One Piece of Food

Chapter 100 Waiting in Line (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Chapter 100 Waiting in Line (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Hearing that Chen Wensong wanted to eat fried rice with minced meat and eggs so much, Rao Mingyang thought about it for a while, and then quietly said to him: "Since you want to eat it so much, when the fried rice meal tickets start to be sold at the cashier, you can buy them first." Take two!"

Chen Wensong was stunned for a moment, and said, "You still have a time limit for selling meal tickets? Then when will you start selling them?"

Rao Mingyang said: "There is a limit of 20 bowls per day, so the opening time is also limited, and the sale starts at 10:[-] in the morning!"

Chen Wensong nodded again and again, and said, "Okay, thanks!"

Rao Mingyang shook his head and said: "You are welcome, we are old acquaintances! Besides, your family has helped me a lot!"

Chen Wensong nodded, and stopped being polite, and returned to his sister Chen Wenjing, waiting for the arrival of 10:[-].

According to Rao Mingyang and Zhou Xianying's discussion, the daily meal tickets for 20 bowls of fried rice with minced meat and eggs at the cash register can only be printed out after 10:[-] in the morning.

This is to avoid selling fried rice meal tickets too early, and Rao Mingyang will not be able to cook rice, which will cause emotional instability to customers.

That being the case, why not start selling fried rice meal tickets at 10:[-], and you can call Rao Mingyang fried rice with the meal tickets.

Therefore, if Chen Wensong wants to eat fried rice, he has to wait at least until 10:[-] to buy a meal ticket.

In addition to Chen Wensong, there are also many customers who want to taste Yipinju's new meals. They also want to buy meal tickets early, wait for Rao Mingyang's rice to cool down, and then start frying the rice.

But they didn't have as much face as Chen Wensong. They didn't get the tickets. They only knew that Rao Mingyang's fried rice would be sold at 11:10, but they didn't know that tickets could be issued at [-]:[-] at the cashier.

Therefore, some people really have something to do, and they can't wait for that long, so they leave, thinking that they will have a chance to eat again in the future!

And some people are there firmly waiting for the arrival of 11 o'clock.

Then, as the number of customers waiting to eat fried rice increased, after 10 o'clock, there were more than 20 customers waiting to eat fried rice in the Yipinju store.

This situation shocked Rao Mingyang and Zhou Xianying.

"Why do so many people want to eat fried rice?" Rao Mingyang asked in surprise.

"Listening to their chats, yes. But, 400 yuan a bowl, aren't these people afraid of being expensive?" Zhou Xianying also said strangely.

"I didn't expect so many people to eat it for such an expensive meal!" Rao Mingyang shook his head.

Neither of them could have imagined how high the status of Yipin in the hearts of foodies is now.

Some people do not come to Yipinju to eat every day because of the price.Perhaps, it will take ten days and a half months, or one or two months, to come and eat once to satisfy your appetite.

However, when Rao Mingyang launched a new meal and caught up with the discount on New Year's Day, and the ingredients used were Qiangong refined rice at 180 yuan per catty, many people secretly decided to taste it as soon as possible.

Even the high price of 400 yuan a bowl, they are not afraid!
Anyway, I don't eat it every day, but I spend a little extravagance once in a while, three or four hundred yuan is still affordable.

Because, with a 400% discount on 320 yuan, it is only 20 yuan, which is only [-] yuan more than the upgraded version of mixed sauce noodles.

Including a bowl of chicken soup with a discounted price of 1 yuan and a discounted price of 50 yuan, the total cost is only 40 yuan.

Of course, price is not the point.The point is that this is a new meal launched by Yipinju, and everyone wants to taste it immediately.

This is the word-of-mouth and confidence brought by Yipinju's sky-high priced crispy mung bean flour and miscellaneous sauce noodles in the early stage.

The crispy meat, mung bean noodles and miscellaneous sauce noodles in front are so delicious. Everyone believes that if Yipinju dares to set a high price of 400 yuan a bowl of fried rice with meat and eggs, it must be worth the 400 yuan a bowl.

The 100 yuan bowl of crispy mung bean noodles is so delicious, and the 400 yuan bowl of fried rice with minced meat and eggs must be many times more delicious!
Therefore, many people want to taste it for the first time.

In order not to attract the attention of others, few of them even made a speech after the Yipinju official account released the information yesterday. They just paid attention quietly and waited for the first time to eat Yipinju's minced meat eggs on New Year's Day. fried rice.

Therefore, most of those who left messages, forwarded, and commented on the news released by Yipinju's official Weixin public account yesterday were actually melon eaters.

People who really want to come and taste it, but very few show up.

Because, according to Yipinju Weixin official account, there is a limit of 20 bowls per day.Especially the New Year's Day holiday, there are many people, and there are discounts.

Therefore, everyone should keep quiet, so as not to attract the attention of others, just come and taste it quietly.

Unexpectedly, everyone reported this idea.

So, just after ten o'clock in the morning, there were more than 20 people waiting to eat fried rice in the lobby, which exceeded the daily limit of 20 bowls of Yipinju.

This is not counting the customers who will definitely continue to come to taste Yipinju's new dish fried rice with meat and eggs.

"So many people want to eat fried rice, what should we do?" Rao Mingyang asked.

Even if the fried rice with minced meat and eggs is discounted, it costs 320 yuan a bowl, which is not cheap!
Moreover, 1 catty of cooked rice can be fried with 3 bowls of rice, plus eggs, minced meat and other condiments. The cost of a bowl of fried rice is only about 70 yuan, and the net profit is 250 yuan.

This profit is even higher than the upgraded version of mixed sauce noodles.

Moreover, when eating fried rice, most people also order a chicken soup, right?The price of a small bowl of chicken soup is 50 yuan, and there is also a profit of 1 yuan!

Seeing so many people waiting to eat fried rice, Rao Mingyang first released the news that there is a limit of 20 bowls per day. Isn't this pushing the money out?
You know, if he wants to be promoted to a super chef, he needs 100 million to buy a skill book.To upgrade to the 4th level of the Vajra Body, you have to buy a skill book of 100 million!
As for the imperial chef and God of Cooking in the back, they need hundreds of millions of cash!
With so much money, you have to try your best to earn it!
This fried rice with minced meat and eggs is not like an upgraded version of chicken soup, which is limited by the production of wild Gallus pilosula.

As long as he can sustain it physically, he can be fired all day long!

As for physical fitness, with his level 3 diamond body, there is no problem.

It's just that he didn't expect that his new fried rice was so expensive, and so many people came to eat it eagerly.

From this point of view, the limit of 20 bowls per day seems a bit self-contained.

However, Zhou Xianying was completely different from what Rao Mingyang thought.

She didn't know that Rao Mingyang had the body of a diamond, and she didn't know that Rao Mingyang needed a lot of money.

She just thinks that other staff can take shifts to rest, only work seven or eight hours a day, and can also take two days off every month.

However, Rao Mingyang came to open the door after 5 o'clock in the morning every day, then boiled chicken soup and fried glutinous rice dumplings, and did not close the door until [-] or [-] o'clock in the evening to go home without interruption.

Zhou Xianying took these things into consideration.

Although Rao Mingyang never complained that he was tired, but Zhou Xianying took it for granted that Rao Mingyang must also be very tired.

It's just that, as the boss, he didn't say anything.

Therefore, she didn't want Rao Mingyang to work too hard.

The limit of 20 bowls per day was also agreed by Zhou Xianying. She felt that this workload was just right for Rao Mingyang.If there are more words, he will be tired!

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(End of this chapter)

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