Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 351 Arrive

Chapter 351 Arrive
"Humph! Presumptuous!"

The god emperors of the God of War Temple who rushed here at a very fast speed were almost furious, and Lei Qianjun was cultivated by them with untold hardships and countless resources.With his current achievements, as long as he grows up, he will definitely be an unrivaled God of War, and he may be able to lead the Temple of War God to a new level.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lei Qianjun was the hope for the rise of the God of War Temple, but now he was forcibly destroyed by Dai Mubai, which undoubtedly pierced the sky.

A god emperor with a majestic look on his face was ruthless, and he roared with murderous intent. "Son, you are so courageous, today the emperor will make you pay for your life."

Dai Minghan immediately flew into a rage, Dai Mubai was his reverse scale, someone dared to stretch out his claws, then Dai Minghan swore he would chop him off. "Old man, you dare to touch a hair on me."

He was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Dai Mubai and protected him behind him. At this moment, his not tall body was like a lofty Mount Tai, standing firm and powerful.

"Looking for death! It's so, you father and son will go to hell together."

Several faster god emperors threw off the others in an instant, and quickly approached Dai Minghan. Since they were attacking at the same time, the monstrous power on their bodies kept venting. Dai Minghan on the field bombarded away, and everyone felt a deadly wave surging towards the surroundings, sweeping the world in an instant.

With his eyes fixed, Dai Minghan let out a muffled snort, and became unusually cautious.If he was the only one, he wouldn't have to be so careful, but now Dai Mubai is just a god emperor, without his protection, there is absolutely no life under the power of a god emperor.

Although he needed to focus on two things, Dai Minghan didn't feel flustered at all, and stretched out a big hand to protect Dai Mubai behind him with a calm face, and then emitted a brilliant divine light from his body to condense a huge light shield to protect the two of them.

The other hand spread out in the void and pushed forward violently, as if sweeping through a monstrous wave, it suddenly blasted out with violent power, and smashed directly at the few attacks that were close to the eyes.




A series of explosions sounded, deafening people's ears. It seemed to turn into a sea of ​​flames in front of Dai Minghan's body. The scalding heat wave spread to the surroundings, and it was truly spectacular.

At the moment when the explosion sounded, the remaining God Emperors of the Temple of War came one after another, looking at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.This Dai Minghan is obviously also a strong enemy, and he has to protect a god emperor, and he has to be distracted to resist the violent attacks of several god emperors.

"This guy is tough, let's go together."

I don't know who shouted loudly, and then the divine power of the dozens of god emperors surged, and the violent emperor's power swept away, and various moves came out frequently, and the divine power rushed out one after another, viciously bang To Dai Minghan and Dai Mubai who are still on the ground.In an instant, the situation changed suddenly, and even the sky and the earth were darkened.

Everyone's expression changed, they felt as if a peerless beast was dormant in the midair, possessing unrivaled power to destroy the world.

Not only that, but everyone in Qiandi Palace also changed countenance.

"do not want!"

Tang Hao and Zhao Wuji's people roared wildly, burning the divine power in their bodies recklessly, more than doubling their speed, but they couldn't quench their thirst from far away, and that invincible attack was even fiercer and faster.Everyone only saw that the fierce attack seemed to have grown wings, and it attacked Deminghan and his son in an instant. Just when everyone thought everything was about to be settled, an accident happened.

"call out!"

Only a sharp piercing sound was heard, and everyone saw a stream of light flash across the sky in an instant, rushing straight to the attack jointly launched by several god emperors.Before they could see what it was, they saw a burst of dazzling white light suddenly bursting out. Everyone felt that the world was white, and their eyes were piercingly painful. Those who were weak actually shed tears of blood.


Immediately afterwards, there was a bang from the sky and the earth, and everyone felt the ground shake for a while, and many people were knocked to the ground by the shock on the spot.This time the crowd was in a complete commotion. Regardless of being dizzy, they tried their best to look into the arena.

What was that just now?
Did Demingham and his son survive?
These are what they are eager to know. Just now they saw with their own eyes that a mysterious object suddenly flew from the distant sky and resisted Demingham and his son. The speed was unprecedented. The place flew to catch up.

In the center of the battlefield, a piece of yellow sand has already flown, which blocked everyone's sight and couldn't see anything clearly inside. This made the people who were eager to know the answer feel irritable, but they had no choice but to concentrate and wait for that moment. The smoke and dust dissipated, for fear of missing something exciting.

Not long after, the dense dust gradually faded, and the scene inside became clearer and clearer. Everyone stretched their necks, and even their eyeballs almost popped out.


"how is this possible?"

"this is too scary……"

Everyone's expressions were shocked, even the high and mighty God Emperor did not dare to calm down, He Ran stared at the arena with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

Everyone saw that Dai Minghan and his son were unharmed, and a sword was stuck in front of them.In front of the sword, the ground was directly turned over a layer, leaving bare rocks, and there were bursts of fire and smoke, forming a monstrous crater.

This giant pit seemed to be ravaged by thunder from the sky, ravines criss-crossed everywhere, and the ground was scorched. With everyone's terrible eyesight, they couldn't find a single damaged place.

From time to time, billowing magma gushed out from the ground. Unexpectedly, they directly pierced through the veins of the earth and triggered the volcanoes in the ground.The power of the God Emperor is fully demonstrated at this moment, but this is not what everyone cares about.

"It's just a sword?" Someone was full of disbelief, feeling that his life had been cheated.Such a terrifying attack, even a mighty god emperor can't guarantee that he can survive, but now a sword can block it without any damage. Doesn't that mean that a god emperor is not as good as a sword ?How grotesque and ironic this is.

"how is this possible?"

Everyone lost their voices for a while, and looked at the sword half inserted on the ground in horror, wishing that the whole person could get close to it, which was simply beyond their cognitive range.

At this time, one of the crowd cried out. "It is not the sword that is scary, but the person who uses the sword is scary."

Everyone came back to their senses, and suddenly realized in their hearts.

That's right, it must be an extremely strong man who manipulated this sword to be able to achieve this level. Now they were even more terrified. What kind of strong man has such strength!

Just when everyone was extremely suspicious, a hearty laughter sounded from the distant horizon. "It's so lively here, how can I be missing?"

(End of this chapter)

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