Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 648 The Immortal Venerable Arrives (65)

Chapter 648 The Immortal Venerable Arrives (65)

Feng Xue suddenly grabbed a handful of dust and threw it angrily forward, then raised her head unwillingly and roared, "Ah, why, why?"

The voice kept echoing in the mountains and lingered for a long time.

"Xue'er, calm down." Qi Mushuang frowned.

Feng Xue tightly grasped his arm with both hands, and roared angrily, "How can you make me calm down, our spiritual roots have been destroyed, and now we are simply useless, what's the point of living in this world?"

One sentence made Qi Mushuang fall into silence, his face ashen.

"It's all that bitch Zuo Zhining, she ruined everything about me, she drove me to a desperate situation, why, why does she, a scourge, never die." All Feng Xue's thoughts were occupied by resentment.

Qi Mushuang clenched his fists tightly, then let go, and helped her up, "Xue'er, let's go, if we encounter monsters, we will die."

The two got up and stumbled forward again.

They went up the mountain instead of leaving Shuilian Mountain. Firstly, they were afraid of encountering Zuo Zhining, and secondly, Qi Mushuang saw that all the monsters had been wiped out, thinking that the demon king should also be wiped out, the most dangerous place It is also the safest place, so they went up the mountain.

When passing by a pile of grass, Feng Xue suddenly stepped on the ground and rolled directly, "Ah!"

"Xue'er." Qi Mushuang hurriedly pulled her back, but he also missed her foot, and the two rolled down together.

Weeds scratched their clothes and cheeks, and after a while of spinning, the two stopped, and the world became quiet.

After a while, a cough broke the silence.

"Ahem..." Qi Mushuang sat up, the pain in his body twisted his facial features into a ball.

It hurts so much, if it wasn't for the abolishment of the spirit root, how could he be in such a mess, that bitch Zuo Zhining!

Suddenly, he thought of Feng Xue, and hurriedly searched in the grass, "Xue'er, Xue'er, where are you?"

Finally, he found Feng Xue in the nearby grass. Her long skirt was cut and her hair was messy.

With his eyes closed, he lay motionless.

He hurried over, "Xue'er, wake up."

Feng Xue opened her eyes, her hazy vision gradually became clear, "Mu Shuang."

She looked around, "Where is this place?"

Qi Mushuang also looked around, there were big trees and mountain walls all around.

"It should be in the valley."

Feng Xue pulled his arm in fear, "Mu Shuang, we won't die, right?"

"Of course not, we can definitely go out."

Qi Mushuang helped her up, and checked the injuries of the two, only the skin was cut, and there was no serious problem.

After a short rest, the two supported each other and walked forward, looking for a way out.

Not long after walking, the two discovered a cave.

The cave is very large, and there is a cold evil wind flowing out of the cave, making people shiver.

Qi Mushuang knew that this was by no means an ordinary cave, it was probably the lair of monsters.

But I don't know if there are any monsters in it?
At this time, a low panting sound came from the cave.

Feng Xue was so frightened that she hid in Qi Mushuang's arms, trembling, "Mu Shuang, did you hear the sound? We didn't encounter a monster, did we?"

Now that they have lost their spiritual roots, they are ordinary mortals. If they really encounter monsters, they will only die.

Qi Mushuang was also so scared that beads of sweat rolled out of his forehead, but he was not as scared as Feng Xue showed, so he pretended to be calm and comforted, "All the monsters in this mountain have been wiped out by the Five Immortals, there should be no monsters That's right, don't scare yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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