Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 129 The Sick Demon Lord Wants to Hug (5)

Chapter 129 The Sick Demon Lord Wants to Hug (5)

Zhi Ning closed her eyes in despair, she would die if she died, and she would be a hero again after 18 years.

Suddenly, a tall body slammed into her arms, a pair of strong hands hugged her tightly, hot breath sprayed in her ears, she heard the man's panting, it seemed that there were thousands of words, but Again he said nothing.

A pleasant smell floated into the nostrils, like the coquettish manjusawa blooming beside her.

Zhi Ning opened her eyes wide in shock, and froze in place.

My heart is like ripples on the surface of a calm lake, and I can't calm down for a long time.

He... isn't he going to kill her?

Lan Ye just hugged her tightly, without saying anything, the blood-red eyes slowly faded, and the pupils like black jewels were restored, and a layer of moisture gradually climbed up where she couldn't see.

The elders showed gratified expressions on their faces, the devil world was saved.

Thinking of Mozun's current physical condition, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a sad face.

Although the glass of poisonous water did not poison the Demon Venerable to death, it hurt his body.

They didn't understand, why did Zhi Ning do this?
They hugged for a long time, so long that it seemed as if they had passed through a world.

Lan Ye still didn't want to let go, he was afraid, afraid that once he let go, she would leave again.

All Zhi Ning's fear of him disappeared, because she knew that he loved the original owner very much.

It's not the love that is talked about, but the emotion that can only be felt with the heart. Unfortunately, the original owner didn't understand, so he eloped with the scumbag and even poisoned him.

Xiang Zhining, Xiang Zhining, do you know that you pushed a demon who loves you into the abyss with your own hands, and it also caused your own tragedy.

She opened her lips and said softly, "Sorry, I'm back."

Lan Ye's body trembled, and she looked at her in disbelief, but she actually apologized to him.

Ever since he kept her by his side, she hasn't given him a good look, but he doesn't care, as long as she is by his side, no matter what she does to him, even poison.

He shook his head lightly, the sea of ​​flowers behind him was as red as fire.

He was so calm, as if her harm to him was not worth mentioning.

Zhi Ning was a little annoyed, why wasn't he angry, she obviously poisoned him.

She pushed him away angrily, and shouted at him, "Lang Ye, are you really not angry at all? I poisoned you."

"Why didn't you kill me?"

A bony finger blocked her red lips, preventing her from continuing, but he still just shook his head slightly, his eyes shining brightly.

The more he behaved like this, the more Zhi Ning felt guilty and felt sorry for him.

She slapped his hand away angrily, and shouted, "Speak up, can you stop shaking your head all the time?"

Wan Ye looked at her quietly, his thin lips moved slightly, but no sound came out, his bright eyes dimmed, and there was a touch of loneliness between his brows, he shook his head again, and then stared at the fiery red sea of ​​flowers in a daze .

Zhi Ning was about to die of anger, besides shaking his head, couldn't he talk?

She turned to leave, a big hand grabbed her wrist, she turned her head, and saw Lan Ye shaking her head slightly at her, her pleading eyes seemed to say don't go, don't leave me.

Her heart softened for a moment, and at the same time, she also realized that something was wrong, why didn't he speak, he was obviously not dumb.

She suddenly opened her arms and hugged him tightly, "Okay, I won't go, I won't leave you."

Lan Ye also hugged her, buried her face in her hair, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and the flowers bloomed in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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