urban small world

Chapter 1027 The Keyboard Man

Chapter 1027 The Keyboard Man

Besides, they still believed in Li Qingyun very much. They felt that Li Qingyun was just being polite just now, and they believed that there was not much difference between those two things and what Li Qingyun said.

They even felt that those two things were better than what Li Qingyun said, but Li Qingyun's vision was too high, so he said that.

Finally sent Zhao Hui and the others away, Li Qingyun also breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Qingyun is good at everything, even if Zhao Hui and the others ran over to threaten him and get angry with him, Li Qingyun was not afraid. What he was most afraid of was that Zhao Hui would talk to him in that snarky voice.

This is what Li Qingyun can't stand the most. Every time he hears her talking like this, Li Qingyun gets goose bumps all over his body.

Obviously, Zhao Hui also discovered this, otherwise, why would she use this trick to deal with Li Qingyun every time.

No matter what, the most important thing is that this trick is easy to use. In fact, she doesn't usually talk like this, and she herself is not used to it, okay? But in order to get what she wants from Li Qingyun, she actually He also spoke like that while holding back his disgust.

Of course, Li Qingyun would not know this.After doing it for a long time, he was a little scared when he saw Zhao Hui.Therefore, this is also the reason why, as soon as she spoke just now, Li Qingyun quickly agreed.

Otherwise, Li Qingyun's life would be difficult.

Fortunately, it can be regarded as coping with it now.

What Li Qingyun told them was right.But he is just speaking in a simplified way.

However, just as Li Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, Zhao Hui, who had just walked a few steps, came back and asked, "By the way, brother, you didn't say just now, is that pearl a night pearl?"

Li Qingyun almost poured out the tea that Li Qingyun had just picked up. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and waved his hand along with it, so the tea in the cup did not splash out.

But Xu Fei was surprised for a moment, he didn't expect that his uncle would be afraid of Zhao Hui.Although Li Qingyun's actions just now were small, Xu Fei noticed all of this.

But when he thought of Zhao Hui's voice just now, he also felt a chill all over his body, and now he understood his uncle.If it were him, he would probably have to be afraid of Zhao Hui.

"Oh, that bead, it should be the night pearl. It is because of the gathering spirit array on it that it emits such a strong light during the day." Li Qingyun didn't wait for Zhao Hui to ask, and directly gave the answer she wanted to know. Speak up.

Sure enough, after listening to Li Qingyun's words, Zhao Hui nodded in satisfaction and left.

She got the answer she wanted, and of course she won't play here anymore, and she has no interest in drinking tea.

For Zhao Hui, she still likes to stay with Li Qingjing and Lin Qingwei, it's really not good, there are Xixi and Hang Hang, playing with them is better than being with Li Qingyun and the other big men.

They don't have much in common either, do they?

Li Qingyun and the others were all in favor of Zhao Hui's departure, and they finally left, so their ears didn't have to be tortured anymore.

Of course, they could only be happy in their hearts, but they didn't dare to show it, otherwise, Zhao Hui would have turned around and stayed, and she would have deliberately angered Li Qingyun and the others.

Seeing Zhao Hui leave, Li Qingyun thought, just now Zhao Hui and the others said that there are many people on the Internet who are very interested in the two gifts that Li Tian gave Ye Bo. Li Qingyun is also curious, how do they feel? interested.

So, at this time, while drinking tea, he also connected his consciousness to the virtual world.

For an existence like Li Qingyun and the others, it is not a big deal to use one mind for two purposes, or even one mind for three purposes.Not to mention Li Qingyun, even those who are in the alchemy state can do this.

It's just that they need to use identity tokens to complete it.

But Li Qingyun didn't have to worry about it.Whether it's the real world or the virtual world, it's all his. If he wants to see the virtual world, isn't that just a matter of words?

Besides, with his spiritual power, even without using the authority of the world master, he can directly connect to the virtual world with his spiritual power.

Soon, Li Qingyun also saw the content of those discussions on the Internet.

In fact, it is only a person who surfs the Internet at this time and chooses to watch the news. It is hard for him not to see the news.

At this time, the virtual world is full of people discussing this issue.

Who doesn't have the heart of gossip.

Anyway, this is on the Internet, and no one knows who they are on the other side, so of course, anything can be discussed.

In reality, when they discuss a matter, they may have to take it into consideration, in case they are overheard when talking about others, which will have a bad influence.

But online, they don't have so many worries.

This is also the reason why there are so many keyboard warriors no matter on Earth or in Wulin Continent.

Because on the Internet, they can say whatever they want, and they don't have to be responsible anyway.They don't care about the consequences.

Even in this way, many Internet thugs have been produced.

And these people, in reality, may still be the kind of very timid and fearful people. In reality, they may be the kind of shy, not very talkative people.

Sure enough, many people are now guessing what kind of gift Ye Bo received. Some of them sincerely guessed, and the answers they gave were all kinds of strange. Even Li Qingyun, who had a big brain, admired them.

I really don't know how they came up with so many answers.

However, Li Qingyun looked at their guesses, and he was still impressed by the many ideas in it. He felt that he could also do it himself, and design some spiritual weapons according to their ideas.

Sure enough, a person's thinking is still too limited.It is indeed beneficial to ponder over opinions.Now Li Qingyun just looked at their conjectures and came up with several design plans.

It's a pity that at this time, no one came out to rely on him to plagiarize.

Anyway, he won't admit that he plagiarized, after all, no one else has evidence, right?

He also said that those ideas came to him first.

Of course, there are some serious conjectures on the Internet, and some unscrupulous conjectures. After all, some people have impure thoughts, and the answers they give will ruin the three views, and there are quite a few such people.But Li Qingyun didn't bother to pay attention to them.

This is also unavoidable.Whether it's on Earth or in the Wulin Continent, there is no shortage of keyboard warriors, and they only dare to mess around on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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