Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 285 Falling in Love with a Cold-Blooded Killer (19)

Chapter 285 Falling in Love with a Cold-Blooded Killer (19)

Zhi Ning was too lazy to listen to their singing, and went straight to the display cabinet, on which were displayed batch after batch of cloth, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple. The colors were fresh, and they felt good. I don't know how the quality is.

The cloth shop's business is really good, there are many people coming in and out to buy cloth, Xiao Er is very busy.

No one bothered her, she walked from the display case to the counter.

There are several ledgers and an abacus on the counter. The beads are half dialed, so it should be the shopkeeper who is doing the reckoning.

When it comes to settling accounts, Zhi Ning is her forte. Back in that world, she had always been among the best in mathematics, and such accounts would not trouble her.

The account book was opened, she glanced at it casually, and immediately found something wrong.

There is a problem with this ledger.

She turned a few more pages, and the smile in her eyes grew stronger.

That's it!

The shopkeeper heard the voice, looked at the counter, and saw Zhi Ning looking through the account book, her expression changed, she rushed over in a panic, grabbed the account book and put it in the cabinet, "Miss, what are you doing?"

"Look at the ledger!" Zhi Ning replied innocently.

Chuxue's face changed slightly, and she secretly glared at the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper was flustered, "No need, I'll just do this kind of thing."

Tang's father said in disgust, "Zhi Ning, don't join in the fun, you don't even know how to calculate accounts, what kind of accounts do you read?"

"Father, that account just now is wrong." Zhi Ning said.

Tang's father thought she was messing around, so he said with a sullen face, "Nonsense, what could be wrong, I don't worry about Chuxue's work."

Chuxue also hurriedly framed her, "Sister, I'm afraid you made a wrong calculation again, there is no problem with the account book."

"Yeah, how could there be a problem with Xue'er's account, Zhi Ning, don't you want to target her?" Wen Fan also accused her.

Zhi Ning knew that Chuxue had a ghost in her heart, and this matter must have something to do with her.

She lazily said, "Is it a miscalculation? Don't you know when you pick up the account book?"

Although Tang's father didn't believe her, when it came to the issue of the account, he still had an extra mind. He looked at the shopkeeper and said, "Give me the account book."

"This, this..." The shopkeeper hesitated and didn't know what to do, but he didn't dare to take it out, so he could only look at Chuxue.

Chuxue gave him a fierce look, and blamed him for not hiding the ledger. She hastily diverted Tang's father's attention, "Father, don't you still have to go to the grain store?"

"Go after reading the account book." Father Tang ordered the shopkeeper again, "Give me the account book."

The shopkeeper trembled in fright. He had no choice but to take out the ledger and hand it to Father Tang with trembling hands.

Father Tang took the account book, put it on the counter, and looked through it carefully.

Turning to a page, Zhi Ning pointed to the number on it and said, "Father, here, here, and here are all wrong. Here it should be 500 taels, but it becomes 400 taels. Here it should be 300 taels, but it becomes 200 taels." I paid [-] taels, where did the little money go?"

The shopkeeper's face was pale, his legs were trembling, and he almost couldn't stand still.

Chuxue's complexion was not much better either, she couldn't figure out how Tang Zhining could see that the bill was wrong, they were obviously very careful.

Tang's father took a closer look at what she said, and found that it was wrong, as she said, there were 100 taels missing in each of the two places.

Zhi Ning turned another page, pointed to a few more places, and pointed out the wrong places one by one.

The more Tang's father looked down, the more gloomy and sullen his face became. He angrily smashed the account book on the table, and asked the shopkeeper sharply, "Shopkeeper, tell me what's going on, why is this account wrong?"

The shopkeeper's legs went limp in fright, and he knelt down on the ground, "I, I don't know."

Father Tang looked at Chuxue again, "Chuxue, tell me, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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