One Piece of Food

Chapter 82 Encountered robbery (recommended ticket)

Chapter 82 Encountered robbery (recommended ticket)
On the morning of December 12th, after Rao Mingyang finished cooking the chicken soup in the kitchen and frying the glutinous rice seedlings, he entered the manager's office and asked Zhou Xianying, who was a little depressed, "Miss Zhou, did you not rest well? "

Zhou Xianying cheered up and said, "I just called my family last night, and I slept a little late. But it's okay, you don't have to worry."

Rao Mingyang shook his head and said: "I'm really sorry, I didn't consider your rest before. How about this, adjust your working hours. You can get off work at 6 o'clock tonight, and you don't have to be so early tomorrow morning. You come at 8 o'clock That's it."

Zhou Xianying shook her head immediately and said, "How can this work! As a restaurant manager, my working hours must be consistent with the restaurant's business hours, how can I be late and leave early?"

Rao Mingyang smiled and said: "It's not that you arrive late and leave early. In fact, it's winter now, and the dawn is late, and people come to have breakfast late. There are not many people at six or seven o'clock. It's okay if you come late. It's the same at night. Yes, it doesn't matter if you walk an hour or two earlier."

Zhou Xianying shook her head immediately and said, "Since I have such a high annual salary, I have to be responsible. Besides, our working hours are the same. If you can persist, why can't I?"

Rao Mingyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, jumped up and down in the office twice, and then said: "How can you compare with me? Look at me, I'm still very energetic!"

Zhou Xianying declined for a while, but Rao Mingyang finally persuaded her to let her stay two hours late in the morning and sleep a little longer.

However, when it was time to get off work in the evening, Zhou Xianying said that it could not be advanced, and insisted on getting off work with Rao Mingyang.

Finally, the two reached an agreement.Zhou Xianying's working time was changed to 8 o'clock in the morning, and she worked until the restaurant closed at night, and got off work with everyone in the restaurant.

After a busy day, after getting off work after 8 pm, the waiters in the restaurant rode bicycles, walked, and went back to their respective homes.Zhou Xianying also took a taxi back, while Rao Mingyang rode to the bank to deposit today's tens of thousands of business funds.

What Rao Mingyang didn't know was that when he locked the door and left, a figure hiding in the distance took out his mobile phone and sent out an edited text message.

At the same time, in a small alley next to Rao's famous bank where he saves money every day, an unlicensed motorcycle parked there quietly, and two men in overcoats, hats, and sunglasses squatted beside them, pretending to be playing with their mobile phones look.

Suddenly, one of the people's cell phone vibrated and a text message came.

He clicked on the text message and whispered to the other person: "The target has gone out, you go to the bank gate to watch, and run back as soon as you get it. I will start the car at that time, and we will run as soon as you come .”

The other man nodded, stood up, played with his mobile phone, walked to the door of the small lobby of the bank's 24-hour ATM, and walked back and forth on the sidewalk.

It turned out that these three were a group of bag thieves, the eldest Huang San was the one who received text messages and drove the motorcycle, the second eldest Zeng Qiang was the one who followed outside Yipinju, and the third Xie and the fifth were the ones who did the robbery.

Their target was originally those single women who had withdrawn money from the bank.

They want to see with their own eyes the lonely women take the money, put it in the bag, and then walk away. They then ride their bicycles to follow, find the opportunity to pass by the woman, grab the bag and run.

They rode motorcycles and ran so fast that women couldn't catch up.It was useless to call the police. They had no license plates, hats, and sunglasses. Even at night, the police had no way of checking them out.

However, they grabbed a few bags before, but each bag was only a few thousand dollars, so they didn't get much.

Recently, when they visited the bank several times at night, they discovered the pattern of Rao Mingyang going to the bank's deposit machine to deposit money every night.

Subsequently, they conducted a follow-up investigation on Rao Mingyang.

In the end, they learned that this person was the boss of Yipinju, named Rao Mingyang.

The delicacies in his store are priced at a few hundred yuan a bowl, and the daily turnover is tens of thousands.Rao Mingyang has to take the store's turnover to the bank every night after get off work and close the door, and deposit it in the deposit machine.

So, they took aim at Mingyang Rao, and prepared to do something big, grab Rao Mingyang before he deposited the money in the deposit machine, and then left Mae Tan to make a fortune elsewhere.

After all, although the police haven't caught them yet, after the victim reported to the police several times, their situation is already in danger.So, they wanted to do something big, and then left Mae Tam.

Of course, Rao Mingyang also rides a bicycle, so there is no way to grab it on the road.Only when Rao Mingyang got off the car at the entrance of the bank and was about to enter the small hall of the deposit machine, could he start the robbery.

Today is the day they agreed to do it.But Rao Mingyang knew nothing about all this.

At this time, it was already after 9 o'clock in the evening. Rao Mingyang parked the battery car on the side of the road at the entrance of the bank, and then took the bag and passed the sidewalk to enter the 24-hour bank to deposit today's tens of thousands of business funds into the deposit into the machine.

When parking, Rao Mingyang saw a few pedestrians coming and going on the sidewalk, one of them was wearing a hat and sunglasses, walking very slowly, he was just surprised and didn't think much about it.

After all, he is a young and strong man.Generally, those who rob are weak women who are alone, not men.He has never been robbed, not even a pickpocket.

Therefore, Rao Mingyang's vigilance is not high.

Then, Rao Mingyang took the wallet, stepped on the sidewalk, and walked towards the bank entrance.

At this time, the man wearing a hat and sunglasses "just happened" to come over and pass by Rao Mingyang.

Just when Rao Mingyang was about to step up the steps at the entrance of the bank, a huge pulling force came from his hand, and the wallet in his hand was immediately dropped.

Rao Mingyang turned pale with shock, turned his head and saw that the man wearing hat and sunglasses had snatched his wallet just now, and ran to the alley more than 30 meters away, and was already four or five meters away from Rao Mingyang.

"Robbery! Catch him!" Rao Mingyang yelled suddenly, and then rushed out angrily.

However, when he started running and caught up, the bag snatcher had already run more than ten meters away.

There was a sudden change, and the two ran one after the other, and the pedestrians on the sidewalk screamed and avoided, but no one stood up to stop the robber.

Since Laowu Xie was assigned the task of snatching bags, he was naturally the fastest among the three bag snatchers.

Although Rao Mingyang's body has been upgraded with the Vajra Body, the direction of the upgrade is not to increase running speed.Therefore, even though he exerted all his breastfeeding strength and ran a little faster than his original self, he did not close the distance between the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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