Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 470 The Empress Inspired to Be a Faint King (25)

Chapter 470 The Empress Inspired to Be a Faint King (25)

"How to deal with him?" Zhi Ning lightly tapped her cheek with her pale jade hand, and then suddenly realized, "I know, sleep him to death."

【puff! ] Ruan Meng almost spurted blood.

Yan Yinlan: "."

Sure enough, an idiot is an idiot, even wanting to die in sleep, a idiot like her still wants to fight with herself, hum!

"Sister, I'm afraid it won't work."

Zhi Ning frowned, "Otherwise, what good idea does Second Sister have?"

Yan Yinlan pretended to think for a while, and then said, "It's better for my sister to kill him directly, and say that he offended my sister."

Although she is very reluctant to part with such a beauty as Hua Su, sometimes in order to achieve a great cause, sacrifice is inevitable.

Once Hua Su died, Hua Yi would definitely use this excuse to attack Yan Zhining.

The corners of Zhi Ning's mouth twitched, such an excuse could be said, she really thought she was mentally handicapped, if she wanted to fool her, she had to make up a decent excuse.

Oh no, isn't the original owner mentally handicapped?

If it was placed on the original owner, such an excuse of mental retardation would be enough, because the original owner would never doubt Yan Yinlan's words, and she would do whatever she said.

"It's so troublesome. I still prefer a more straightforward approach, or just sleep him to death, giving up my heart and effort."

Yan Yinlan's complexion changed, but she held back and didn't dare to get angry. She wanted to persuade her again, "Sister."

Zhi Ning interrupted her impatiently, "Second sister, you never let me sleep with him to death, and said, do you want to sleep with him?"

Yan Yinlan's face changed drastically, and she quickly explained, "My sister dare not."

Who doesn't know that Yan Zhi is dignified and masculine, and whoever dares to think of her as a servant will end up not with one word, but with two words, very miserable!

"It's fine if you don't dare, then I will implement the plan now and try to sleep him to death as soon as possible." Zhi Ning got up, rubbed her shoulder and left.

Yan Yinlan was so angry that her pretty face twisted into a ball, with green smoke billowing from her head, and a vicious light in her eyes, "Yan Zhining, you idiot, you will die among men sooner or later."

After the anger passed, she calmed down and thought about her next plan.

Heh, Yan Zhining insisted on opening granaries and releasing grain to be a good emperor, so she would mess with the matter of opening granaries.

Not only did she want Yan Zhining to fail to be a good emperor, but she also wanted to ruin her reputation and completely lose the hearts of the people.

At night, Chu Yuebai still walked into the bedroom with a bowl of ginseng tea.

"His Majesty."

Zhi Ning had just finished changing clothes, she was not surprised to see him coming in, she was even a little anxious, "It's just in time, I've been waiting for you for a long time, I'll give you the ginseng tea soon."

After drinking she can go to the task target.

What a trouble, if it wasn't for their plan, why would she waste time waiting here for Chu Zha to bring her ginseng tea?

It's hard to be a qualified actor!
Chu Yuebai froze for a moment, is there anyone else who is in a hurry to die?
"Yes." He brought the ginseng tea to Zhi Ning.

Zhi Ning took it, raised her head, and drank it one mouthful at a time.

Chu Yuebai made up her mind, no matter what method she uses tonight, she must serve her in bed.

While she was drinking ginseng tea, he began to take off his clothes.

After Zhi Ning finished drinking, she put down the bowl, and saw that Chu Yuebai was only wearing an inner shirt, and the purple outer shirt was at his feet.

She almost choked to death on the ginseng tea in her mouth.

Mamma Mia, what does Chu Zha want to do?
She panicked a lot. If she saw something she shouldn't see, would she have to wash her eyes with pepper water?Just thinking about it made her feel infiltrated.

"Wait, Master Chu, what are you doing?"

Chu Yuebai began to untie her inner shirt, "Your Majesty, it's getting late, I wait for Your Majesty to rest."

(End of this chapter)

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