Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 287 Falling in Love with a Cold-Blooded Killer (21)

Chapter 287 Falling in Love with a Cold-Blooded Killer (21)

Zhi Ning smiled faintly, "It's as good as my daughter didn't disappoint you."

When Chuxue saw her being praised by Tang's father, she trembled with anger, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

How did this bitch Tang Zhining find out that there was a problem with the account book? If she hadn't separated herself in time, she would have been arrested today.

It was with great difficulty that she got her father to let her take care of the cloth shop without worry, but Tang Zhining, a bitch, ruined all of this.

Tang's father stayed to settle accounts, Chuxue helped, and Zhi Ning went for a walk on the street when she was free.

It was lunch time at this time, and she passed by a restaurant, which looked good, so she walked in.

There were quite a lot of people eating, and the waiter was too busy to rest.

Zhi Ning glanced at the room, her eyes suddenly brightened.

Hey, fate, you can meet the task target if you come to have a meal.

I saw a man wearing a veiled hat and black clothes sitting in front of a table near the corner, and there was a sheathed sword on the table in his hand.

The silk scarf on the hood covered the man's face, making it impossible to see his face, but Zhi Ning recognized him at a glance.

It would be strange if he was wearing a mask in broad daylight, so he chose to wear a veiled hat to cover his face.

She went straight over and sat down in front of him, "Young man, do you mind if I sit here?"

When Ye Yu, who was eating, looked up, a familiar face came into his dark eyes, his hand holding the chopsticks shook, and the meat he was holding fell on the table.

is her!

He wanted to speak, but he was afraid that she would recognize him, so he closed his mouth again.

Zhi Ning was just asking casually, even if he minded, she didn't intend to leave.

She raised her hand to greet the shop waiter, "Xiaoer."

"Come on, guest officer." The shop waiter came up to welcome her, his eyes lit up when he saw it was her, "Ah, it's Miss Tang family, honored guest, honored guest, what would you like to eat today?"

Zhi Ning glanced at the silent man on the opposite side, and replied, "Just serve good food and wine."

"Okay, okay, I'll go get ready now, Miss Tang, please wait a moment." The shop clerk ran away in a hurry.

Yeyu stood up, picked up the sword on the table, picked up the dishes, and moved to the table next to her, not wanting to sit with her.

Zhi Ning also got up, sat down across from him again, and said shamelessly, "Young man, you are so naughty, sitting with such a lovely Miss Ben, why don't you move, why don't you move into Miss Ben's arms. "

Ye Yu held the hilt of the sword on the table with his hand, and let go after a few seconds.

He stared at her indifferently through the veil.

What is she trying to do?
He didn't move his position any more, he just ate and ignored her, but suddenly he didn't know what to eat.

Zhi Ning propped her chin with both hands, looking at him affectionately, but unfortunately the scarf on his head blocked his face, so he couldn't see his face.

What a crime, why hide such a beautiful face, what a waste of money.

She took off her shoes, lifted her feet, and the toes went all the way up from his shoes, rubbing against his calves.

The expression on her face was innocent and innocent, as if she wasn't the one who did the bad things.

A strange feeling flowed from the calf to the whole body, and Yeyu stood up hurriedly, dropping the chopsticks in his hand.

The sudden move drew the eyes of those around him, who looked at him suspiciously.

"What's wrong, young man?" Zhi Ning innocently smiled sweetly at him, like a harmless little girl.

Knowing that she did it, Ye Yu glared at her fiercely, "You!"

"He didn't do anything!" Zhi Ning rolled her eyes aggrievedly, but the corners of her mouth were raised.

Ye Yu had no evidence, so she had to sit down and take a fresh pair of chopsticks.

(End of this chapter)

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