urban small world

Chapter 110 The Valley

Chapter 110 The Valley
Not to mention anything else, after the aura comes out, even if it is only our vegetables around, it will grow better than before. Maybe, by then, the surrounding farmers will be able to make a fortune just by growing vegetables.

Of course, if human beings live in a place with sufficient aura every day, they will be less likely to get sick and live longer. This can be regarded as Li Qingyun's return to his hometown.

In fact, his entrance can be placed anywhere, but he finally chose to put it in his hometown. Although this may bring many variables to these peaceful small mountain villages, Li Qingyun finally did so.

Of course, even if Li Qingyun wanted to put the entrance on the mountain, it was impossible to put it directly on the main road. He was going to find a hidden place.

Just after the new year, the mountain is still very cold, and many leaves have fallen off, it looks a bit bleak.

However, Li Qingyun didn't care too much. After climbing more than 200 meters up the mountain, he left the main road at a fork. He was going to find a hidden place on the side.

I have to say that Li Qingyun's luck is still very good.It's just that after half an hour, he found a satisfactory place.

That's a valley.It can be said that it is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and there is only a small stream passing through it at the foot of the mountain.

Beside the creek, there is a flat land of about a thousand square meters, which is full of flowers and plants.

Li Qingyun is now standing at a height of more than 50 meters above the valley.

But here is the closest place to the valley.

He didn't expect that there was such a place here, why hadn't he heard of it before.

But this is also very normal, after all, the Immortal Mountain is so big.When they were young, they only played on the periphery, and rarely went deep into the mountains.

Although it hasn't been long since Li Qingyun went up the mountain, he didn't even think about what his current strength is. In the past half an hour, he just flew to find it. After all, it would be more efficient, wouldn't it?

Now he can be said to have come to the depths of the Immortal Mountain.It's normal to have never heard of such a place before.

Of course, some old hunters in the village may know this place, but they only know it. Generally, no one will go to such a place. After all, it is dangerous to see it from below.There is no prey at all.

Although there seems to be a thousand square meters of ground over there at this time, but if it rains heavily, the water flow from the waterfall above will increase, and the entire valley will be easily flooded, so it is impossible for large animals to live below for a long time .

On the cliffs all around, there are some monkeys jumping around there.

In such a place, only they can move freely.

Li Qingyun thought it would be good to put the entrance of that world here.

As for how to put the entrance here, how to let others break in, it depends on Li Qingyun.

After all, if Li Qingyun didn't do anything in this place where the birds don't shit, it might not be possible for someone to break into it in a hundred years.This is not the result Li Qingyun wants to see.

But it's too early to think about that now, the most important thing for Li Qingyun now is to fix the entrance here.

As the master of a world, this is not difficult for Li Qingyun. He jumped directly from the mountain. Fortunately, at this time, no one saw his movements, otherwise, he would not be surprised. When people saw his actions, they thought he was going to commit suicide.

But the reality is that Li Qingyun jumped down, flying freely in the air like a bird, and slowly gliding to the bottom of the valley.

This startled the monkeys playing on the cliffs nearby.

As smart as they are, they can't figure out how this guy can fly without wings.I wanted to learn it, but after thinking about it, if I fell from here, I guess they would have nothing left, so they gave up this tempting idea.

Li Qingyun didn't know that his behavior had brought a lot of confusion to those monkeys.At this time, he was observing the valley there.

When I was on the top, it seemed that there was nothing here, but when I went down, I felt that this place was still very big.And when I got to the bottom, I found out that there is only more than 1000 square meters here, and there are also [-] square meters.

Well, I stand far away, so it looks smaller, which is normal.

But what Li Qingyun cares about now is not how big the area is here.Instead, he was thinking about where he should put the entrance.

In fact, Li Qingyun thought about imitating the Water Curtain Cave of the Great Sage, and put the entrance behind the waterfall.

But he quickly vetoed the plan, not saying it was bad, but putting it behind the waterfall, making it harder for others to find out.Normal people would not run behind the waterfall without incident.

After all, the impact of the waterfall is really not small, and it is not something ordinary people can bear.After all, the physique of people on earth is really not very good now.

So, in this way, Li Qingyun didn't have many choices. After watching for a long time, after Li Qingyun removed several inappropriate places, there were still two places that made him hesitate.

One is a mountain wall.It was a straight stone wall with a bearing of ninety degrees.There is a piece of light on the stone wall, but there is nothing.

The other one is a cave, and Li Qingyun didn't expect that there was another cave below it.

But this cave is not big.Li Qingyun went in and took a look. It was only about a hundred square meters, and there were no traces of human life in it, so he walked around and came out.

He also had his own considerations for choosing these two places. If he chose the stone wall, he could also use it as a test.Test the courage of those who enter.

After all, not everyone would dare to bump into a rock wall in front of them.

And that cave is fine too.Put the entrance there, and once you enter, you will find another world, and it will be easier to attract people to enter.

However, after Li Qingyun thought about it, he finally chose the stone wall.

For those who want to go to the small world, he thinks it is better to do the assessment.He still accepts everyone.

After all, the entrance to his small world is open there, so there is no plan to close it, so if people can enter, they can also come out.

If some people with ulterior motives are allowed in, they will come out and do bad things.That would be bad.Maybe that bad karma has to be blamed on Li Qingyun.

This is not the result Li Qingyun wants to see.

The reason why he wants to let people in is that he intends to use them to help the growth of the small world, not to add bad karma to himself.

Therefore, among the candidates to enter, he also has certain restrictions.

Li Qingyun is a person who can do whatever he wants. After making up his mind, he came to the stone wall and began to cast spells one by one.

Soon, the stone wall began to change,

The originally uneven stone wall quickly became as smooth as a mirror.

This is not the idea, the main thing is that it has no trace of artificial carving.It seems to grow like this naturally.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is impossible.

After all, the weathering of nature will not produce such a masterpiece.

And not long after, some mysterious patterns appeared on the smooth stone wall. Of course, they are not beautiful, but Li Qingyun put them on purposely.

They all have their own role.

This is a reinforcement formation arranged by Li Qingyun, as well as a defense formation and a mind training formation.

These are some intermediate formations, and they are all formations that Li Qingyun has studied for a long time, just for this day.

Especially the mind training formation, which took Li Qingyun a lot of time to learn.

Fortunately, this kind of formation is very common in the cultivation world, and most sects will use it when their disciples get started.

Many sects, every time they recruit students, there will be a large number of people to participate.Often a single mind-training formation can kill a large number of people.This is like the auditions for those competitions on Earth. A practice formation can keep the unqualified ones out.

Of course, Li Qingyun was not that harsh, the most important thing for him was to keep some dark-hearted and malicious people out and not let them in.

Although people's hearts are fickle, they may be good one minute and bad ones the next, but Li Qingyun has no way to control the future, but at the moment, he can still keep those malicious people out.

After Li Qingyun finished all this, the stone wall finally calmed down, and the simple patterns on it were slowly hidden in the stone wall.As if it never appeared.

Even the stone wall gradually became ordinary.It even looks a bit vicissitudes.Seems like it's been there for years.This was exactly what Li Qingyun wanted.

Afterwards, he thought for a while and realized that this creek was quite in the way. If it rained heavily, it would probably flood the entire valley. result.

But it's a pity that the outlet of the creek is only so big, if the rain is a little bigger, it will be blocked.

But to Li Qingyun, this was nothing at all.

After Li Qingyun took out his magical kitchen knife, he opened a bigger hole in the water outlet very soon.

The creek originally flowed out of a culvert, but now in Li Qingyun's hands, the culvert has expanded by more than ten times at once. In just [-] minutes, he opened a culvert with a height of more than [-] meters and a height of one person.

In this way, even if it rains heavily, the water can be drained away in time.

In the past and later, the valley was flooded because the water could not be worshipped in time.Now there is no such hidden danger.It has to be said that Li Qingyun worked very hard for this entrance.

 Ask for collection, please recommend! !

(End of this chapter)

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