Douluo: In the beginning, Xiao Wu is my daughter

Chapter 183 Demon Soul Great White Shark's Mortal Enemy, Evil Killer Whale

Chapter 183 Demon Soul Great White Shark's Mortal Enemy, Evil Killer Whale

Qian Daoliu raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a triumphant smile.

At the same time, Chu Renxue, who was supposed to die, also showed a faint smile, "It seems that releasing the Suzaku avatar early is a wise decision. The 99-level powerhouse is not something I can deal with right now."

The expected flying flesh and blood did not appear, Chu Renxue's body was like a bubble in the sun, which would burst at the touch of a touch, turning into red light rain and scattered in the air.

Qian Daoliu was shocked, as if he had seen a ghost, "What's going turned out to be a phantom?"

It was not Chu Renxue herself who talked to him, fought with him, and even incorporated the domain into her body, but the phantom body she created.

No, to be precise, it is not a phantom body, but a clone in a certain sense.

Has independent thinking, can use various soul skills, and even emotions are very real, almost exactly the same as the main body.

The only difference is that the body is not flesh and blood, such a strange method is unheard of.

Qian Daoliu's eyes became serious. It seems that this "granddaughter" of her is not as simple as she thought. I am afraid that the situation here is clearly understood by her in the dark.

Immediately, there was another sneer, "Alright, a baby born with such a talent is qualified to become the successor of my angel clan, Chu Renxue, Bibi Dong, just wait, I will settle this matter with you sooner or later. "

Next, Qian Daoliu was not in a hurry to trouble the mother and daughter, but secretly contacted his old department.

In the final analysis, Chu Renxue is Bibi Dong's biological daughter, if she is obtained, Bibi Dong must be dealt with first.

Now, Bibi Dong controls most of the power of the Spirit Hall, the first step is to get rid of these high-level backbones who support Bibi Dong.

For a moment, the atmosphere of the entire Wuhun Holy City changed, and there were undercurrents everywhere.

Of course, all this can only be felt by the internal high-level, and the outside world knows nothing about it.

This phenomenon has lasted for a long time, and a year has passed, and the bipolar pattern of Wuhundian has gradually formed.

With Qian Daoliu as the core, one side of the Douluo Hall began to grow, including more than half of the elders in the Elder Hall. Most of these elders belonged to the older generation, and they had always been indifferent to the young Bibi Dong.

Now Qian Daoliu is walking from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, just catering to their wishes.

On the other side, is the Pope's Hall with Bibi Dong as the core, which also includes many powerhouses, such as Poison Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo and other titled powerhouses, as well as the masters of the major Wuhun Halls.

Chu Renxue naturally also joined Bibi Dong's camp.

It was just because of the need to deal with the imperial affairs, leaving Porcupine Douluo behind the Pope's palace, and returned to Heaven Dou City by himself.

Although the forces of the two parties are very strong, they are still restrained at present, and no large-scale conflicts have broken out.

As for when the decisive battle is unknown, a suitable opportunity is needed.

Sea God Island in the sea to the west of the mainland.

After a year of tidal body training, the physique of the seven people became very strong, and they needed to resist the polishing of huge waves halfway, and their soul power was forced to break through one level after another.

In the end, the seven successfully completed their respective daily hours and passed the third assessment.

Next, is the fourth test.

The fourth test is still the same, each needs to kill a certain number of designated sea soul beasts.

For example, Dai Mubai assisted the demon spirit great white shark group to kill more than ten evil killer whales, Zhu Zhuqing needed to kill eight, and Tang San killed the evil killer whale king.

Since this assessment was a beheading operation, everyone relaxed for a few days and adjusted their state.

The little monsters all have their own ways of relaxing, Chu Hua didn't bother, but went to find the King of the Demon Soul Great White Shark.

The evil killer whale is not an easy to provoke existence, otherwise Ning Rongrong's assessment task would not be to protect the king of the devil spirit great white shark and prevent him from dying.

Seeing Chu Hua take the initiative to find him, Xiaobai was very happy, but when he heard the name of the evil killer whale, he gritted his teeth and became irritable.

There is no other reason.

The two groups of the demonic great white shark and the evil killer whale are mortal enemies for thousands of years, and Xiaobai's younger brother died under the sharp teeth of the evil killer whale.

This is also helpless.

After all, the Great White Shark, the Deep Sea Demon Whale, and the Evil Killer Whale are all three sea spirit beast races in the southern sea area, and they all have the power to kill each other.

However, although the three are nominally at the top of the food chain, there is still a certain gap.

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale is undoubtedly the most powerful, otherwise it would not have become the overlord of the southern waters.

Secondly, there is the evil killer whale, which is an extremely bloodthirsty sea spirit beast.

If it is said that the ferocious soul beasts like the Golden Wing Dapeng kill them only to strengthen themselves, then the evil killer whale is purely bloodthirsty.

As long as the sea spirit beasts they stare at will be shredded unceremoniously, no matter whether they are full or not.

Therefore, the notoriety spread far and wide, and all sea spirit beasts would stay away when they saw them.

Even if it is the demon spirit great white shark group, the two sides will be at a disadvantage in the battle. For hundreds of years, a large number of compatriots have been killed or injured.

If it weren't for the particularity of Sea God Island, the Demon Soul Great White Shark Clan would no longer exist.

At present, in the entire southern sea area, only the deep-sea demonic whales are not afraid of them, but the deep-sea demonic whales do not like to swim, and the evil-devil killer whales recognize their dominance.

As a result, conflicts between the two groups rarely occur.

Chu Hua had heard of this before, and what he needed to know now was the number and specific combat power of the evil killer whales.

Xiaobai didn't hide anything, and said truthfully: "I have to admit that one evil killer whale is enough to fight with our two clansmen, and once they fight against each other, they will never die. As for the number, because of their poor reproductive ability, it is about the same as ours. , about [-], and about [-] adults."

Chu Hua remained silent. The strength gap between the two sides was indeed very large, almost double the gap.

In other words, the little monsters are facing at least a hundred evil killer whales attack, the degree of danger is self-evident, and this is the preparation of both sides to die together.

Chu Hua was a little helpless, it was not easy to make a move this time.

In the end, Chu Hua handed Xiaobai a Suzaku feather, "I'm not very worried about the little monsters, after all, they are only facing the evil killer whale, but you, be careful when facing the evil killer whale king."

Xiaobai took Suzaku Lingyu and asked curiously, "What is this?"

Chu Hua smiled slightly, "It can be regarded as a healing item. You can eat it in a critical moment, and your state will recover. Maybe you will have a chance to fight back in a desperate situation."

Xiaobai coughed a few times, "Since you took the initiative, and for the sake of your sincerity, my lord will accept it."

"The Pride Shark."

Chu Hua complained in his heart, then waved his hand, "Then I'll go first, and I'll tell the little monster all the information I got here."

(End of this chapter)

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