Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 314 God-Emperor Battle 2

Chapter 314 God Emperor Battle II

Under everyone's surprised eyes, Dai Mubai quickly came to the arena, and spoke very arrogantly in full view. "Hey! Which one of you dares to come and fight with me? If you have something, come out quickly. My time is precious, sir, and I don't have any extra time to play house with you."

Although the relationship between the two hostile parties is not good, it is still rare for such a situation to be provocative and tit-for-tat, so it immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they looked at Dai Mubai curiously.

Because of the ability to maintain good looks, few people in the God Realm would judge a person's age based on his appearance, because no one could tell whether it was the old man who had practiced for many years under that young face. Monster, what these people are curious about is Dai Mubai, not his age.

To be the first to appear on the stage, the strength will naturally not be weak. Dai Mubai's evil spirit and domineering body are not concealed at all, and his performance is even more rampant. They all want to see if this person is talking nonsense, or if he really has That ability?

"Presumptuous!" A person came in front of him in a few jumps, beard and hair bristling, pointed at Dai Mubai and said angrily. "I, Liu Yanping, have practiced for more than [-] years, and I have never seen someone as arrogant as you!"

Dai Mubai didn't bother to look at him, played with his nails, and replied nonchalantly. "So now that you've seen it, what are you going to do?"

Liu Yanping was stunned for a moment, and then flew into a rage, being choked up by Dai Mubai, how could he deal with it indifferently? "Damn it! What's your name, hurry up and tell me, old man, I never kill unknown people."

"Oh! It means that if I don't tell you my name, you won't kill me. That's even better, but I won't tell you."

"You..." Liu Yanping was angry, his face was flushed, his neck was thickened, he was busy practicing all day long, and rarely went out, so how could he be the opponent of the barrage when it comes to quarrels?
In fact, most people like him are not good at words. To put it bluntly, they have high IQ and low EQ. They almost use up their own practice. That is definitely the end of losing.

Dai Mubai was not in the mood to listen to what he said, he was here to fight and not to talk nonsense, so he just waved his hands nonchalantly. "Okay, don't you, you, if you want to fight, hurry up, don't talk nonsense there, and act like a bitch."

This sentence is definitely the biggest insult to a man, and Liu Yanping exposed it immediately. "Damn it, let me die!"

Like a hungry wolf preying on prey, Liu Yanping leaped towards him, like an eagle's clawed hand flashed a little bit of cold star, straight for Dai Mubai's throat.

Although Dai Mubai looked carefree and unprepared, after Liu Yanping made a movement, his expression became concentrated, his muscles tensed, and he became cautious.

His body was shaken, and he had already moved more than ten meters laterally during several ups and downs. His center of gravity was slightly lowered, and he punched suddenly.

The wind of the fist roared, driving the billowing dust, and a huge fist shadow condensed in the air and rushed towards Liu Yanping in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Liu Yanping was startled, and quickly put away his offensive, three steps in parallel, he quickly rolled to the side and fell to the ground, narrowly dodging the punch.


This punch fell out of thin air, drawing a long ravine on the ground, and emitting acrid smoke. The edge of the ravine was actually blackened sand. Liu Yanping's eyes shrank when he saw it, and he immediately turned to Dai Mu. Bai cast a cautious look.

After the anger passed, he calmed down. After the temptation just now, the kind of power that was enough to threaten him made Liu Yanping wake up to the people of the Palace of Thousand Emperors. Therefore, Liu Yanping began to take it seriously at the moment.

He thought to himself. "This kid is powerful and overbearing. It seems that he is very likely to be a powerful opponent."

Liu Yanping was both happy and annoyed at the moment. What he liked was that powerful opponents generally don't move too quickly, and he is better at this aspect, so he can be called above and beyond.The annoyance is that powerful opponents attack violently, and it is absolutely uncomfortable to be hit all at once, he said silently in his heart. "It seems that I have to be more careful. If this kid seizes the opportunity and sneaks up on me a few times, I will really suffer."

Therefore, Liu Yanping became more careful, no longer rashly attacking, but cautiously probing, he wanted to exhaust himself, exhaust Dai Mubai's physical strength, and then wait for work at leisure.

The idea is good, but it's a pity that he has such an obvious intention, how could Dai Mubai not see it?

"Hehe. You old boy is a bit cautious. If it were normal, I would have dealt with you for a while, and let you see what is lasting. But now? Hehe..." A sneer appeared on Dai Mubai's face Well, he made a bet this time, so he doesn't want to waste time here.

After dozens of rounds passed, Dai Mubai thought it should be all right?He didn't want to appear so strong, otherwise he might be targeted later.

It's not that he's afraid that the alliance will send out strong enemies, because he dares to fight even the enemies with guns. It's just that in this way, he will work hard to clean up the thorns in the front, and Ma Hongjun will pick up the bargain in the back. This kind of loss-making business is not bad. Not worth it either.

Right now the timing is just right, being able to hide a part of his strength is of great benefit to the next actions, so Dai Mubai doesn't want to continue wasting it any longer.

"Hmph~ I saw you playing so happily just now, now it's my turn, you have to take it."

After finishing speaking, Dai Mubai didn't speak anymore, instead, the offensive in his hands became more and more violent, and he bombarded Liu Yanping wildly, and he couldn't lift his head under pressure for a while, so he could only passively defend and dodge.

Liu Yanping felt the numb feeling from his arm and smiled wryly. How long has it been since this type of strength is the most suitable to deal with? He already feels powerless, and his bones are about to fall apart.

The people on the side were also very surprised, good guy!I'm afraid this person is not a monster. He was able to hold on to such a swift and fierce attack for so long, and he still had some energy left in his relaxed appearance. Even the god emperors began to pay attention to such a change.Apparently Dai Mubai's extraordinary performance aroused their interest.

"White Tiger Light Wave"

Layers of ripples rolled up Dai Mubai's body, a wave of black and white air visible to the naked eye covered his whole body, making him look even more bewitching and domineering, and a huge disc light curtain appeared in front of him, like a rotating The Milky Way exudes a strange light.

(End of this chapter)

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