urban small world

Chapter 1020 Li Tian Appears

Chapter 1020 Li Tian Appears
They are going to drive around the Wulin Continent in a speeding car.As long as you can go back before twelve noon, it will be fine.

After all, how could such a showy thing be let go.

Moreover, Li Qinglin and the others still burned the buns very much.

In ancient times, when someone got married, they rode a tall horse around the city, throwing some copper coins along the way.

Li Qinglin and the others don't know what kind of crazy they are, and they want to learn for a while.No, they flew all the way in a speeding car, and Li Qinglin and the others would throw down a few red envelopes from time to time.

Of course, their red envelopes are different from normal red envelopes.

Although it was also wrapped in red paper, it wasn't money inside.

After all, in Wulin Continent, the red old man is useless.In the beginning, it was okay to use the old man directly, but in the past few years, no one would use the old man to trade.

But the contribution point is completely a virtual currency, even if they want to use the contribution point to make a red envelope, it is impossible.However, this did not bother Li Qinglin and the others.What is such a small difficulty?If there are difficulties, we must solve them.

Therefore, they thought of including various cultivation resources in the red envelope.

Everything from various elixirs to some mineral stones.

Anyway, they can guarantee that others can use the red envelopes if they grab them, even if they don't need them themselves, they can just find a store and sell them, and they can exchange them for contribution points.

Who wouldn't want such a red envelope.If they were lucky, they would give out the big red envelope that Li Qinglin and the others threw down.

Therefore, if their speeding car flies all the way, the people below will also go crazy all the way.Everywhere I go, I always get crazy.

For one thing, many people have never seen such a speeding formation.People always like to see novelties, so even if Li Qinglin and the others do nothing, they can still attract a lot of people's attention.

Not to mention if you can grab red envelopes.

Those who snatched the red envelopes always like to show off. When they put this matter off the Internet, the news spread quickly.

Therefore, this also caused many people to go crazy in advance when they saw the speeding car flying over from the sky.

Li Qingyun was speechless when he saw this, well, Li Qingyun couldn't control how they wanted to play, and he didn't want to, as long as they didn't make trouble.

But it would be impossible to think about it. Whether it is Xinmin City or Brother City, it is also their territory. If there is trouble in their territory, then they don't have to live.

Finally, before twelve o'clock, their flying car arrived at the wedding scene outside the brothers' city.

And in this short morning, Chen Yourong's family and Zheng Xinyun's family were also too shocked to speak.Whenever they see those red envelopes being thrown down, their hearts are bleeding.

It would be great if these resources were given to them.

But it's a pity that they can only think about it, they don't dare to say what's in their hearts, it would be a shame.

The Zheng family and the Chen family originally thought that their family was very good and considered a big family, but now they feel that they are just people who came out of the slums.

But the more this happened, the more satisfied they were with their future son-in-law.

Of course, with such a son-in-law, everyone will be satisfied, because after passing this village, this shop will never be found again.

There are people who are more powerful than Li Qinglin and Ye Bo in the Wulin Continent, and there are also people with higher status than them, but if there is no Li Qinglin and Ye Bo, it is impossible for them to find someone better than them.

Especially the Chen family, they were very glad that Chen Yourong didn't listen to their advice and go to marry, otherwise, how could they have found such a good son-in-law or grandson-in-law.

As for the family that was unanimously favored by their whole family before, who cares about them now.They have long been ignored.

As for whether the family would think that the Chen family played them and took revenge on them, the Chen family didn't care.If you have the ability, let them go to Li Qinglin.

If they dare, the Chen family will admire them.

It is good to say that they are pulling the tiger's skin, but some people have no chance to pull the tiger's skin.

So as long as the family is not stupid, they will not trouble them.

After all, with Li Qinglin as a son-in-law, the Chen family will be fine as long as they don't commit suicide.

Moreover, as long as they let the wind out, Li Qinglin is their son-in-law, so many people will probably flatter them.

After all, for many companies, Li Qinglin is also someone they need to curry favor with.

But many people, even if they wanted to curry favor with Li Qinglin, they couldn't find a chance.If they can establish a good relationship with the Chen family, maybe they can also get help from Li Qinglin in the future.

No matter what the Chen family and the Zheng family were thinking, it had nothing to do with Li Qingyun's affairs, and those people had nothing to do with him. Anyway, no matter what they thought, it was impossible for them to have any influence on Li Qingyun.

When Li Qingyun and his convoy arrived outside Brother City, there were already many relatives and friends waiting here.

Because it is a Chinese-style wedding, there is no need for a priest. When the time comes, just kowtow to the elders of both parties.

But as soon as they got out of the car, they were all stunned, even Li Qinglin and the other protagonists were also stunned.

Why is this.

Because at this time, the clear sky suddenly turned into a romantic pink color, let alone seeing such a sky color, no one would have thought about it.

At first, many people thought that this might be done by Li Qinglin and the others, but they soon realized that they were wrong, because at this time, Li Qinglin and the others were all stunned, even Li Qinglin was shocked. It was obvious that he was also very surprised.

But before they asked any more, at this moment, several figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

In fact, many people will not find it strange that there are people flying in the sky.After all, this is the Wulin Continent, and many people can fly in the sky, but now those people in the sky suddenly appeared there, and they didn't even see how they flew here.

And the most important thing is that each of them has long flowing hair, combined with their ancient costumes and beards on their chins, it can be seen at a glance that they don't know how to earth-ball people.
Yes, these people are none other than Li Tian, ​​the gods that everyone is familiar with.

Li Tian has spoken to people in the Wulin Continent many times before, so there are still many people who know him.

Regarding Li Tian's appearance, among all the people present, probably only Li Qingyun didn't find it strange at all.

Because Li Tian was called here.Yes, Li Tian was pretended by Li Qingyun's puppet.

After all, today is Ye Bo's day of great joy. As his master, how could Li Tian not show up.

And Li Tian was Li Qingyun's trumpet, and Li Qingyun himself was going to appear today. After all, Li Qinglin and Li Qingsong were his cousins, and he couldn't be separated, so he could only let the puppets pretend to be him.

Fortunately, a few days ago, he crippled the strength of the boss, and finally made a puppet in the fairyland recognize him as the master.

Otherwise, he really didn't dare them to come here. After all, Li Qinglin and the others are not bad anymore, and they are not so easy to deceive. If they mess up, it will not be fun.

And what appeared here now was the real fairyland puppet.

Fortunately, he is a puppet, even in this space, with the suppression of space, he can't show his full strength, no matter how powerful a master of the transformation stage is in front of him, it is impossible for him to be an opponent.

And as soon as it appeared, everyone felt that some visions appeared around him, and it was impossible for ordinary people to do it.

The sudden appearance of 'Li Tian' made many people excited. Of course, they were also very nervous at this time. After all, they were gods. Many of them didn't even dare to breathe too loudly, as if they were afraid to Immortal like.

As for the Chen family and the Zheng family, when they saw the scene, they became completely silent.It's also very strange, but they don't understand and didn't mess around. As long as they are not stupid, they will know that it is better to be careful at this time.

"Master, why are you here?"

In the end, Ye Bo yelled out in surprise, which woke everyone up.

Who is Ye Bo's master!

Anyone who knows a little about Ye Bo knows that Ye Bo has one and only one master, and that person is a god named Li Tianzhen.

And it is precisely because he has such a master that he can sit in his current position.

Of course, many people think so about the last point, but no one dares to say it.

Even the Chen family and the Zheng family didn't have many activities in the Wulin Continent, and they had all heard about Ye Bo.

It's just that they didn't expect that they could meet the gods here today.

They had prayed to immortals and worshiped gods before, but when gods really appeared here, they were all so surprised that they couldn't say a word.

They didn't faint from fright, so they were all good.

This is really a fairy, think about it, they are all so excited to death.

And the Zheng family, at this time, became even more excited. The son-in-law of the Zheng family has gods as their backers, and they will have backers in the future. Let's see who dares to underestimate them.

"Anyway, you also call me master, and you don't notify me of such a big event as your marriage. Why, don't you welcome me here?"

"Where, how is it possible. It is my greatest honor to be able to do it, master. I am not afraid that you are too busy, master. It is my fault. I should notify you as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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