they didn't come here with their true colors.

Otherwise, their arrival would have already caused a sensation.

That's not what they want.

Ye Bo and the others did not slow down until they climbed almost [-] steps.

And what they call slowing down is only relative to the speed in front of them.

Because in the front, they can be said to have walked up directly, and they were not affected at all.

But at this time, every time they go up a step, although they can continue to go up quickly, but if you look carefully, you will find that every time they take a step, they will pause slightly.And here, the phantom array, it's like transitioning from watching TV to 3D movies.

It's a little more realistic.Sometimes, if one doesn't pay attention, it can make them feel like they are there.

As long as their willpower is firm enough, they can still distinguish the difference between reality and fantasy.

And when Zhao went up, the feeling became more real to them.

They didn't go up easily until they reached the steps. Li Qingjing and the others were already standing at the thousand steps.

Obviously, below one thousand ranks is just a primary testing ground.Levels [-] to [-] are considered intermediate tests.The farther back, the stronger the phantom array.

At the thousandth step, even Li Qingjing and the others would have to wait a few seconds before continuing to go up.

After all, they are also monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and many Huajin warriors can come here, so there is no reason for them to make it difficult.

After all, Li Qingyun's purpose in setting up such a place is not to prevent them from climbing up, but to exercise people's state of mind and cultivation base.

There weren't many people on the 99th step, but the 999th step was crowded with people.Obviously, the [-]th step is a small checkpoint, and many people were stopped there.

And there are not many people who can step up from there every day. It is not bad to have a hundred people in a day.

But what surprised many people today is that in just one afternoon, more than 200 people actually crossed the one thousand steps.

This is twice as much as the day before.

And some people below also found that among the more than 200 people, there are thirty or forty people, even after reaching the thousandth level, they are still rising at a rapid speed.

It seemed that the steps had no effect on them at all.

Well, that's just how it looks to outsiders.

In fact, every time they take a step, they will still stop for a while.It's just that compared to other people, they are nothing at all.It looks as if you are tired from climbing, and then take a step to take a rest before continuing to climb.

In this way, it is difficult not to attract attention.

And when people paid attention to them, they were immediately stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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