Chapter 1036
Those forces got something, no matter what, they had to divide it and transport it back to the Wulin Continent for other people to use.

Therefore, when the time comes, Lin Yunfei's taxes will not be able to escape.

Of course, compared to the fact that they all live in the city, Lin Yunfei will definitely lose part of the tax revenue, but there is no way to do it. As long as Lin Yunfei sets up tax revenue, for the major forces, they will have a lot of money if they take the city. loss.

Therefore, this day will come sooner or later, so Lin Yunfei is not too depressed.Anyway, he has plenty of ways to make money from them.

Moreover, Lin Yunfei has also made crazy money in the past two months.If his gains in the past two months were exchanged for contribution points, he didn't know how much he could exchange for them.

Of course, he wouldn't exchange so many resources for contribution points, because that would hit the market, but he wouldn't be able to sell it at a high price.

Besides, in the Wulin Continent, not all of them are powerful enough to have warriors in the Alchemy Realm.

The Baodan Realm warriors of these big forces only ordered half of them.

Half of them are scattered people, they have not joined any major forces,

Therefore, in the future, Lin Yunfei's income will not be less.

Those scattered people don't have the strength to establish a base outside the supreme town.Therefore, they found good things in the Supreme Continent, and they will return to the Supreme Town sooner or later.In this way, Lin Yunfei will not suffer much loss.

Even Lin Yunfei was wondering whether he should increase the entry fee for those big forces.

After all, they will not pay taxes for themselves in the future.If he didn't scrape some oil off them, he would feel a little sorry for himself.

But after thinking about it, forget it.In that case, the commotion will be louder.At that time, as long as you are not a fool, you will be able to see that this is targeting those big forces.

Although Lin Yunfei is not afraid, if one day, after the fact that he is the owner of Supreme Town is exposed, more people will be offended.

Although he doesn't care, sometimes it's better to keep a low profile.

Just after Wudang was the first to announce that it would enter the Supreme Continent with all its strength, on the same day, more than a dozen Baodan realms in Wudang set off from Wulin Continent together, passed through the teleportation array of Brother City, and arrived at the Supreme Continent.

The appearance of their group also caused a great commotion in the Supreme Continent.The people in Supreme Town didn't expect that people from Wudang would appear here just after they knew that Wudang was going to increase the development of Supreme Continent.

And as warriors in the Baodan Realm, they more or less knew each other.And among these people in Wudang, there are a few more famous ones.For example, Song Qiufeng, as an outstanding representative of the three generations of Wudang disciples, has always been a star figure among young masters, and has many fans in the Wulin Continent.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared here, he was recognized by others.

Besides, even if others didn't recognize Song Qiufeng, the Wudang faction would easily recognize him.Their Taoist robes are very conspicuous, and there is a Wudang logo on it.As long as people who can read, they will know.

In fact, not only Wudang, all major forces in the Wulin Continent have their own unique uniforms, as long as anyone who has studied the major forces in the Wulin Continent can tell at a glance.

It is not that the Baodan Realm of the major forces has never been to the Supreme Continent before, but when they came, most of them were one or two people, or three or four people, and never more than four people acted together.

After all, it was impossible for them to send out all the warriors in the Baodan realm before, after all, their base camp also wanted to keep people.What if someone sneaked up on them when there was nothing behind them.

Another one is that too many people were together in the past, and the harvest must not be as much as if they were separated.Therefore, there are very few people who act together.Usually one or two people are enough.

But today is different, Wudang sent out all the high-end forces directly.

Because they have a sense of urgency.They feel that if they continue to develop slowly as before, they will definitely be surpassed by some new forces, which is not what they want to see.

As old forces, although they have a strong background, but the relationship within their forces is intricate, so their development is not as good as those new forces. Because they have not appeared for a long time, they know how to change and adapt to development. Over time they discovered that their old forces were slowly being overtaken by those new forces, how could this be possible.

That's why what's happening now.

And the first ones to respond were some established forces.

There is no way, since they are established forces, they have existed for a long time.And there will be some struggles among them more or less.Everyone wants to get more benefits for themselves.

But now they just want to use external conflicts to ease internal conflicts.

In fact, this trick is not new. On Earth, the United States often uses this trick.

When they have domestic conflicts that cannot be resolved for a while, they like to bring out some external conflicts, fight this one today, fight that tomorrow, as for the reason, just put it in any one without a reason. .

Anyway, as long as they don't fight with those big countries, they all have crushing results.

Now Wudang and the others have also learned this trick.They sent out all the high-end forces directly, which would definitely cause other forces to follow suit.

After all, no one wants their family to dominate.

Wudang sends so many people out, and the harvest will definitely increase exponentially by then.If they don't do something, it may not be long before they will be pulled away by Wudang.

Therefore, even if they don't want to, they have to accept the move.

And as soon as they accept the move, there will be competition in this way, and the competition will make those people in Wudang tightly united.

No matter how big the conflict is between them, they have to unite in the face of 'foreign enemies'.Otherwise, it is easy to be defeated by each other, which is not good for any of them.

Only by uniting can they have the greatest combat effectiveness.

This is like a chopstick is easy to break, but a chopstick is not easy to break.

A three-year-old child understands this.But many times, when they are not facing external enemies, there will always be some internal conflicts.

Sure enough, after Wudang, in less than a few minutes, another group of martial artists who were all in Baodan state also came to Supreme Town, and at this time, those people in Wudang hadn't gone far yet.

After all, when they came, it was just in the evening on the Wulin Continent.They are not ready to leave the city at this time.They are going to stay here for one night before talking.

But this night has passed, and when the time comes, they will be the only forces leaving the city.

Early the next morning, there were more than 20 forces leaving the city from the Supreme Town.Each faction has at least ten people.

These more than 300 people are almost the elites of the major forces in the Wulin Continent.

They didn't find it strange at all to see each other appear here, but at this time, they still kept a distance in a tacit understanding.

They are not meeting.They didn't chat, instead they all left the city silently.

Then they chose a direction and left.

They have a tacit understanding and did not choose the same place.

After all, the Supreme Continent is that big.At this time, there is no need for them to conflict with others as soon as they come up.

That's why they each chose a direction to leave.As for which one of them is lucky enough to find good things, that depends on their respective luck and destiny.

Although there is no communication between them, these people, one by one, are very cautious.As if afraid of being attacked by others.

It wasn't until they ran a long way that all of them breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the atmosphere just now was very weird, if there was a chaos, it might cause a lot of chaos.This is something none of them want to see.

More than 300 people left the city in less than a minute.

After seeing them go away, the people around were relieved.

Although the only ones who can come here are some warriors who are in the Baodan realm, but the atmosphere just now made them feel very depressed, so even if they wanted to leave the city just now, they all hid far away, and they let the other party go out first Besides.

Just now, many of them were worried that they would fight.

After all, if they fight, it is very likely that they will be involved.

After all, those people are so red-eyed that they don't care who they are.

Fortunately, it was just that they were thinking too much, and those people didn't fight.

When they were rejoicing, they were a little bit disappointed.

Yes, for the people who eat melons, of course they hope that those people will fight. As long as it doesn't affect them, the more fierce they fight, the more interesting it will be for them.They are still very interested in watching the play.

There was even someone who was prepared, and if they had a fight, he would broadcast it live on the Internet.It's a pity that he has everything ready.Those people, nothing happened, they went out of the city gate quietly.

And among those lost people, there is also Lin Yunfei.

Although this is his territory, if those people fight here, it will not be good for Supreme Town, but if they really fight, Lin Yunfei has a reason to arrest them, and then ask them to pay a ransom before releasing them .

Unfortunately, they didn't do what he wanted.

Even if a few people who had hatred in the past saw it, they just gave each other a cross-eyed look, and there was no conflict.

That's why Lin Yunfei was lost.

If the people in those powerful forces knew that Lin Yunfei had such an idea, they would probably give Lin Yunfei a spit.Really, can't you expect people to order something good?

(End of this chapter)

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