Chapter 4

Rao Mingyang knew about the niece Xiao Erniang was talking about, and her name was Zhang Li.Not to mention being fat, Rao Mingyang has no right to dislike these things.The key point is that Zhang Li is unfaithful, unfilial and extremely pungent. She speaks dirty words, fights and swears, and is omnipotent.

This shrew had talked about several marriages before, and beat and scolded the man's parents before she got married. Naturally, she didn't get married, and became a well-known leftover girl, no one dared to take over.If it weren't for this situation, why would her parents offer no dowry and a car as a dowry to attract people?
How dare Rao Mingyang want this kind of woman?Not to mention whether he can bear it himself, his parents can't bear it!Doesn't this kind of woman make her parents suffer all-round torture when she marries in?
Although his parents didn't create any good conditions for him, making him a rich second generation who was doing nothing and chasing girls by racing cars, but at least they brought him up. How could he let his parents grow old and be bullied by his daughter-in-law?
This must be refused, without hesitation!
Therefore, Rao Mingyang immediately walked into the room and said to Xiao Erniang: "Xiao Erniang, thank you for your kindness, I don't want to get married yet, so I won't bother you to run around."

After hearing Rao Mingyang's words, Xiao Erniang said: "Mingyang, did you hear our conversation? I won't talk about those nonsense, just talk about the sincerity of Zhang Li's parents. A small car worth about [-] yuan will be used as a dowry. You shouldn't refuse like that, right? Look around here, there are a few families who can buy a small car as a dowry when they marry their daughters, you can't let this opportunity go easily!"

Rao Mingyang felt disgusted for a while, the matchmaker kept talking about small cars, as if she would covet a small car to marry her niece, and didn't look at her niece's virtues.

Although his family was not good since he was a child, and Rao Mingyang has no achievements so far, his self-esteem is very strong.It's okay to suffer a little bit for the sake of living, but if he is asked to marry an unfaithful and unfilial shrew for a small car, he will never do it.

Therefore, Rao Mingyang shook his head resolutely and said, "Needless to say Erniang Xiao, I disagree with this matter."

Then, he said to his mother Tian Wenying, "Mom, I'm going to take a shower."

After finishing speaking, she ignored Xiao Erniang and went to the bathroom to take a shower by herself.

Xiao Erniang became angry immediately, and pointed to Rao Mingyang's back and said to Tian Wenying: "Tian Wenying, look at your son, he is so proud, you really think it's great to go to college? Now that there are so many college students, it's already worthless. Don't you want to get up early and greedily sell breakfast, why are you so proud?"

Tian Wenying was not happy when Xiao Erniang said this about her son. She said: "No matter what Ming Yang thinks, we can't tie him to marry Zhang Li, right? Since he doesn't do it, forget it, you Just help me go back to her house, thank you for your kindness."

Xiao Erniang also knew that this matter was too much, she stood up angrily and said, "I'm just waiting to see what kind of good wife Rao Mingyang can marry! Hmph!"

Then, he left Rao Mingyang's house without looking back.

Rao Mingyang came out of the shower and saw that Xiao Erniang was gone, so he asked Tian Wenying, "Mom, you didn't let go, did you?"

Tian Wenying shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't know Zhang Li's virtues, so how could she let go. Besides, if you don't agree, what's the use of letting go?"

Rao Mingyang nodded and said, "That's right, I wouldn't want someone like Zhang Li, even if I was a bachelor."

Tian Wenying snorted, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? There are a lot of married people in their thirties in big cities now. Why are you single? It's about fate, don't worry."

Rao Mingyang smiled and said: "Why am I in a hurry, I just said that! I'm afraid that you are in a hurry, and you just force me a daughter-in-law, that's not okay, we will spend decades together. By the way, where is Dad? "

"Going to play cards in the afternoon, you call him to eat, I'll go cooking!" Then, Tian Wenying gave the wallet to Rao Mingyang and asked him to watch the store, while Tian Wenying went to cook.

Then, Rao Mingyang called his father and told him to come back for dinner.

Rao Mingyang's father is Rao Dexin. He suffered a lot when he was young, and he suffered from some diseases and his health was not good.Now I can’t do much in my 50s, so I go to the teahouse every day to hang out with some old friends. The wins and losses are not big, and it’s only a few dozen yuan. (Mae Tan is called Daer, and other places are called Zipai, Paohuzi, etc.)
Because selling breakfast has to get up very early every day, after eating, Rao Mingyang went back to the house and surfed the Internet for a while, and went to bed before nine o'clock.

Early the next morning, before his parents got up at 5 o'clock, Rao Mingyang got up to wash up, took two pieces of Laoganma peppers and a few spoons for scooping peppers from the store, and put the cost of the shipment in In the closet, and then rode to the breakfast shop in the city.

Since it sells a bowl of mung bean powder for 100 yuan, Rao Mingyang is not going to use his own fried chili peppers.The chili he fried was burnt, and the taste was terrible, so why not just use Laoganma chili.

Using Laoganma chili saves time and effort, and the taste is super good.As for the cost, compared to the price of 100 yuan a bowl of mung bean flour, what is it?
After entering the store, I started to boil chicken soup, make soy milk, order crispy meat, order mung bean flour, cut sauerkraut, chop green onions, and boil water. I was busy until after 6 o'clock.It's summer now, and it's already light after 6 o'clock.

Seeing that the 10 kilograms of chicken soup made with half a native chicken was almost enough, Rao Mingyang recharged 1000 system gold coin with 1 yuan in cash according to the system prompts, and bought a pack of broth essence powder from the system mall and sprinkled it into the chicken soup.

Before any guests came, Rao Mingyang cooked a bowl of mung bean noodles to fill his stomach first.

The mung bean powder from Wang’s workshop that I used today tastes even better. The ingredients used in the chicken soup are more varied and of higher quality, and the taste is even better than yesterday.

Then, I began to wait anxiously.

Although he feels that his mung bean noodles are super delicious, a bowl of 100 yuan is still worth it.But in a small county like Mae Tan County, it is not clear whether anyone is willing to spend 100 yuan for a bowl of crispy meat, soy milk and mung bean noodles.

Rao Mingyang checked online last night, and there are many more expensive breakfasts in the world than his mung bean flour.For example, the Tiffany breakfast in the West End of London costs more than 3 US dollars, and a breakfast is equivalent to about 20 RMB.There are a lot of other high-end restaurants and high-end hotels in Europe and the United States that cost thousands of dollars a meal.

But what is Rao Mingyang's breakfast shop?Can it be compared with those high-end hotels and restaurants that have invested billions of dollars?

Rao Mingyang just hoped that the pot of mung bean noodles in broth with no price increase yesterday at noon would bring him some repeat customers, and it would be fine if he couldn't sell even a bowl.

Rao Mingyang did some calculations, because the ingredients are expensive, and with the soup stock powder sold by the system, the cost of a bowl of mung bean powder for him may reach about 60 yuan.But even so, there is a profit of 40 yuan for selling a bowl.

Even if there are not many people who eat it, as long as you can sell a pot of chicken soup and 25 bowls every day, you can achieve a profit of 1000 yuan, which is a net income of 3 yuan in a month!It's much better than the fact that he only had a profit of 4000 yuan a month after working so hard!
This is a decent high income in Meitan County, which is located in the mountainous area of ​​northern Guizhou!Even if you go to big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and a monthly income of 3, you are considered a gold-collar class!It's exciting just thinking about it!
It's a pity that it hasn't opened yet, so I don't know how it will turn out!
It was already dawn, and there were gradually more pedestrians who got up early to exercise and went to work, and some people began to pass by the door of Rao Mingyang's shop.

(End of this chapter)

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