Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 132 The Sick Demon Lord Wants to Hug (8)

Chapter 132 The Sick Demon Lord Wants to Hug (8)

Because the original owner liked it, he planted the Ten Mile Sea of ​​Flowers.

Probably from the moment the original owner saved him, Lan Ye fell in love with her, but he didn't know how to express his feelings, so he could only forcibly imprison the original owner by his side.

The feelings that he didn't know how to express turned into shackles in the end, which gave Yu Tianze an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Brother Ye." Suddenly, a delicate voice came from behind, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

A figure rushed into the courtyard, disturbing Zhi Ning who was admiring the flowers.

She turned around, and a familiar figure came into view.

Bai Yu, the witch, Lan Ye's childhood sweetheart, secretly in love with Lan Ye.

Bai Yuxing ran over in a hurry, but suddenly found that the person in the courtyard was not Wanye but Xiang Zhining, the smile on his face froze, then twisted, and he said through gritted teeth, "Xiang Zhining, why are you here? Didn't you leave the demon world with Yu Tianze?"

Zhi Ning narrowed her eyes slightly, "How did you know that Yu Tianze and I left?"

No one knew about her being with Yu Tianze, so how did Bai Yu know about it?
Bai Yu's eyes dodged, and he said guiltily, "I don't know what Yu Tianze is, not Tianze, since you have already left Brother Ye, why do you come back to pester him?"

The whole devil world knows that Lanye went crazy because of Xiang Zhining's departure. When all the devils are in a trance, Bai Yu is the happiest. Without Xiang Zhining, Brother Ye is hers.

She came here in a hurry, and wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Brother Ye, but she didn't expect that Xiang Zhining was still here?

Didn't Yu Tianze take her back to the God Realm?

Zhi Ning stared at her sharply, naturally she didn't miss the guilty conscience in her eyes, there was something wrong with this baiyu.

"Who said I was leaving him?"

Bai Yu was so angry that her face turned blue, she caught a glimpse of the tall figure behind the pillar out of the corner of her eye, a vicious light flashed, she deliberately raised her voice and said, "Zhi Ning, how can you be sorry for Brother Ye, Brother Ye likes you so much, but you You like a god who broke in. You know that the god is the enemy of our demons, but you still run away with him, abandoning Brother Ye, and what's more, you even drugged Brother Ye. What are the three long and two short, are you happy?"

"I don't know what's so good about that god. You love him so desperately, and you are willing to betray Brother Ye because of him. Now you are returning to the Demon Palace. It is the God who ordered you to steal the sacred objects of the Demon Realm so that the God Realm can accept you." , allow you to marry and have children with that god in the God Realm, right?"

A terrifying murderous aura spread, the surrounding air became oppressive, and invisible gunpowder smoke filled everywhere.

Zhi Ning clearly felt the change in the atmosphere, this murderous aura could only come from a demon, Wan Ye.

He's around!

So Bai Yu's sudden change of face was because he saw Lan Ye, and deliberately wanted to increase Lan Ye's misunderstanding of her, and stimulate Lan Ye to kill her.

Such a vicious witch, she is also a demon, why is her lumbar disc protruding like this?

Zhi Ning glanced at the direction of the murderous intent from the corner of her eye, and her blood-red pupils made her heart tremble.

No, Lan Ye went crazy again!
Grandma is Pippi, why does this big devil go crazy and want to kill her at every turn, he can kill such a cute little girl!

Being with him is like having a ticking time bomb by your side, ready to give up your life at any moment.

Broken system likes to embarrass her, this helpless little pitiful!
Breaking the system: [...] It is really worse than Dou E!

Zhi Ning closed her eyes, and said pitifully, "Bai Yu, I know you hate me, but you can't wrong me, I just went to the forest to pick some fruit for Lan Ye to eat, how can you spread rumors about me and What god elopes, if I elope, is it possible for me to come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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