Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 727 Britney the domineering CEO (65)

Chapter 727 Britney the domineering CEO (65)

Not long after Mo Jueyu arrived at the office, Wu Qi came back, "Mr. Mo, I have found out what you asked me to investigate."

Mo Jueyu put down the document in his hand, raised his eyes and said, "Say."

Words that cherish words like gold do not allow people to disobey.

"Yun Zhining has divorced Yang Zhehong, and now Yang Zhehong is engaged to her sister."

Mo Jueyu was surprised, it turned out to be true!
He thought it was just his dream, but he didn't expect what she said was true.

"Have you found out why she broke the engagement?" Something must have happened before she broke the engagement.

Wu Qi continued to report, "Yang Zhehong got together with Yun Shirui when Yun Zhining went abroad, and Yun Zhining found out, so she broke off the engagement to fulfill them."

She was betrayed by her fiancé and sister?Mo Jueyu frowned, she did it to fulfill them, so does she still love Yang Zhehong?
This thought made him feel very uncomfortable!
She is his, and he will never allow her to have other men in her heart.

"Did the person who posted the news find out?"

"Found it, it's Yun Zhining's sister Yun Shirui." Wu Qi summarized.

Mo Jueyu was surprised, the person who framed her was actually her sister?
"Is it accurate?"

"Well, I also found out that her sister is not her own sister, but was adopted by the Yun family."

adopt?Mo Jueyu vaguely had a guess.

very good!Wanting to harm her, he even put the idea on his head.

He took out the black USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to him, "Give this USB flash drive to Dong Xu, he knows what to do."

Wu Qi glanced at the USB flash drive in his hand, and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Video." The man said two words lightly.

Wu Qi didn't dare to ask more questions, and put the USB flash drive in his pocket.

Mo Jueyu tapped the armrest with his knuckle fingers, narrowed his gaze, and ordered, "I have one more thing for you to do."

"what's up?"

"that is."

After Wu Qi left, the room became quiet.

Mo Jueyu sat on the boss's chair, clasped his hands in front of his chest, turned the chair around, faced the window, looked at the blue sky outside, his mind was full of her divorced marriage.

She is single now, no, she has signed a marriage agreement with him, so she belongs to him!

Yun Zhining, you brought it to your door, so I will never refuse anyone!
You can't escape, don't even try to escape in this life!
Great Hospital, in the ward of the inpatient building, Mica was lying on the bed, her face was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and her hands were still infused with intravenous fluids.

Father Yun sat on the edge of the bed silently, with his head bowed.

Yun Shirui and Yang Zhehong stood at the head of the bed, looking at Zhi Ning who was leaning against the wall.

"Sister, you are so unfilial, you actually made mom so angry that you were hospitalized, are you happy now?" Yun Shirui blamed her as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Fortunately, you are still a returnee graduate student. You are not as good as your sister. Your parents dragged you so much, but you actually married an old man without telling them." Yang Zhehong sang with her.

Yun Shirui sighed, and said earnestly, "Sister, what should I say about you? You have read more books than me, but why are you so ignorant? What is your parents raising you for? It's not that you are asked to marry an old man who is older than your father, and now that you have even signed the marriage agreement, are you planning to sell yourself?"

"Okay, stop talking." Father Yun, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

Only then did Yun Shirui and Yang Zhehong shut up wisely.

Zhi Ning ignored them and kept her eyes on Yunca.

At this time, Yunmu opened her eyes faintly, and Father Yun asked in surprise, "Honey, you're awake, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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