Kuai Chuan will die if he doesn't fall in love with the BOSS

Chapter 112 Mr. Huo, are you in love (112)

Chapter 112 Mr. Huo, are you in love (112)

Zhi Ning woke up suddenly, raised her head, and what she saw was an old lady around 60 years old, dragging a suitcase in her hand.

[Women Xia, she is the person you are looking for. 】So cute said.

"That's great." Zhi Ning stood up in surprise, but because she squatted for too long, her feet were numb and she couldn't stand steadily, and she almost fell down. It was the old lady who supported her quickly.

"Are you okay?" the old lady asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, thank you." Zhi Ning thanked.

The old lady looked her up and down and saw that she was not a bad person, so she asked, "Are you here to find me?"

"Yes, I have been waiting for you for two days."

The old lady opened the door, "Go in and talk."

After entering the house, Zhi Ning hurriedly stated her reason for coming, "Old lady, do you still remember that 13 years ago, in the lake in Donglin Park, a little girl was rescued from drowning?"

The old lady was taken aback, she obviously didn't expect her to ask such a long question, but luckily she still had some impression of it.

"I remember, at that time, the little girl ran to the lake to play alone, and accidentally fell down, but was saved by someone."

"Then old lady, do you still remember the person who saved the little girl, is it the boy next to the little girl when she woke up?" Zhi Ning hurriedly asked.

The old lady thought about it carefully, and finally shook her head, "Sorry, it's been a while, I can't remember clearly."

The hope in Zhi Ning's eyes gradually dimmed, and she said in frustration, "It doesn't matter."

How could this happen? It was hard to figure it out, but it turned out to be a joy in vain.

Damn it, who was the savior back then?Is it really Huo Yuchen?

At the same time, at the same place, the possibility is very high, but without evidence, everything is in vain.

"Excuse me, thank you, I'm leaving." She turned around and left in a depressed mood.

Looking at the lonely back, the old lady suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly called her, "Wait, little girl."

Zhi Ning stopped and turned to look at her, "Is the old lady still doing something?"

"I remember I took a video back then." The old lady was not very sure, after all, it happened more than ten years ago.

"Really?" Zhi Ning's eyes rekindled hope, "Where is the video?"

"Wait a minute, I'll look for the cell phone from back then, maybe it really is there." The old lady went to the room to look for the cell phone.

Zhi Ning waited anxiously outside.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it took about twenty minutes before the old lady came out.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, I forgot where I put the old phone, and I searched for it for a while."

She handed the phone and charger to Zhi Ning, "The phone is out of power, let's charge it first."

"Yeah." Zhi Ning took it, charged the phone, and tried to turn it on.

Fortunately, the phone was not damaged, and it turned on immediately.

She opened the album, and sure enough, she found a video from 13 years ago.

She clicked on it, and the video played.

When her eyes lit up, she was so surprised that her hand holding the phone was shaking.

It is really the video of the original owner drowning.

After watching the video, she smiled in surprise.

Sure enough, it was exactly as she thought!
"Old lady, can you lend me your mobile phone first, and I will return it to you in two days."

The old lady waved her hand, "It's okay, I don't need it anyway, just take it if you want."

"Thank you, old lady."

When Zhi Ning came out, it was already evening, the sun was setting, and the whole world was dyed red, and the sky was full of sunset clouds, like delicious cotton candy.

Zhi Ning hadn't eaten for a whole day, and her stomach was growling with hunger, but thinking that things were not over yet, she didn't have time to eat first, so she took a taxi to Su Luoluo's house.

(End of this chapter)

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