Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 242 The Great God Comes Solo (39)

Chapter 242 The Great God Comes Solo (39)

Zhi Ning is also happy, the task target is so arrogant!
She approached him and asked mysteriously, "Little Mumu, do you know that Zhenxiang slaps your face?"

"I don't know." He replied a little guilty.

"Oh, it doesn't matter if you don't know, look at yourself, a model."

Shi Mu: "."

After coming out of the restaurant, it was already dark, and the colorful neon lights illuminated the world, and the lights in the distance flickered like fireflies.

"Wow, I'm so full!" Zhi Ning ate so much that her stomach turned round when she walked.

Shi Mu had a new understanding of her food intake, why didn't he know that she was so good at eating before?

"Little Mumu, I'm too stuffed to walk, can you carry me on your back?" Zhi Ning said coquettishly.

"Not good!" Shi Mu turned around and left, crossing the road.

"Little Mumu, wait for me!" Zhi Ning hurriedly chased after her, completely forgetting to check the car.

"Squeak!" There was a sudden screech of brakes, and a speeding car rammed towards her.

[Heroine beware! 】Ruan Meng shouted in panic!

Zhi Ning turned her head to look at the approaching car, her mind went blank for a moment, she completely forgot to avoid it.

It's over, this time I'm really going to burp!

A car hit her, and Zhi Ning's eyes flashed, a figure rushed over quickly, almost when the car was about to hit her, she was pushed back by a force and fell to the ground.

"Bump!" With a sound of impact, a tall figure soared into the air, fell on the hood of the car, rolled to the ground, rolled a few times on the ground, and then stopped completely, motionless.

The car also stopped, and everything was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everything that happened so suddenly was unexpected by everyone.

Zhi Ning opened her eyes wide, looking in horror at Shi Mu who was lying on the icy concrete road. He closed his eyes and remained motionless. Bright red blood flowed down his forehead. The warm yellow light shone down, and the redness glowed again. golden light.

Her whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

The people around reacted and hurriedly surrounded him.

The driver of the car also hurried down to help.

Someone called the police, someone called an ambulance.

Zhi Ning's legs were weak and she couldn't stand up, so she could only kneel on the ground and climb up to him step by step.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly, and her fingertips fell on his blood-stained face.

"Small, little Mumu, you are so naughty, why are you so stupid?"

In the hospital, the air is full of the smell of medicine.

Zhi Ning hugged her body against the wall, the bright light shone on her body, but it couldn't illuminate her gray and trembling figure.

Her gaze was fixed on the closed operating room door, and she grabbed the nails on her arms and dug deeply into the flesh.

[Woman, don't be too sad, the mission target will be fine. ] Ruan Meng comforted her.

"En." The girl just responded in a low voice, her gaze still not moving away.

【Ugh! 】Ruan Meng Da let out a long sigh.

Time passed by, and finally, the lights in the operating room went out, the operating door opened, and the doctor came out.

Zhi Ning hastily greeted her, "Doctor, is Xiao Mumu alright?"

The doctor reassured her, "Although the patient suffered a concussion and fractured left leg, his life is not in serious danger. Don't worry."

Zhi Ning didn't let go of her heart, she said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you, doctor!"

The doctor sighed, shook his head and left.

Shi Mu was transferred to the general ward, but he was still unconscious.

Zhi Ning sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the sleeping man, his sleeping face was peaceful, he looked like an angel in a fairy tale.

She raised her hand and held his slightly cold hand.

(End of this chapter)

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