Chapter 48
After playing mahjong all afternoon, he won more than 200 yuan. Rao Mingyang left early at 17:00 to cook chicken soup in the store. The students continued to fight, and came back to his store to eat mung bean noodles at 18:30.

Anyway, there are a few people who know the location of Rao Mingyang's store, so there is no need to worry about them not being able to find it.

After more than an hour, Bai Linfeng and his group appeared not far from the entrance of Rao Mingyang's shop.

A male classmate saw the change of the signboard in Rao Mingyang's store at a glance: "Rao Mingyang Crispy Meat Mung Bean Noodles, he used his name as a signboard, haha!"

The other students also saw the eye-catching signboard, and they all talked about it: "I'm really confident!"

"To be able to win No.1 in the province, of course I have confidence!"

"Looking at the news, the judges' evaluation is very high."

"That's news. It's all good news, but I don't know what it really tastes like!"

"That's right, you have to taste it yourself to know."

Among the dozen or so students, most of them have a good relationship with Rao Mingyang, such as Bai Linfeng, Liu Lijia and others.But there are also two or three people who had a bad relationship with Rao Mingyang in high school, and even fought.

It's just that, now that everyone has grown up, it's time to get together, play mahjong, and don't mention the past grievances.

However, the two or three students who had a rift with Rao Mingyang actually hated Rao Mingyang in their hearts.

It turned out that Rao Mingyang didn't make a name for himself in everything he did. In the end, he was reduced to opening a shop to sell breakfast, and the business was not good. They were very happy.

Seeing that Rao Mingyang suddenly came out and won No. 1 in the Provincial Famous Snack Contest, and they were about to be a big success, they felt a little jealous in their hearts, and they didn't speak very well.

Everyone knew that the relationship between these people and Rao Mingyang was not very good, so they didn't care.Anyway, everyone is now separated from each other, and it is rare to see each other once, so there will be no conflicts, and a few questions behind the scenes will not hurt.

Then, everyone walked into Rao Mingyang's shop happily.

Seeing a group of classmates coming in, Rao Mingyang who was chopping onions in the kitchen hurried out to greet him: "Here we come, everyone can sit down wherever you want, pour water and soy milk by yourself."

Bai Linfeng waved his hands and said, "Leave us alone, you are busy with yourself."

Rao Mingyang nodded and returned to the kitchen to continue working.

A few female classmates probably felt embarrassed to let Rao Mingyang cook so many people's noodles by himself, so they went into the kitchen together to help.

Rao Mingyang was not too polite, and arranged for them to take bowls out of the disinfection cabinet and put oil, salt and seasonings to scoop the soup, and Rao Mingyang just boiled the noodles.

While Rao Mingyang was cooking noodles, Bai Linfeng and others were looking at all kinds of things in Rao Mingyang's shop in the lobby.

The first thing to pay attention to is naturally the three awards on the wall.

"The first prize in Mae Tan County, the first prize in Zunyi City, the Platinum Award in Qianzhou Province, really awesome!"

"Win three yuan in a row, so domineering!"

"It's really a high-end atmosphere!"

"When did Rao Mingyang have this ability? I remember that the mung bean noodles he cooked in the past were not very good. Did I remember wrongly?"

"I don't know, maybe his cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds recently!"

Then, someone saw Rao Mingyang’s spray-painted advertisement and replied: “Didn’t you read what Rao Mingyang wrote here? People use mung bean flour at 20 yuan a catty from Wang’s Workshop, and the broth is also made from the famous Hetian chicken and three handfuls of mushrooms. It's delicious."

"Using three handfuls of mushrooms to make chicken soup? What a luxury, I haven't eaten three handfuls of mushrooms for several years."

"You have eaten it anyway, but I have never eaten three handfuls of mushrooms! I have heard that it is delicious, but I have never eaten it. Today I am also full of food, and I have a taste of the chicken soup made with three handfuls of mushrooms !"

In addition to these awards, Rao's famous price list also shocked these students.

"200 yuan a bowl of mung bean flour, so expensive!"

"Rao Mingyang is selling dragon meat!"

"Such an expensive mung bean powder, do you know if anyone eats it?"

Then, someone asked Rao Mingyang how his business was doing now, and if anyone had such an expensive breakfast.

Not all of this group of students were buddies, so Mingyang Rao naturally wouldn't tell the truth, so he made a discount, saying that he only sold thirty or forty bowls a day.

Although Rao Mingyang did not tell the truth, the sales volume of thirty or forty bowls per day still shocked everyone.

According to the price of one or two hundred yuan per bowl of Rao Mingyang mung bean powder, even if the sales volume of thirty or forty bowls per day is terrifying, the profit is also huge.

The daily turnover is three to four thousand, and the profit is one to two thousand. Rao Mingyang's monthly net profit is at least tens of thousands.

Moreover, this is only the income of the first two months.Now Rao Mingyang has won the Platinum Award for Famous Snacks in the province, and has also been featured on the provincial, city and county level three-level news broadcasts. He is even more famous, and his income will only increase in the future.

Among these students, Liu Lijia, who works in the provincial hospital, has the highest salary, but the combined monthly salary and bonus income is only ten thousand yuan, which is already the highest among these students.

But Rao Mingyang now has tens of thousands of profits every month, and he is not subject to bosses and bosses.If there is any matter, you can lock the door and leave at any time, and you don't need to ask anyone for leave and stamping for approval. It is extremely free.

Thinking of this, the students' eyes on Rao Mingyang changed.

In the past, among these classmates, Rao Mingyang was almost the worst.Others earn more than [-] to [-] yuan a month, but Rao Mingyang only earns [-] to [-] to [-] yuan a month when he owns a shop, and he is exhausted from getting up early and working in the dark.

But now, after not seeing him for a few months, Rao Mingyang suddenly became the highest paid person among the crowd.Even if you are tired, it is worth it!

Those who have a good relationship with Rao Mingyang, such as Bai Linfeng, Liu Lijia and others, are really happy for Rao Mingyang.Other students who have a normal relationship with Rao Mingyang are also happy for Rao Mingyang's success.

Only those two or three who had a bad relationship with Rao Mingyang in high school, saw Rao Mingyang's current achievements, and looked jealous.

In the kitchen, under Rao Mingyang's command, the upgraded mung bean noodles were cooked and brought out by several female students one after another.Rao Mingyang also took out the royal chef-grade red oil chili that he had cooked in the morning, and told the dozen or so students outside to put the chili according to their own needs, and reminded them that the chili was a bit spicy.

Bai Linfeng was the most impatient, he grabbed the first bowl, then immediately scooped a spoonful of chili into the bowl, mixed it and started to eat.

With the first mouthful of mung bean powder, Bai Linfeng immediately exclaimed, "Damn it, it's so delicious!"

Then he ate it with big mouthfuls.

When the other students who were still stirring the powder and seasoning in a leisurely manner heard this, someone asked, "Is that an exaggeration, Bai Linfeng?"

While eating, Bai Linfeng said, "Try it yourself and you'll know."

Then, when other people started to eat, there was a sound of admiration in this small store.

"It's so fragrant and delicious!"

"This chili is fragrant and spicy but not choking."

"I didn't expect the crispy mung bean noodles cooked by Rao Mingyang to be so delicious!"

"This taste is really amazing, no wonder it can win the province's famous snack platinum award."

“200 yuan a bowl is definitely worth it!”

It is not enough for everyone to finish one bowl. Most people add a second bowl to fill their stomachs.

I haven't seen you for a few months, but Rao's famous crispy mung bean powder has conquered all the classmates with its unexpected delicacy.

Even those few who have a bad relationship with Rao Mingyang have to admit in their hearts that the crispy mung bean noodles cooked by Rao Mingyang are really delicious, worthy of the title of Platinum Award for Famous Snacks in Qianzhou Province.

(End of this chapter)

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