Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 252 The Great God Comes Solo (49)

Chapter 252 The Great God Comes Solo (49)

Shi Mu looked at her in surprise.

Why did she mention this all of a sudden?
He turned his head, looked up at the moon, and shook his head slightly, "I never thought about it."

After she broke up with him, he never thought about marrying someone else, and after she came back, he hadn't had time to think about it.

Zhi Ning's eyes dimmed, "That's a pity, I want to get married."

Shi Mu's heart trembled, and he looked at her strangely.

She wants to get married!

The wind blew, messing up his hair and heart, and then he heard the girl say in a low voice, "If you don't want to marry me, I can only marry someone else."

"No!" Almost as soon as her voice fell, his voice sounded.

Zhi Ning looked at him sideways, lowered her eyebrows pleasingly, and was rarely quiet, "Why?"

Shi Mu was choked up by the question, why?
He lowered his eyes and clenched his fists.

Because he didn't want her to marry someone else.

A cloud drifted past, blocking the moon, blocking the moonlight, and his face darkened, making it difficult for people to see the expression on his face.

Zhi Ning didn't speak anymore, she looked at him without blinking, she was waiting, waiting for his answer.

The clouds parted, and the moonlight shone down again.

Then she heard the man beside her whisper, "Because I want to marry you."

When Zhi Ning and Shi Mu are free, they will exchange ideas and chat with each other. Basically, Zhi Ning flirts with Shi Mu, and the small life is also nourishing and nourishing. They spend more time playing games and brushing dungeons together. leveling.

On this day, Zhi Ning and Shi Mu brought their laptops to the hospital's rest chair to play games.

The two accepted the main task, and then found someone to team up to clear the dungeon.

[World] Let me borrow a kiss from Master: Is there anyone who teamed up to create a dungeon, level 85 foggy forest?

The player saw that Master borrowed a kiss, and quickly replied.

[World] Upstairs is silly X: Swipe, wait for me, I'll be right there.

[World] The young man on the opposite side looked over: I also swipe, you can't leave me behind.

[World] Monkey eats bananas: and me.

[World] Master borrows a kiss: Okay, the crowd is full, others next time.

Those who did not catch up are jealous, as if they have missed a hundred million.

Everyone knew that Master Borrowing a Kiss was a silly boy from the landlord's family. He was a fool and had a lot of money. It might be beneficial to form a team with her, so everyone rushed to form a team.

The other three players came, Zhi Ning and Shi Mu had formed a team and waited for them.

They joined the team, Zhi Ning clicked to start the game.

Zhi Ning of the Misty Forest has already brushed once, and knows this dungeon like the back of her hand, so it doesn't matter if she hasn't brushed it, anyway, she is not afraid.

The little monsters appeared, Shi Mu and the other three players activated their skills to fight monsters, but Zhi Ning stood still.

Seeing that she didn't move, Shi Mu turned his head and asked her in confusion, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, shopping mall." Zhi Ning replied without raising her head, and then spoke in the queue.

[Team] Master borrows a kiss: You fight monsters first, and I'll take a look at the mall.

[Team] Bite me when you are upset: OK, no problem.

Before the master borrowed a kiss and Chaoge Wanjiu was still a husband and wife relationship, no one had any objection if they mixed experience and didn't fight monsters. Now after she and Chaoge Wanjiu divorced, she still mixed experience and didn't fight monsters, and no one had any objections .

Because he is a local tyrant, he is stupid and has a lot of money, so why do he want to fight!
The battle over there was fierce, but here Zhi Ning walked around the mall calmly.

[Team] Master borrows a kiss: What do you want, equipment or divine favor?

The three members of the team knew that she was asking them, and were immediately flattered. The local tyrant was planning to give them benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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