Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 293 Falling in Love with a Cold-Blooded Killer (27)

Chapter 293 Falling in Love with a Cold-Blooded Killer (27)

Zhi Ning: "."

Grandma, Pippi, is the mission objective playing face-changing?

Really annoying!
"Brother Ye, do you want your jade pendant back?"

"Yes!" Ye Yu stretched out his hand towards her.

Zhi Ning slapped his hand away, "It's okay to ask someone to return your jade pendant, but you must promise him three things."

He refused without thinking, "No!"

"Then they won't return the jade pendant to you."

"You!" He glared at her fiercely, but he had nothing to do with her.

In the end, he had to compromise, "Say!"

Seeing that he agreed, Zhi Ning's eyes lit up, "First, you are not allowed to kill anyone again."

"No!" Ye Yu refused this matter with a very firm attitude.

Zhi Ning knew that he really wouldn't agree to this matter, so she had to settle for the next best thing.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't agree, anyway, she has plenty of ways to keep him from killing people.

"Okay, let's change to another one. First, I will come to you in the future, and you are not allowed to drive me away."

Ye Yu frowned, her indifferent eyes changed, and finally nodded, "Yes!"

"Secondly, you can't just say one word when you talk to me in the future. I don't want to be like guessing riddles every time I talk to you. Guess and guess. Brain cells don't cost money." She said with a look of disgust.

Yeyu was a little bit embarrassed about this matter, he always cherished words like gold, he didn't want to talk too much, and only said one word at a time, but now he couldn't say a word suddenly, he was not used to it.

But in the end he nodded, "Yes!"

Zhi Ning stared at her almond-shaped eyes, "But what's the matter, since I agreed, how can I drag it like a two hundred and five."

Ye Yu pursed her lips, and then gently opened them, like a baby learning to speak, struggling to squeeze out a few words, "Yes, yes."

Zhi Ning: "."

Could it be that he is actually a stammer?
Tsk tsk, it looks so good, but it turned out to be a stammer!

"As for the third one, I haven't thought of it yet, I'll tell you when I think of it."

"Okay." Ye Yu responded, and hurriedly added, "But, but, you can't let me do what I don't want to do."

Zhi Ning rolled her eyes and imitated him, "You, you, you, you, you, you really stutter."

Ye Yu wanted to refute, but in the end she didn't do so.

It's not that he stutters, it's just that he has always been used to speaking one word, and he is not used to speaking full sentences for a while.

He stretched out his hand, "Jade, return the jade pendant to me."

Zhi Ning took out the jade pendant and handed it to him.

Ye Yu took it and tied it around her waist, the clean and clear jade pendant reflected its luster.

"Brother Ye, is this jade pendant very important to you?" Zhi Ning tilted her head and asked, otherwise he would not have promised her three things for this jade pendant.

"En." Ye Yu nodded, complex emotions flashed in her eyes.

This jade pendant is more important than his life, this jade pendant is
At this time, Zhi Ning suddenly approached him, and asked ambiguously, "Is there anyone more important than me?"

Her delicate and beautiful face was right in front of his eyes, and the scorching hot air he exhaled was sprayed on his neck, it was numb, and a wonderful feeling that he had never felt before overflowed from the bottom of his heart. He flew away, but forgot the table behind him, and almost knocked him off his back.

Seeing his flustered look, Zhi Ning laughed so hard that tears were about to fall out.

The target of this mission is too cute, it turns out that the killer who is rumored to kill without batting an eye is also afraid of teasing, tsk tsk, she has found a way to cure him.

Ye Yu stared ferociously at the smiling girl, but she just stared, unable to do anything.

"You, you are not important at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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