Enjoy life from Douluo

Chapter 268 Chapter 265

Chapter 268 Chapter 265
The Xiao family children were silent, but they were scolding him in their hearts, such an obvious cover-up, do you still have to ask us?

Fifty stick duty is like scratching an itch on the Dou Qi Continent. Xiao Yan can completely resist it with Dou Qi. This is a typical example of protecting his son.

Seeing that no one spoke, Xiao Zhan continued: "Fifty punishment with a rod is only a very light punishment, but it is only an early punishment, and there will definitely be punishment in the future, and the final punishment will be determined after Xiao Mei wakes up."

The disciples didn't understand why they had to wait for Xiao Mei to wake up before making a decision.

Xiao Zhan also saw everyone's doubts, and he continued: "Xiao Yan has done something to apologize to Xiao Mei, even killing him ten times, even a hundred times is not an exaggeration, but Xiao Yan is dead, what should Xiao Mei do?" ?”

Hearing this, all the disciples suddenly realized that Xiao Zhan had this idea. Since Xiao Mei lost her life to Xiao Yan, then let Xiao Yan marry Xiao Mei. This can be regarded as an explanation to Xiao Mei. .

If Xiao Mei is willing, then Xiao Yan will naturally become his husband, and if the two choose a date to get married, Xiao Yan will naturally keep it.

Although Xiao Zhan obviously shielded Xiao Yan, his words were reasonable. What's the use of killing Xiao Yan?
After Xiao Yan died, what should Xiao Mei do?

Can I still get married later?
Who would marry an unclean man for his wife?
So the crux of the matter still lies in Xiao Mei, and Xiao Zhan's shallow line is that Xiao Zhan's lineage will marry Xiao Mei.

Yun Tian in the distance was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Xiao Zhan's brain to be so good, and he could get along with such a plan to break the situation. If he really succeeded, not only Xiao Yan would not be punished, but he would actually marry Xiao Mei, a beautiful wife .

This result is not bad for Yuntian, at least he got rid of Xiao Mei, a difficult woman.

However, the punishment for Xiao Yan was still too light, Yun Tian already had some calculations in his mind.

The disciples of the Martial Arts Field gradually dispersed, and Xiao Yan was also thrown into a big prison. He was fine at all with fifty rods, and he was still running around.

But he didn't practice anymore, he kept thinking about what happened just now, he must prove his innocence.

As far as he is concerned, Xiao Mei cannot marry, but not in this way.

Who knows who exactly Xiao Mei was defiled by? As a time traveler, how could it be possible to marry such a woman?
If he really married, then there must be a green grassland above his head, which he cannot accept.

So he has to prove his innocence, if he can't prove his innocence, then he won't be able to hold his head up in the Xiao family in this life, because he's stinky and green!

A figure appeared in Xiao Mei's residence, and he was Yun Tian.

Yun Tian hypnotized the comatose Xiao Mei again, the main purpose was to keep Xiao Mei from waking up for a short time.

After sleeping, Yun Tian injected Yin-Yang Qi into Xiao Mei's body, and the Yin-Yang Qi could guarantee the nutrition Xiao Mei's body needed.

It will not cause death due to long-term unconsciousness, and it can even help Xiao Mei develop normally.

Of course, only one injection is far from enough, but each injection can last for a year.


Time passed, and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

Last night, the Xiao family ushered in a sleepless night, and the ancient clan on the other side also experienced an abnormality.

The sky was slightly bright, and Gu Yuan got up early. He didn't sleep all night last night, and he was extremely worried about his daughter Xiao Xun'er.

Xiao Xun'er came back yesterday, which was a happy day, but Gu Yuan found that although his daughter came back, her soul did not.

If he misses Yun Tian as before, then he has nothing to worry about.

But this time was different, Xiao Xun'er locked herself in the boudoir with a sad face as soon as she came back.

Obviously, the young couple Xiao Xun'er and Yun Tian had a quarrel.

But here lies the problem, he still knows this young couple very well, Xiao Xun'er has been unruly and willful since childhood, but Yun Tian has a very good temper.

There was basically no friction between the two, because Yun Tian would give way to Xiao Xun'er.

Therefore, the two never really quarreled.

But yesterday, my daughter's unhappiness was completely put on her face, which has never happened before.

Gu Yuan stayed up all night just because he knew the two of them so well. He really couldn't figure out what happened to the two of them.

I also asked Ling Ying about this, but Ling Ying didn't know the specific reason.

At a loss, Gu Yuan walked towards Xiao Xun'er's boudoir, trying to find out the truth of the matter.

Gu Yuan was not the only one who didn't sleep all night, Xiao Xun'er was the same, her childhood sweetheart fiancé actually treated her like this, which made her really puzzled, at this time she deeply felt the pain in her heart.

She thought that Yun Tian's actions were because he fell in love with Xiao Mei, but because of Xiao Mei, she treated her like this.

"Squeak..." Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xiao Xun'er glanced habitually.

Seeing the kind smile on her father's face, Xiao Xun'er felt more and more wronged, and tears rolled down her eyes unconsciously.

"Dad..." A choked voice came out of her small mouth with difficulty.

Gu Yuan couldn't help but feel a twinge in his heart, it hurts, it hurts.

However, Gu Yuan didn't show it. He asked softly, "Baby, what happened?"

It doesn't matter if you don't ask, but the wronged Xiao Xun'er burst into tears in an instant.

"Brother Yuntian fell in love with someone else!" Xiao Xun'er said aggrievedly while crying.

Gu Yuan was stunned. Before he came, he thought about countless truths, but he never thought that the truth was because of what his daughter said!

Three wives and four concubines are very normal for a capable man in Douqi Continent. Not to mention being capable, even ordinary people will marry multiple women as long as conditions permit.

But the problem arises with my own daughter. My daughter is the eldest lady of the Gu clan, the future hope of the Gu clan, and my precious daughter, Gu Yuan.

Even though Yuntian's origin was very mysterious and he had a strong background, Gu Yuan still couldn't accept that this matter fell on Xiao Xun'er.

At this time, Gu Yuan's heart was full of anger, but he didn't show it, because he knew that the most important thing right now was his precious daughter.

"Baby, maybe it's a misunderstanding, tell Dad, what happened?" Gu Yuan asked lightly.

So, Xiao Xun'er told Gu Yuan clearly what had happened.

From how Xiao Mei abandoned Xiao Yan, how she had a dispute with Xiao Mei, to how Yun Tian abandoned him and left without caring.

She told Gu Yuan everything carefully, without missing a single thing.

Listening to Gu Yuan told by Xiao Xun'er, the more she listened, the more she felt that something was wrong. The truth of the matter was obviously not what her daughter said.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection

(End of this chapter)

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