Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 502 The Empress Inspired to Be a Faint King (57)

Chapter 502 The Empress Inspired to Be a Faint King (57)

Chu Yuebai would still make a bowl of ginseng tea for Zhining every day. They thought that this time Yan Zhining's body was poisoned and she would die seamlessly. It's been quite moist.

No, they had to continue with their previous plan.

Of course, with Hua Su here, he dared not go directly to Huaxiang Hall, but would block her on the way every time she took advantage of her early morning court.

Zhi Ning also happily drank the ginseng tea, then threw the bowl to him, and went to the Huaxiang Hall to find Hua Su.

It wasn't until one day that Hua Su wanted to come to pick her up for the morning court, and happened to meet Chu Yuebai bringing her ginseng tea. He didn't know that she was still drinking poisoned ginseng tea every day during these days.

He reminded her not to drink ginseng tea and beware of Chu Yuebai, but Zhi Ning didn't care and told him it was fine.

Qian Feng finds Hua Su and tells him not to forget their mission.

It is impossible for him and Zhi Ning to be together.

Hua Su had to face reality.

Hua Su was still with Zhi Ning, happy and in pain, but she didn't find what he wanted again.

Until one day, Qian Feng told him that his second brother had rebelled, and the matter was urgent, and he had to find that thing as soon as possible, otherwise Nanzun Kingdom would be devastated.

At that time, Hua Su was playing the piano in the yard, the broken string cut his fingers, and the bright red blood dripped on the guzheng that Zhi Ning gave him.

The piano she gave him was broken!
He looked at his bleeding finger, but he didn't feel any pain, it was his heart that hurt.

finally coming?

He knew that this day would come eventually, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

Zhi Ning hid behind the pillar and heard the conversation between the two.

She wasn't shocked or angry, only sad. She knew that he couldn't really let go of everything for her.

He has his mission, his mission, as he said, he is her enemy.

She rolled her eyes and clenched her fists.

Is he finally leaving her?
In the evening, when Hua Su returned to the bedroom, the girl sitting in front of the table caught her eyes. On the table were several dishes and a jug of fine wine.

Seeing him coming, Zhi Ning stood up to meet him, took his arm intimately, and said coquettishly, "Hua Su, you are here, come quickly and drink with me."

The two got close, and Hua Su could vaguely smell the faint scent of wine on her body, and she frowned slightly.

He's never seen her drink alcohol before. Why does she suddenly want to drink today?

He remembered what Qianfeng said today, could it be that she knew?

His heart twitched, and the pain was unbearable. He didn't ask any more questions, but nodded, "Okay."

The two sat opposite each other, Zhi Ning poured a glass of wine and handed it to him, "I've never had a drink with you before, how is your alcohol tolerance?"

"Normal." Hua Su took it, raised her head and drank it in one gulp.

"I can't drink enough, I'm drunk after five glasses." Zhi Ning poured another glass for him, raised the glass, "Come on, cheers."

The two clinked glasses and drank it down.

She poured wine for the two of them again.

"Zhi Ning." Hua Su watched her pouring the wine, and spoke in a low voice.

"Huh?" She put down the jug and looked up at him, her eyes were already a little drunk, her lips were red and her teeth were white, very pretty.

Hua Su's gaze deepened, and she finally asked, "Are you in a bad mood? Why do you want to drink all of a sudden?"

"No, it's just a sudden interest." Zhi Ning smiled brightly, picked up the teacup, and drank it down.

Hua Su just looked at her, but didn't drink.

Zhi Ning poured another glass for herself, got up and walked in front of him, sat on his lap, then picked up his glass, put it in his hand, raised the glass in her hand and said to him, "Let's drink Hands-on bar?"

(End of this chapter)

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