urban small world

Chapter 1070 Where is there and then

Chapter 1070 Where is there and then
Although Li Qingyun had a general understanding just now, and he knew why he and the others came, but that was only the superficial situation. What they were worried about in their hearts, Li Qingyun didn't give much thought to it.

Now that Li Qingyun thought about it carefully, he finally understood what these people were worried about.

If they change positions, he probably has to worry too.

After all, they didn't know what those monsters that appeared out of nowhere wanted to do.What if they want to attack Supreme Town on a whim, what should they do?

As for saying that they don't know the existence of Supreme Town, this can also be used to deceive three-year-old children.Not even a three-year-old can be fooled.

If they didn't know the existence of the Supreme Town, they would have surrounded the Supreme Town by such a coincidence.Moreover, their distance from the Supreme Town in each direction is also kept at about a thousand kilometers.

They used their bodies to perfectly draw a circle on the Supreme Continent.

If it is said that they do not know the existence of Supreme Town, all this is just a coincidence, no one will believe it.

Would Li Qinglin believe it? Obviously, none of them believed it, otherwise they wouldn't have come here.

Although Li Qingyun figured out why they came, but at this time, he would not think of any way for them first, Li Qingyun glanced at them and said, "Then, what do you want to say."

"Brother, then, what else is there? If so many monsters really attack, the Supreme Town will definitely not be able to withstand it. By then, the Supreme Town may not even exist."

Well, this is true.Although the Supreme Town is a powerful magic weapon, if it is surrounded and beaten by thousands of baby monsters, it will definitely not be able to withstand their long-term attack.

After all, that small town was only refined by Li Qingyun.Although a small amount of demon infants can't do anything to it, but in many cases, quantitative changes will also cause qualitative changes.

Li Qingyun also felt that it was normal for them to have such worries now.

This is something that Li Qingyun hadn't considered before. Of course, as a superior, Li Qingyun's starting point for considering things is different from that of ordinary people, which is also normal.

He is also very depressed now, how can he reassure these people.

But it's all like this now, I'm afraid what he said will be useless.Unless Li Qingyun can get rid of all those monsters.

Otherwise, they would definitely still be worried.But if he really wants to get rid of all those monsters, it will definitely cause even bigger troubles.

Let's not talk about the reaction of the major forces, even Li Qinglin and the others will look for Li Qingyun again.

After all, they had just discussed this matter with Li Qingyun, and within a few days, those monsters disappeared.What will they think then.

If they really love it, they will think that those monsters must have been taken away by Li Qingyun, and in this way, they will doubt Li Qingyun's identity.

What kind of identity can transfer so many monsters here and there?

Is he really just as simple as the apprentice of a god?

If Li Qingyun really did that, they would definitely think so.

Therefore, now Li Qingyun must not let those monsters disappear.

"Why do you have to think in a bad direction? Those monsters are still more than 1000 kilometers away from the Supreme Town. So far away, what are you worried about? Besides, this may not be a good thing for people. Bad thing."

"Ah, it's not a bad thing, why? I don't see any good in this. Besides, they are far away now, but in case they really want to attack the Supreme Town, more than 1000 kilometers will count." what."

"Yeah, I don't think it's a good thing either."

"You guys, don't even look at it. There are so many warriors in the Baodan realm in the Wulin Continent, how many of them can fully display their strength. Many of them broke through by chance. I think you guys know better than me how such a person's actual combat ability is.

They lived too comfortably before, so their progress has not been very great.It would be different if there were these monsters.This has found so many different sparring partners for them.If they can seize the opportunity, not only can they exercise their strength, but they can also increase their income.Such a good thing, I don't know why all of you are so sad, alas. "

What Li Qingyun said is correct, danger is often accompanied by opportunities.They just saw some hidden dangers in it, but no one found this danger, which is also an opportunity.

Maybe it's the anxiety and fear in their hearts that made them not think about anything else at all.

After listening to Li Qingyun's words, Lin Yunfei and the others thought about it, and they still agreed very much, so they opened their mouths and found that they didn't know what to say.

That's right, after Li Qingyun said that, what else could they say.

But Lin Yunfei thought about it, and said: "Brother-in-law, this is a good opportunity, but are you sure that those monsters will not attack Supreme Town?" After all, Supreme Town is his magic weapon, so it is normal for him to worry.

I can't guarantee this, I'm not those monsters, how can I guarantee it.

"Brother-in-law, you are the apprentice of the gods. Please help me find out. Maybe some god made it. Maybe it's just like you said, they made it to test us, and we can't let those gods down. It’s the good intentions of the gods, isn’t it?”

"Yes, brother, you can help me find out the news."

Well, this is the real purpose of these guys coming to Li Qingyun.

Yes, they had this idea from the very beginning.The previous ones were just because they wanted to know how much Li Qingyun knew about those monsters.

Let him go to the so-called gods to inquire about news, which is their real purpose.

Li Qingyun wanted to laugh at this moment.Let him go to the gods to inquire about news, isn't this just asking himself.As for giving them an accurate answer, he couldn't even give it himself.

Because people are fickle, maybe he gave them news today, and he can change his mind tomorrow.This is also very normal.

"Are you thinking too much? Immortals are so busy, how can they have time to play games with you?"

"Brother, how do you know what those gods will do? Do you know something?"

"What do I know, and what can I know? I haven't been to the Supreme Continent for a long time, and I don't even know if what you are saying now is true."

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you?"

"That's not sure, I don't know who cheated a big tripod from me last time."

"Brother-in-law, how can this be called a lie. You are obviously the one who supported me. You have so many big cauldrons, and I don't have any. Do you have the nerve to go back?"

"Yes, why are you embarrassed?"

"Brother-in-law, let's talk about monsters." Li Qingyun didn't play cards according to common sense, which made Lin Yunfei very helpless.

In the end, none of these people got the answers they wanted from Li Qingyun. Li Qingyun just promised them to help them find the gods for information.But Li Qingyun also said that he did not guarantee that he would get any news.If he finds out, he will tell them as soon as possible.

But in the eyes of everyone, Li Qingyun was just perfunctory them.

But what can they do.If Li Qingyun didn't help them, they would have nothing to do with him.

But they didn't gain anything at all.

No matter what happened in the future, they felt that what Li Qingyun said just now was not bad.Regardless of whether those monsters will attack Supreme Town in the future, but before they attack, they can use these monsters to exercise the strength of themselves and their subordinates.

And in this way, maybe some monsters can be eliminated before those monsters attack Supreme Town.This can also eliminate some enemies in advance, right?

At that time, their strength will not only be well-trained, but also the harvest will be good.

Of course, there must be dangers here, after all, so many monsters are not so easy to deal with.If you are not careful, you may be injured or even die.

Even people like Li Qinglin have to be careful.

Because I heard Li Qinglin said that among those monsters, there are also some monsters in the middle stage of the monster baby.

Seeing Lin Yunfei and the others finally left, Li Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief.It's really not easy.It was hard to fool them away.

To be honest, Li Qingyun never really thought about letting those monsters attack Supreme Town before.Because in that case, Lin Yunfei and the others would have no resistance at all.

With so many monsters, even if all humans are blocked, it may not be able to stop them.

What's more, those humans may not all be able to unite to defend the city.Maybe once the monsters arrived, Li Qingyun didn't find it strange that the Supreme Town was empty.

If something like that really happened, what's the point of Li Qingyun letting that monster attack Supreme Town.

But just now I heard that Lin Yunfei and the others were worried.Instead, Li Qingyun suddenly had the idea of ​​letting those monsters attack Supreme Town.

If Lin Yunfei knew what Li Qingyun was thinking, he would probably die of depression.No wonder people say that if you don't do it, you will die.It's really not the right time for him to do this.

(End of this chapter)

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