Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 588 The Immortal Venerable Arrives (5)

Chapter 588 The Immortal Venerable Arrives (5)

"Five Immortals, don't worry, the little white mouse is fine, it's just drugged, and it will wake up after the drug wears off."

Hearing this, Yue Luo felt relieved, but he couldn't understand why what was given to him was not poison, but a drug?

"Since you want to harm me, why don't you use poison instead of drugs?"

"It's very simple." Zhi Ning blinked, then suddenly leaned towards him, stood on tiptoe, and whispered softly in his ear, "Because his purpose is not to poison you, but to let me sleep with you."

She got too close, and the scorching breath she exhaled sprayed on his ears, itching, like countless ants crawling over, and the delicate and elegant smell that belonged to girls floated into his nostrils.

The handsome, pure-hearted man took a step back, avoiding her, and said indifferently, "It's better not to make such a joke."

Obviously, he took her words as a joke.

Zhi Ning curled her lips bored, "I'm not joking."

Suddenly, she stared straight at him, and said, "Five Immortals, you are so beautiful, like that flower, it almost blinds my eyes."

Yue Luo looked at her with strange eyes, something was wrong with her today, she spoke strangely, could it be that she was poisoned by insanity?

He hurriedly took her hand and felt her pulse.

The pulse is normal, there is no sign of poisoning, strange?
Zhi Ning looked at his frowning, and couldn't help but laugh, and she became more interested in teasing him.

"Five Immortals, your hands are white and long, so beautiful, can you let me hold them?"

Yue Luo hurriedly withdrew her hand, looked at her pretty face suspiciously, and was even more puzzled when she met her bright starry eyes.

She didn't show any signs of being poisoned, but her words and deeds were very strange. It was different from usual. Could it be that she had been enchanted?

Ecstasy is impossible to feel the pulse.

"Zhi Ning, have you been enchanted?"

Zhi Ning almost burst out laughing, her starry eyes became brighter and shinier, "No, it's not that I was enchanted, but after seeing you, I got an arrow in my heart."

Yue Luo was shocked, "What arrow?"

"Cupid's arrow!" she babbled in a serious manner.

"Cupid's arrow?" Yue Luo didn't understand, "Where is this sorcery?"

"Pfft, haha." Seeing his serious look, Zhi Ning couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing, tears were about to fall.

Haha, the mission target is too cute!
"Zhi Ning, what are you laughing at?" Yue Luo frowned slightly, could it be that she was too stimulated by losing her spiritual root, which led to her insanity?
Isn't that what the folks say?

Those who are insane about gains and losses, their speech and behavior are different from ordinary people, sometimes talking nonsense and sometimes laughing.

Could it be that Cupid's arrow is the insanity?

Alas, it's sad, it's a pity to lose such a good girl.

Zhi Ning didn't know what was going on in his heart, so she approached him suddenly, blinking her beautiful star eyes, and said ambiguously, "The Five Immortals want to know what Cupid's arrow is? I'll teach you."

Yue Luo wanted to know what kind of disease she was suffering from so that she could be treated, so she agreed, "Yes."

"Then close your eyes." Zhi Ning said.

The man frowned, his eyes were full of doubts, but he didn't close them.

"Close your eyes quickly." She urged again.

At this time, he slowly closed his eyes, not knowing what she wanted to do?
Zhi Ning snickered, then stood on tiptoe and approached his cinnabar red lips.

The room was very quiet, she could hear her own heartbeat clearly, she got closer and closer, and finally pressed his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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