Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 591 The Immortal Venerable Arrives (8)

Chapter 591 The Immortal Venerable Arrives (8)

"Carry him to Feng Xue's room."

"No." He refused.

Didn't this harm Feng Xue?How could he collude with her.

Zhi Ning rolled her eyes, "I'm wrong, I should carry him back to his own room and let him sleep well."

"En." Only then did Yue Luo agree, carried Qi Mushuang back to the room, put him on the bed and left.

Zhi Ning's original plan was to directly carry Qi Mushuang to Feng Xue's room, so that the two of them could make good things happen, but she didn't expect that the mission goal disagreed, so she had to change her mind and try to lure Feng Xue to Qi Mushuang's room.

Hmph, she shouldn't have asked such an upright mission target to help, isn't this looking for abuse?It's a pity that the original owner has a useless spiritual root that cannot be cultivated, otherwise do you need to find someone to help?

Broken system is really a stepmother, every time I give her such a weak character, she wants to return it!
After Yue Luo left, Zhi Ning quietly sneaked into Qi Mushuang's room, found his letter, imitated his handwriting and wrote a note, then quietly went to Feng Xue's room.

She came to the window and raised her hand to knock.

"Who?" Feng Xue's delicate voice came from inside the room.

She didn't answer, put the note on the window, turned around and ran away quickly.

Feng Xue came over and opened the window, but she didn't see anyone. She leaned out to look, but she didn't see anyone, so she muttered suspiciously, "Strange, why is there no one?"

When she was about to close the window, she saw a note on the window.

She picked up the note and looked at it, and immediately recognized Qi Mushuang's handwriting.

Xue'er, I think you're thinking too hard, come to my room and get together.

Seeing this, she was immediately elated, hurriedly closed the window, dressed carefully, and went out.

Feng Xue looks really beautiful, with delicate facial features, small cherry mouth, wearing a long pink dress, graceful and graceful, so beautiful, no wonder Qi Mushuang likes her.

Although the original owner was not inferior to her in appearance, she was not as soft as her, and the gentle and shy flowers always aroused more pity from men.

Feng Xue walked quickly, and when she was outside Qi Mushuang's room, she first stopped, looked around, saw no one, and then hurriedly opened the door.

As expected, the door was not locked, and she opened it as soon as she pushed it. She hurried in and closed the door, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

The room was very quiet, she glanced at the room, and finally saw Qi Mushuang on the big carved bed, lying on the bed with his back to her.

In death, he couldn't wait to wait for her on the bed.

She said delicately, "Mu Shuang."

Logically, she should call him Senior Brother Qi, but in private, she keeps calling him by his name.

The man on the bed didn't respond, as if he was asleep.

She smiled shyly, stepped on lotus steps, and walked over with her hips twisted, "Mu Shuang, I'm here."

She came to the bed and reached out to lift the quilt. Suddenly, a black figure flashed behind her, and something hit her head, and the pain hit her. She groaned, rolled her eyes, and passed out directly.

Zhi Ning looked at Feng Xue who fell unconscious on the ground, smiled evilly, threw the iron rod in her hand on the ground, patted the dust on her hands, and you're done!
Fortunately, the iron rod can stun her, otherwise he would be the one who died at this moment.

She squatted down, raised her hand and patted Feng Xue's face with makeup on, "Tsk tsk, you look like a white lotus, no wonder you have such a vicious heart."

If it wasn't for her, the original owner wouldn't have had her spirit root abolished, and she wouldn't even use an iron rod to knock someone out now, how inferior!
It is not a gentleman who does not take revenge for this revenge. Once revenge, it will be vigorous!
(End of this chapter)

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