urban small world

Chapter 1 Unlucky Weather

Chapter 1 Unlucky Weather

"Damn, what the hell is this weather, it's raining again."

Li Qingyun saw that his new clothes were soaked by the rain, and they were wrinkled and stuck to his body, so he couldn't help being depressed and wanted to pull this thief down to single them out.

Of course, if he had the ability.

In other words, he could only complain about it. The non-stop rain seemed to be mocking him, as if saying to him, 'If you want to hit me. '

"Oh, you're amazing!" But Li Qingyun was not a person who would easily admit defeat, he raised a middle finger to the sky and said loudly.

I don't know if Li Qingyun's behavior angered God, at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the sky, and Li Qingyun hadn't gotten used to the dazzling flash, then he heard waves of thunder come over.

The sound seemed to be ringing in his ears, and Li Qingyun's ears were buzzing all of a sudden.

"Damn, do you want to play me like this?" Li Qingyun thought depressingly.


"It's alright if I'm afraid of your old man, don't play tricks on me anymore." Li Qingyun shouted loudly.

Although it is raining heavily now, there are not many pedestrians on the road, and most of them are looking for a place to hide from the rain on the street.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, those merchants are also happy to hear about it. After all, when those people go to the store to hide from the rain, most of them will spend a little.This is good news for them.

Of course, in addition to those who hide from the rain, there are also some people who have prepared early, such as some people who like to go out with umbrellas. At this time, they come in handy.

Of course, in today's situation, it doesn't matter whether you have an umbrella or not.

Because this thunderstorm day is accompanied by strong winds, the rain is always drifting obliquely. If you go out at this time, you will get soaked after walking for a few minutes.

For example, Li Qingyun is a good example.

He usually doesn't bring an umbrella when he goes out. Today, when he went out, he read the weather forecast. Didn't he say it would be a sunny day? Well, you can't trust the weather forecast completely. Whoever believes it will know.

But just half an hour after leaving the house, it seemed that he was about to arrive at the company for the interview, but there was an unforeseen situation, and suddenly a violent storm blew up.

Li Qingyun thought to himself, it was not too far anyway, and there happened to be a small supermarket nearby, so he bought an umbrella and wanted to brave the rain, otherwise he would be late.

He knew that being late for the interview was not a good thing.Regardless of whether he is capable or not, first of all, don't give the interviewer a bad impression. Maybe others will give him 'Pass' directly in their hearts.

But with his current state of distress, he guessed that even if he got to the company, it would be useless. In Huaxia, what is most lacking is talent, and what is most lacking is talent.

This statement may seem contradictory, but it is true.Who made China-Xia more populous.There are many talents of all kinds, and Li Qingyun is not an indispensable talent. When others see him in such a mess, they will not have a good impression first.

That's why Li Qingyun scolded God depressedly.

It has been two years since Li Qingyun graduated from university. In order to stay in this city, he has paid a lot in the past two years, but unfortunately, not every effort will be rewarded.

In the past two years, he has worked very hard, but it is a pity that in this era of fighting for fathers, he has lost at the starting line since the moment he was reincarnated.

For two years, he didn't have much money left.On the contrary, his girlfriend who had been with him for several years also left him a while ago.Said that following him could not see the future.Well, to put it bluntly, I think he is poor.

When I was with Li Qingyun before, I guess I just wanted to find a long-term meal ticket. Once I got a better meal ticket, of course I would dump him without hesitation.

And what depressed Li Qingyun the most was that his girlfriend, no, it should be his ex-girlfriend, but was snatched away by one of his bosses.

What depressed Li Qingyun the most was that the old man had a wife and children.But the reality is so cruel.It's not that Li Qingyun didn't think about revenge, but unfortunately, he was fired before he took any action.

As the saying goes, his arms can't twist his thighs. After shutting himself up in a rental house for a few days and adjusting, Li Qingyun finally figured it out and planned to find another job.After all, life has to go on.

But I didn't expect that when I came out for an interview for the first time, I would encounter such bad weather, which made Li Qingyun's wounded heart suffer another [-]-point critical blow.

The passers-by on the side saw Li Qingyun pointing the middle finger at God, and couldn't help but look at him like a fool.I thought, this person is crazy.How dare you go against God like this.

Didn't see that God was angry and was about to strike him with lightning. Many of them thought to themselves, it's better to stay away from this lunatic, so as not to be implicated.

Li Qingyun saw that the few pedestrians who were not far from him subconsciously moved away from him, and he felt depressed for a while.

He felt that the whole world was full of malice against him.

Seeing myself dressed like this, I thought to myself, the interview is probably dead.I don't want to blame myself.To avoid being ridiculed by those beauties at the front desk.

After all, with his current attire, he already had his own humor, but fortunately, the pedestrians on the street are similar to him.It doesn't seem so abrupt.

After making up his mind, Li Qingyun was ready to go back.In order not to catch a cold later, I have to pay another medical bill.

You know, the current hospital is very expensive, and most people can't afford it.

Originally, Li Qingyun wanted to spend some extravagance and take a taxi, but unfortunately, when the drivers saw him like this, they accelerated decisively and drove past him.There was no thought of stopping at all.

Those drivers said in their hearts, I am stupid. In this weather, I pretend to be someone who is not. If I pretend to be you, do I want to do business in the future.

After all, the rain on Li Qingyun's body would wet the seats in the car, and Li Qingyun is not a beauty, so don't think that those drivers will come to sympathize with him.

There was no other way, so Li Qingyun had no choice but to take the bus in the end.

Fortunately, this time is not the rush hour for commuting, so he got on the bus smoothly.

It's just that there is no direct train where Li Qingyun lives, so he can only get off at the nearest stop.

Although the city he lives in is not a first-tier city, the gap between the rich and the poor is huge.It is impossible for Li Qingyun's income to live in a house in the city center.He can only rent a house in a combination of urban and rural areas.In this way, the monthly rent is still six or seven hundred.

After getting off the bus, Li Qingyun found that the rain showed no signs of stopping. He thought, since he was soaked anyway, he might as well go home quickly and change into clean clothes.

Anyway, the clothes are all wet, so he doesn't care.But he still opened the fan, at least it would be good to keep his head out of the rain.

The place where Li Qingyun lived was considered a suburb of the city, the former LC district, but later the XC district developed, and the place gradually became dilapidated. Normally, such a place could be demolished and rebuilt.But obviously, in Huaxia, demolition is a troublesome thing.Many bad things often happen because of the demolition.

But obviously, such things are generally common in big cities, but are rare in some small cities.

Because in big cities, there is not much land left.It can be said that every inch of land is expensive, but it is different in such a small city.There is so much land to be developed on the side.Why do you need to do the thankless demolition work?

So, slowly, those LC districts decades ago gradually became urban-rural fringe areas, even suburban areas.The people who still live here are also people without money.

Rich people have already moved to the XC area across the river.

Although it is in the LC area, the environment here is still very good.There are more flowers and trees than the houses on the side.Now Li Qingyun is walking on a road that is several hundred meters long, but there is no house around it.

As long as he finishes this road, he will be able to get home.

Of course, the reason why there is such a large open space here is because even a few decades ago, this area was an undeveloped road, and the road was repaired by a state-owned company on the side decades ago.

Li Qingyun seldom walks from here, so this time the bus is the closest to his house.

Since walking on this quiet road, except for him, no one else has been seen.

Why, Li Qingyun, feels a little panicked.Just now I was walking on a busy street.It's only been a few minutes, it's like two worlds.

But Li Qingyun didn't think much about it, he just wanted to go home quickly and take a hot bath to avoid catching a cold.Today's poor can't afford to be sick.


Suddenly, thunder rang in his ears again, which shocked Li Qingyun who was in a hurry.Ears buzzed again.

Suddenly Li Qingyun's eyes widened, and he looked straight ahead 20 meters in front of him, a light flashed on the top of a big tree that had grown for decades on the side of the road, and the next moment, he looked at Then the big tree was split in half with a crackling sound.

I have heard about the tree being struck by lightning before, but it was all on the news. In reality, this is the first time I have seen it, and it is so close to him. Now he remembered that when he was in school, , the teacher said that when there is thunder, you can't stand under the tree. Now thinking about it, it's still very embarrassing.

Suddenly, Li Qingyun looked up and said to himself, I don't want to be buried with that big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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