Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 227 The Great God Comes Solo (24)

Chapter 227 The Great God Comes Solo (24)

Fang Zhisheng didn't know what she wanted to do, but he was very surprised where she got so much money. He knew her situation very well. Her salary was not high, so it was impossible for her to have that much money.

First she spent a lot of money to divorce him, and then she spent a lot of money to buy fireworks and firecrackers to wish him marriage. Could it be that she really cheated other players of their money?

[Nearby] Chaoge Evening Wine: @守夫从一个kiss, what exactly do you want to do?
[Nearby] Master borrowed a kiss: As I said, I am here to bless you.

[Nearby] Chaoge Wanjiu: I don't believe you are so kind.

[Nearby] Ink blue and white: Please don't ruin our wedding, okay?
Zhi Ning was aggrieved and helpless, did she look like the kind of villain who ruined other people's weddings?
She just came to be the God of Wealth.

[Nearby] Master borrows a kiss: I didn't intend to spoil your wedding, I just came to send money.

[Nearby] Master borrows a kiss: everybody, do you want gold coins? This fairy is in a good mood today, and I'm sending money for free!
All [nearby] want!

[Nearby] Master borrows a kiss: Let's start then, whoever grabs it will count.

The bright yellow figure in the crowd began to sprinkle gold coins in large handfuls. The golden coins were thrown into the air, and fell down again, sprinkled in the crowd.

Everyone hurriedly bent down to pick up the gold coins, and even the wedding team who were doing the mission also threw away the guys in their hands and came to pick up the gold coins.

The bearer who was carrying the sedan chair dropped the sedan chair and came to pick it up. The sedan chair was thrown on the ground, and the ink and blue flowers inside were discarded.

Except for Chaoge Evening Wine and Ink Blue Flowers, everyone at the scene was busy picking up gold coins.

The lively marriage has turned into a lively picking up gold coins.

Zhi Ning didn't know how much money she had spent, but suddenly saw a message.

[Announcement] Congratulations to master for winning the title of intermediate fan with a kiss.

Master borrowed a kiss, and the pink address on his head turned into a purple middle-level fan.

If you pay, you will gain, and she continued to sprinkle gold coins.

Fang Zhisheng's face in front of the computer was uncertain for a while, he couldn't figure it out, where did she get so much money?
Intermediate fans need 5000 gold coins, even if they cheat other players, it is impossible for them to spend so much.

At this time, he received a private message from Ink Blue and White.

[Private chat] Ink blue and white: Where did Yu Zhining get so much money, isn't she very poor?
Cheng Lin had a good relationship with Yu Zhining before, so she knew about Yu Zhining's situation. She had an ordinary family background and an average salary, so it was impossible for her to have that much money.

[Private Chat] Chaoge Dinner: I don't know.

He also wants to know why?
Seeing that it was almost done, Zhi Ning stopped, everyone also picked up almost, harvested a lot, and all of them were smiling.

[Nearby] Master borrows a kiss: Whoever finds the gold coin quickly runs away with the gold coin, or I will take it back.

As soon as everyone heard this, they ran away in a hurry. They all ran faster than rabbits, fearing that the gold coins they picked up would be taken back.

Not long after, they ran away completely, leaving only Chaoge Wanjiu, Shui Mo Qing Hua and Master borrowing a kiss, and a mess all over the place.

The once lively street was now deserted, the gongs and drums were thrown on the ground, the sedan chair was not lifted, and the wedding procession was gone, so the parade could not go on.

Cheng Lin almost smashed the computer, and there was smoke above her head.

[Nearby] Ink blue and white: Yu Zhining, you are too much, why did you ruin our wedding?
[Nearby] Master borrowed a kiss: I was wronged, I didn't, so don't swear.

[Nearby] Ink blue and white: You still don't admit it, now that everyone has run away, how can we get married and parade.

(End of this chapter)

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