urban small world

Chapter 1011 New Missions

Chapter 1011 New Missions
Of course they couldn't find anyone, Li Qingyun and the others hadn't been at home for a week, Li Qinglin and the others also called Li Qingyun and the others several times, and Li Qingyun told him that their family was taking pictures outside.

Li Qinglin was also very speechless about this.

But when he thought that the reason why Li Qingyun was so busy was also caused by them, he became very depressed.

Yes, it all started when they asked Li Qingyun to take wedding photos.

When people saw the photos taken by Li Qingyun, they all went to Li Qingyun to take pictures, so now he couldn't find anyone even if he wanted to find Li Qingyun.

But could he be blamed for this?They got married, of course they want to take some beautiful wedding photos.They were just trying to save trouble, so they found Li Qingyun.But unexpectedly, Li Qingyun's new skill was unlocked in the end.

No, Li Qingyun and the others just came back, and Li Qinglin and the others did not know where they got the news. Li Qingyun and the others hadn't even finished a pot of tea yet.Li Qingyun and the others came to the door.

"You guys are very well informed. As soon as I entered the house with my front foot, you came to the door with my back foot."

"Brother, when is this? You still have the mood to say these things. We have been looking for you for a long time."

"That's right, brother, we are going to get married soon, and I want to ask you for help, but I can't find anyone. Is there anyone like you as a brother?"

"Yo, what's the matter with me, haven't I done a good job as a brother? I'm fat, do you want to be beaten?"

"Brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, we are waiting for your help."

"Cut, come on, why are you looking for me to save your life? In the Wulin Continent, there are still people who can do nothing to you."

"Brother, no, haven't we found a lot of clothes in the past two weeks, but we are not satisfied, so we thought, let you help us find a way to get us some clothes."

"Yes, yes, brother, we are preparing for a Chinese-style wedding, but we have searched all the clothing stores in the Wulin mainland, but there is no set of clothes that satisfies us. I always feel that something is missing."

"Hmph, don't you just want me to help you with your work. All right, then I'll try to get a few sets of clothes and have a look. If you are still not satisfied by then, then I have nothing to do."

"Thank you brother, thank you brother, we will be satisfied if you make a move."

"Well, don't talk too much."

"Of course, in the Wulin Continent, where is your signboard? Who doesn't know that Li Qingyun's export is pure quality. I don't think you want to smash your own signboard. Haha"

Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Qinglin's cunning appearance.

They all said that, what else could Li Qingyun say.Could it be that he really smashed his own signboard?Surely not.

"Okay, don't flatter me, I've agreed to this matter, and you can come and pick it up in two days."

"Ah, brother, is this all right? Don't you need to measure our figures?"

"No need, it's obvious at a glance."

"Okay, then let's go first, and we will come back in two days."

In Wulin Continent, there is nothing Li Qingyun wants to know that he doesn't know.

How can they hide some data about their bodies from Li Qingyun.

If it's just a few of them men, it doesn't matter if they measure it. The most important thing is that this time, they don't just ask Li Qingyun to help make men's clothes, they want Qingyun to help them make clothes for their wives as well.

Li Qingyun was asked to measure Ying Er and the others, Li Qingyun was afraid that Niu Niu would be jealous.Besides, if Li Qingyun were to measure it, they would be embarrassed too.

Li Qinglin and the others have been very busy these days, and now they have finally settled the matter of clothes. They still have a lot of things to do, so they didn't stay at Li Qingyun's house for too long. left.

It is not surprising that Li Qingyun can make clothes.A long time ago, Li Qingyun started making clothes for his family.

Moreover, the clothes Li Qingyun made were not ordinary clothes, they were all cassocks.

In the past few years, their family has never bought clothes.Because there is no need for it.If they fancy a style, just ask Li Qingyun to make it for them. After Li Qingyun's improvement, not only will it look better than the original version, but the quality of the clothes will also be better.

And what Li Qingyun uses are all made of natural materials.It is much better than those man-made materials outside.

Zhao Hongfang and the others were not at all surprised that Li Qingyun had taken over the production of Li Qinglin's wedding dresses.

When they thought about it, as their elder brother, Li Qingyun's help was nothing.

After all, getting married is a major event in their lives, and there is nothing wrong with them wanting to be perfect.

"Dad, Dad, you have to make nice clothes for us too."

Li Qingyun couldn't help laughing when he saw Xixi and Hanghang holding him tightly.

Yes, Xixi and Hanghang will also be important figures at that time.They want to be flower girls, and of course they have to dress up beautifully.

"Don't worry, Dad will make you beautiful clothes."

"Thank you dad."

"Dad is the best, hee hee."

"Haha, of course, Dad treats you the best."


Lin Qingwei next to her was not happy.Every time she saw the two little guys getting so close to Li Qingyun, she felt jealous.

Xixi and Hanghang heard their mother's voice.As soon as she turned her head, she saw Lin Qingwei pouted, looking unhappy.

Xixi and Hanghang were very speechless, thinking, here we go again, mom, can't you be more mature.I get jealous every time, whether we are children or you are the children.

"Mom, mom, is the best too."

"Yes, Mom, you are the best too."

The two little guys were already familiar with the routine, and immediately ran to Lin Qingwei to 'comfort' her.

Sure enough, seeing the two little guys running over, Lin Qingwei immediately became happy.

Regarding this, Li Qingyun was also speechless.Well, Li Qingyun was also drunk when he met such a wife who loves to be jealous of her children.

Seeing the picture of their family of four loving each other, Zhao Hongfang and the others are very satisfied.

When Li Qingjing saw that her mother seemed to be looking at her again, she was taken aback. At this moment, she didn't care about making fun of her sister-in-law, so she just found an excuse and ran away.

Just kidding, she is not stupid, she stays here, waiting for her mother to burn the flames of war on herself.It's better to go first

(End of this chapter)

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