One Piece of Food

Chapter 67 Part-time Propagandist (recommended ticket)

Chapter 67 Part-time Propagandist (recommended ticket)

Lou Xiao really knows the source of the mung bean flour, it is produced by Wang's workshop, so don't look at it.What he was interested in was Yipinju's new miscellaneous sauce noodles. He didn't know what kind of noodles were used.

Such expensive mixed sauce noodles, if it is ordinary noodles, it is a bit disappointing.Come to think of it, the noodles Rao Mingyang chose should be something special.

Sure enough, the introduction said that Yipinju's miscellaneous sauce noodles use silver hollow noodles, a special product of Xuyang that used to be a tribute to the royal family.

After reading the introduction of Chenyue brand hollow noodles, Lou Xiaozhen nodded and became interested.

He has never heard of Xuyang Hollow Noodles, but according to the introduction, the price is not cheap, and it is a tribute from the ancient royal family, so it should be delicious.In addition, he was very confident in Rao's famous cooking skills, so Lou Xiaozhen extravagantly ordered a bowl of upgraded version of miscellaneous sauce noodle soup.

After the cashier knocked a few times on the cash register, he typed out a meal ticket and handed it to Lou Xiaozhen.

Lou Xiaozhen took a look at the meal ticket, and saw that it said: order name, upgraded version of miscellaneous sauce noodles, quantity 1 bowl, unit price 300 yuan, total 300 yuan, 240 yuan after a [-]% discount.

Lou Xiaozhen said: "A [-]% discount? How many days are there for the discount period?"

The cashier nodded and said: "Three days before the opening, there will be a [-]% discount! Normal charges will start after three days!"

Lou Xiaozhen nodded, happily took out 240 yuan to pay, and then took the meal ticket to the kitchen window.

Rao Mingyang was sitting behind the kitchen window, and when he saw Lou Xiaozhen, who was older than him, coming over, he put down the phone that had just sent a text message to Zhou Xianying in the office, and greeted: "Brother Lou, good morning!"

Lou Xiaozhen smiled and said: "Boss Rao, your new store is too upscale. I think your decoration and tableware will cost hundreds of thousands!"

Rao Mingyang laughed and said: "Since selling such expensive things, it should be more upscale so that everyone can eat more comfortably!"

Lou Xiaozhen nodded and said: "That's the reason! Then I wish Boss Rao a prosperous business and a lot of money!"

Rao Mingyang said: "Thank you Jiyan!"

Then, Lou Xiaozhen handed the meal ticket to Rao Mingyang, and Rao Mingyang put the first meal ticket of this pinju into the drawer, and said: "You go and sit, I will cook it and bring it to you later!"

Lou Xiaozhen nodded, left the kitchen, found a seat and sat down, and a waiter immediately poured him a cup of hot soy milk.

Rao Mingyang cooked the first bowl of miscellaneous sauce noodles for Lou Xiaozhen himself, and let Han Qin and two other chefs learn while cooking.

Although Rao Mingyang cooked noodles for everyone before Lou Xiaozhen came, and the three of them also watched, but Rao Mingyang was afraid that Han Qin and the three would forget, so he asked them to come and give instructions.

Salt is added during the production of hollow noodles, so when adding seasoning, salt should not be added too much, which is half less than that of boiled mung bean flour.Rao Mingyang put in the seasonings, and at the same time made important instructions for Han Qin and the two chefs to remember.

Noodles take longer to cook than mung bean flour. It took about 5 minutes for Rao Mingyang to cook this upgraded bowl of mixed sauce noodles, and a waiter on standby delivered it to Lou Xiaozhen's seat.

Seeing the crystal clear silver-white noodles in the bowl and the miscellaneous sauce simmered on top, and smelling the aroma of three handfuls of mushroom and chicken soup, Lou Xiaozhen suddenly felt his stomach was empty, and a strong sense of hunger seized Lou Xiaozhen's stomach in an instant.

Swallowing, Lou Xiaozhen quickly picked up the chopsticks, mixed the noodles, and ate them.

After taking a bite, Lou Xiaozhen immediately said: "Wow, these noodles are more delicious than mung bean flour! The noodles are so smooth, and the miscellaneous sauce is also delicious!"

The two waiters next to him smiled and did not speak.When they ate before, they were also shocked.Although because of the problem of the three mushrooms, the boss limited the supply of the upgraded version of noodle soup, they couldn't eat it.But even the ordinary classic version of mixed sauce noodles is much more delicious than those sold in breakfast shops outside!

If you want to calculate it, they eat two bowls of noodle soup for breakfast and lunch in the store every day, which is equivalent to the turnover of the boss's three to four hundred yuan per person, which is about 1 yuan a month.This benefit is simply amazing!Everyone made up their minds in their hearts that they must work hard and not be fired by the boss!
After Lou Xiaozhen took the first bite, he couldn't stop anymore and started eating big mouthfuls.

After eating a bowl of noodles and drinking the soup, Lou Xiaozhen licked his lips, resisting the urge to order another bowl, wiped his mouth with paper, and stood up.The two waiters came forward immediately, the one who collected the bowls took away the bowls, and the one who wiped the table wiped the table.

At this time, Zhou Xianying and Rao Mingyang appeared next to Lou Xiaozhen.

"Brother Lou, how does it taste?" Rao Mingyang asked.

Lou Xiaozhen nodded with a satisfied smile on his face, "It's so delicious, your miscellaneous sauce noodles are more delicious than mung bean flour!"

Rao Mingyang smiled and said: "Well, I will come here often in the future!"

Lou Xiaozhen shook his head and smiled wryly: "I will definitely come, but I can't come often, the financial strength is not enough!"

Zhou Xianying interrupted suddenly: "Hello, my name is Zhou Xianying, and I am the manager of Yipinju. I would like to ask you for a little help, can I?"

Lou Xiaozhen looked at this stunning beauty suspiciously, and turned his attention to Rao Mingyang.

Rao Mingyang nodded and introduced: "Sister Zhou is the manager I hired. She is responsible for the initial decoration and training. She will also be responsible for the management of the store in the future. I only take care of the internal affairs of the kitchen."

Lou Xiaozhen nodded, and said to Zhou Xianying, "I wonder if Manager Zhou needs my help?"

Zhou Xianying said: "Please come to my office to discuss in detail!"

Then, Zhou Xianying led Lou Xiaozhen to the office she shared with Rao Mingyang, and Rao Mingyang didn't follow her.

The office is located in a corner, with two desks, two computers, sofas, coffee tables, safes and other items installed inside.

After asking Lou Xiaozhen to sit down, Zhou Xianying started talking with him.

It turned out that as soon as Lou Xiaozhen entered the door, Rao Mingyang saw this regular customer. He knew that Lou Xiaozhen really ran a business and had to contact many people every day.So, Rao Mingyang was moved, and sent a text message to Zhou Xianying about Lou Xiaozhen's career, asking her to develop Lou Xiaozhen into a propagandist of Yipinju.

Although Rao Mingyang has advertised on Mae Tan TV station in County H, some people never watch TV, and they don’t watch the county station, and they don’t care about the advertisements in the urban area.In addition to Rao Mingyang's relocation of the store, there must be many potential customers who do not know the existence of Yipinju.

Therefore, after seeing Lou Xiaozhen, Rao Mingyang wanted him to help him promote it.

Zhou Xianying felt that Rao Mingyang's idea was good, so she discussed the conditions with Lou Xiaozhen, asked him to take a part-time job, took advantage of his business opportunity, tried to promote and recommend Yipinju to his clients during ordinary chats, and Yipinju would pay him a certain amount. Part-time salary.

This part-time job is a perfect fit with Lou Xiaozhen's work, and there is no conflict at all. Lou Xiaozhen naturally has no reason to refuse, so he agreed, and then left Yipinju.

(End of this chapter)

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