One Piece of Food

Chapter 52 Cousin's Reminder (recommended ticket)

Chapter 52 Cousin's Reminder (recommended ticket)

No matter how Manager Zhao sells and persuades, Rao Mingyang just said that his priority now is to expand the scale of operation and make the business bigger, and he is not considering investment to buy appearances for the time being.

In the end, Manager Zhao saw that Rao Mingyang was not good enough, so he targeted the more wealthy Tian Laosan.He believes that in the cooperation between the two, Tian Laosan, who has a financial advantage, should have more say.

After all, Manager Zhao and Tian Laosan are old acquaintances, and they can talk a little better.Manager Zhao told Tian Laosan that if Tian Laosan was willing to buy these 4 shops, he could ask the boss for instructions and give him a bigger discount.

For wealthy people, the commercial facade of Bishuiwan is indeed worth investing in.This point can be seen by anyone who has seen the facilities and the surrounding environment here, and Tian Laosan seems to be moved by what Manager Zhao said.

Others can only rent it, but Tian Laosan has the strength to buy it directly.

However, for Tian Laosan, he came here with Rao Mingyang this time because he wanted to cooperate with Rao Mingyang to open a large restaurant, not to invest in real estate.Even if this facade has investment value, he has to discuss it with Rao Mingyang.

Besides, he is not short of money, nor is he short of ways to make money. For him, this facade investment project is not a unique and fleeting business opportunity.

And his original intention of cooperating with Rao Mingyang was because he studied, boarded and stayed at Rao Mingyang's house when he was a child, and wanted to repay the favor.Therefore, he could not put aside Rao Mingyang and bought these 4 facades.

So, in the end, Tian Laosan only gave Manager Zhao an answer that he would consider, and left Bishuiwan Community with Rao Mingyang.

This trip took Rao Mingyang and Tian Laosan more than two hours.It was already past 18 o'clock in the afternoon when the two left.

On the way, Tian Laosan asked while driving: "Ming Yang, what do you think of these few frontages being used to open your large restaurant?"

Rao Mingyang nodded and said: "The locations of these stores are very good. The interior space and the parking lot outside are large enough. For me, they are the most suitable shops at present."

Tian Laosan asked again: "What do you think about the appreciation potential?"

Rao Mingyang smiled bitterly: "The potential for appreciation is naturally huge, but you know my situation, I can't afford it. Why, do you want to buy it?"

Tian Laosan chuckled and said, "I have some immature ideas, and I want to discuss it with you."

Then, he looked at the time again, and said to Rao Mingyang: "It's time for dinner anyway, let's go find something to eat and talk at the same time?"

Rao Mingyang asked: "Okay, what do you want to eat?"

Tian Laosan said: "I haven't eaten grilled fish for a long time, how about we go eat grilled fish?"

Rao Mingyang hadn't eaten grilled fish for a long time. Hearing Tian Laosan's words, he also felt his tongue was full of saliva and wanted to eat grilled fish.Therefore, Rao Mingyang nodded and agreed to Tian Laosan's proposal.

As for the place to eat grilled fish, it is naturally the most famous "Yellow Sea BBQ" in Mae Tan Night Market Street.

Although the grilled fish of Huanghai BBQ is the most expensive one in Mae Tan, you can’t help but taste delicious!
Needless to say, Tian Laosan is naturally not short of money.And Rao Mingyang is now a local tyrant with a monthly income of [-], and he also doesn't care about the high price of Huanghai BBQ.As long as the food tastes good, the price doesn't matter.

Huanghai BBQ is an old brand barbecue restaurant in Mae Tan with a history of more than ten years.

From a small kebab trolley at the beginning, Huanghai BBQ has developed into dozens of late-night snacks such as Baopan, grilled fish, barbecue, casserole, fried rice, fried noodles, stewed vegetables, and teppanyaki. Gang, Yuqing and other surrounding counties have four or five chain stores of famous barbecue restaurants.

In the recent selection of Mae Tan Famous Snacks, among the two winners of the second prize, one was grilled fish from Huanghai BBQ.

After arriving at the night market, after wandering around for a long time, Tian Laosan found a gap and parked the car in a parking space on the side of the road.

Tian Laosan locked the car and said to Rao Mingyang: "Look, it's just not easy to park here, otherwise the business at the night market will be even better."

Rao Mingyang nodded in agreement and said, "That's why I want to change shops. There is almost no parking space on Huayuan Street."

Tian Laosan said: "It's better to park at Bishui Bay. Let's go, let's go and order fish and then talk slowly."

The two entered the night market, found the Huanghai barbecue with the largest area, ordered a 3-jin catfish, and were led to a small private room by the waiter and sat down.

After the waiter delivered tea and melon seeds and left, Rao Mingyang saw that more than 20 private rooms were almost filled with guests before evening, and said to Laosan Tian: "His business is really good."

Tian Laosan smiled and said: "When your large restaurant opens, I think your business will not be worse than his."

Rao Mingyang shook his head and said, "How is that possible? Although his house is expensive, it is also very expensive. Unlike me, the price of a bowl of soup noodles at one or two hundred yuan will never reach the traffic of his house."

Tian Laosan chuckled and said, "You don't understand. His barbecue is a business for the residents of Meitan County. And your crispy mung bean noodles will be a business for the people of the whole country. Just like those Like the famous specialties in other provinces, tourists from all over the country have to try it when they come to the place. Therefore, your traffic in the future will not be less than his home. "

Rao Mingyang said: "I hope so!"

Tian Laosan said again: "However, to achieve this effect, your store must be upgraded. I think the four storefronts in Bishuiwan are good, and they are very suitable for you to open a large restaurant."

"It's suitable, but I can only rent it, not buy it."

"If you only rent, you may face the risk that the real estate developer will take back the facade, raise the price, or even resell it to others."

"But I don't have that much money now. Even if I rent it alone, I can't afford it by myself. I need you to partner with me."

"Of course it's okay for me to partner with you, but I think it's not appropriate for you to just rent a storefront. Think about those famous specialties, such as Quanjude Roast Duck. Their old store has not moved for more than 100 years. So, I think this large restaurant of yours must have its own property rights. Otherwise, it will be quite detrimental to the brand’s reputation if you argue with the real estate developer or landlord in the future and move it here and there.”

Tian Laosan mentioned the brand's reputation problem, and Rao Mingyang was shocked when he heard it, and felt that Tian Laosan's statement was very reasonable!

If the property rights of the large restaurant I plan to open are not in my hands, I will inevitably have trouble in the future.

Real estate developers are not afraid of price increases, what they are afraid of is that the real estate developers will take back the facade, or sell it to others, and if others want to take it back for their own use, Rao Mingyang will have to move.

Not to mention the trouble of moving, whether such a suitable facade can be found by then is also a problem.Another more serious problem is what Tian Laosan said. You, a famous snack, move once every two years, and then move again every two years. The address is here for a while, and there for a while, which is not good for attracting foreign tourists.

It seems that Rao Mingyang really has to seriously consider this issue.

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(End of this chapter)

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