Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 380 Unwilling result

Chapter 380 Unwilling result
"Old monster!"

"It is definitely an old monster that has been hidden for many years!"

Several people cursed in their hearts one after another. After probing, they speculated that Yao Jingxiao's strength must have reached an astonishing level. He was unfathomable, as old and profound as some old antiques they had seen.

Almost immediately, they judged that Yao Jingxiao came from an era farther than theirs, not even a star.But a few people probably wouldn't know that Yao Jingxiao and the Lord of the God Realm, Hao Wei, were people of the same era, because this person is already existing in the world as an ancient person, and the others either died or were killed. The years are completely obliterated.

Although it is said that after becoming a god, it is close to immortality and has an endless lifespan, but this is for ordinary people, but tens of millions of years is already the survival limit of a great emperor, and the longest existing one is only one.

As a result, the hearts of the seven long-established emperors and supreme kings had a glimmer of gloom. They didn't expect Yao Jingxiao to be more difficult than they expected, and the demonstration by himself and others undoubtedly became a joke.

"Guys, do you really want to have a fight with me today?" Although Yao Jingxiao was asking a question, everyone could see that he was sure of winning, as if he didn't care that he was facing seven matches. A strong man of his level can really be called a strong man with a heart in terms of his bearing alone.

None of the people here are simple, and there are seven of them here, so how could they be easily changed just because of Yao Jingxiao's simple words? The few people behaved not at all, Lei Qianjun said coldly . "Yao Jingxiao, we didn't mean to embarrass you deliberately, but Chen Feng didn't even show his face, isn't it too disrespectful to me? It's easy to say if you want to stop, as long as he shows up now, then naturally we won't make things difficult anymore .What? Could it be that he really didn't dare?"

Yao Jingxiao frowned slightly, and said indifferently. "I said, our hall master has other important matters, so it's inconvenient to come here today."

"Hmph! You think that this kind of words can be kept from Yoyo's mouth, but it's too convincing."

Yao Jingxiao was a little annoyed. From his point of view, these people were just trying to get ahead, just to catch a friend with pigtails as an excuse to turn against him. Thinking of this in his heart, Yao Jingxiao naturally didn't show any good looks. There was a dangerous aura in it.

I saw him speak sharply. "Since you don't believe it, then don't waste your time talking. Use whatever tricks you can, and see if I can take it."

"How brave!"

Lei Qianjun immediately yelled angrily, because in his opinion, Yao Jingxiao was so arrogant that he thought he wanted to fight against the seven of them by himself.What is this, do you regard yourself as that kind of low-class stuff, and you can let him be humiliated?
His angry eyes were wide open, and the killing intent on his body was completely released at this moment, like a calm lake, a huge wave surged up in an instant, its power and power shook the world, and he yelled loudly, like an ancient giant beast roaring in his ears.

"Yao Jingxiao! You are extremely arrogant, but you really chose the wrong place to go wild today. I am not your opponent alone. What about two people, three people, or seven people together?"

Everyone glared at Yao Jingxiao at this moment, and this time they really touched their bottom line and were completely furious, "That's right! Today I will let you know that arrogance has a price to pay."

Almost as soon as the voice fell, since they acted unanimously, the difference from just now is that this time it came more violently. The mighty momentum brought by the seven great emperors directly covered the sky and the earth, and a terrifying and desperate breath descended In this world, the void visible to the naked eye is broken layer by layer, which is terrifying.

The emperor just saw a few people raising their hands and raising their feet in different directions to move the world. Yao Jingxiao suddenly felt as if he was facing an abyss, and a suffocating feeling came over his face.

"Brilliant Sky Thunder!"

Lei Qianjun made a tactic with both hands, and the sky was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds in just a moment. The dark clouds were deep and dark, as if there was some great horror hidden behind it?
There was only a stabbing sound, and a monstrous thunderbolt pierced through the sky instantly. At this moment, it seemed that even the air was evaporated, and a faint black air rose up everywhere it passed, as if the air was burned. .

This flash of lightning came in the blink of an eye, and Lei Qianjun didn't dare to take it too seriously, as the so-called victory or defeat of a master's fight is only an instant, let alone when he is still at a disadvantage.

He punched fiercely, the surface of the fist was covered with thousands of years of ice, and he met the menacing bolt of lightning head-on with unparalleled power.


A loud noise exploded directly, and a bright spark bloomed in front of him. Yao Jingxiao directly knocked out this bolt of lightning, but he could very well detect the faint smell of paste in the air. , although he acted lightly, what happened must not be simple.

Before Yao Jingxiao had time to catch his breath, other people's attacks followed one after another, bombarding him with domineering strength.Yao Jingxiao didn't dare to be negligent at all, all kinds of hole cards were poured out in an instant, and the sound of explosions spread all over his body one after another, the heat wave was billowing, and the flames shot into the sky.

Although it looked extremely dangerous, Yao Jingxiao was able to take all the attacks without any mistakes, which undoubtedly surprised him.You must know that although none of them tried their best, the combination of seven people is enough to deter many powerful people.

Especially when they saw Yao Jingxiao's performance with ease, they were immediately surprised, and their estimation of Yao Jingxiao's strength went up to a new level in their hearts.

The reason why they didn't do anything with all their strength was because they just wanted to show off Yao Jingxiao's vigor. To put it bluntly, he was just angry. His majesty was challenged.

Besides, their original intention was not to take down Yao Jingxiao, but in their plan they wanted to take advantage of it, and save the masters from the foreign domain to deal with Qiandi Palace, so that they would lose both and hurt themselves so that they could take advantage of it.

If you want to suppress and kill Yao Jingxiao, even with the strength of the seven of them, there will be damage. Since there is a better choice, why bother to do such a thankless thing?
When the seven of them closed their hands, they were actually on par with Yao Jingxiao, and the more they fought, the more shocked they were, because they were shocked by Yao Jingxiao's heaven-defying combat power.

They had already fought hundreds of moves from the fight to now, and they could only make Yao Jingxiao look a little embarrassed, at most, his clothes were disheveled, and they didn't even cause the slightest real injury.

(End of this chapter)

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