Chapter 298

Facts have proved that it is not wishful thinking of the Qiandi Palace, but that there is indeed such a thing.

Kongming Mountain, Bulaoya, Wanxianzhuang, War God Temple, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana Sect, and Piaomiao Pavilion seem to have gathered to discuss how to deal with Qiandi Palace, and the lineup here is even better. Countless people all gathered here.

"Thousand Emperor Palace has only been developed for ten thousand years, but it keeps pace with our old forces that have been passed down for tens of millions of years. If there is nothing tricky in it, even if it kills me, I won't believe it."

"This sentence makes sense. I remember that 1 years ago, there were only two emperors in the Qiandi Palace, but now? I'm afraid there are more than any other family here. It's really scary to think about it."

"What do you mean? The Palace of Thousand Emperors has mastered the way to break through to the God Emperor. Is this... possible?"

"Does it sound unbelievable? But apart from this explanation, I really can't think of anything else..."

The news was really shocking, and it shocked a large number of people. At this moment, almost everyone present was moved, and their eyes were full of greed and longing.

In the practice world of the God Realm, it is not difficult to become a God King or God Emperor. As long as you have a little bit of talent and enough resources to survive for many years, you will have this opportunity, but God Emperor is different.

The God Realm has existed for an unknown number of years, but despite all these years, the number of God Emperors is still limited, and it has not been able to reach that terrifying number.

Because if you want to become an emperor, talent is second, and chance is the most important thing. However, this kind of thing is illusory and needs to be based on personal understanding and comprehension, which is really unpredictable.

In the past tens of millions of years, I don’t know how many god queens have been stuck in this checkpoint, regretting their lives until they passed away.There are still many people who died under the horrific thunder calamity. The kind of narrow escape made many people fear and dare not try it lightly.

Thinking that the Palace of Thousand Emperors is likely to make achievements in this regard, everyone's breathing can't help but be quickened, even if there is only a one in ten thousand chance, it is worth everyone's risk.

In fact, I didn't ask too much, as long as there was an opportunity to increase the thunder tribulation by one or two percent, it would be able to arouse everyone's coveted hearts.

Most of the people present have been stuck in this level for many years, some are unable to go further because of the bottleneck, and some are afraid of the thunder disaster because they are afraid of life and death and dare not face the thunder disaster.

The temptation to become a god emperor is almost everyone's lifelong pursuit, and now there is such a possible opportunity in front of them, which is enough to make these people desperate.

"Gudong~" Huang Dinglong swallowed excitedly, he couldn't resist the temptation.

He used to be the Palace Master of the Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace, but in recent years, due to the situation, he had to attach himself to these overlord-level forces. The feeling of being under the fence is not good, so he is extremely eager to change this status quo.


He is not strong enough, although he is extremely unwilling, but he does not have the courage to break away from the control of these forces. If he really wants to do this, then his fate as a traitor is self-evident. It is no exaggeration to say that the Southern Territory will There was no longer any place for him to stand.

"If I can become a god emperor, then..."

If it was the past, he would definitely not have such a bold heart, because it has stayed in the God Queen stage for nearly 2 years, and it is hard to find the possibility of crossing the threshold for the last time.

"Could the Palace of Thousand Emperors have already grasped some of these secrets, otherwise why do they have so many god emperors?" Thinking of that possibility, his eyes gradually lit up.

Huang Dinglong's heart was already ready to move. At this moment, he couldn't hold back anymore, he said excitedly. "The Palace of Thousand Emperors must be destroyed. Let's not talk about how much profit we will get from destroying them? This alone may be enough for us to take a risk."

These words were like boiling water in a frying pan, and it immediately boiled.

Someone responded. "The god emperors in our sect have been accumulated for tens of thousands of years, but now they are caught up by a mere force of ten thousand years. Needless to say, they must have mastered something."

"That's right, the Palace of Thousand Emperors must be hiding a big secret. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity must not be let go. I think we should declare war on the Palace of Thousand Emperors right away. Others are optional? But we must obtain the secret of becoming a god emperor. "Another person said excitedly.

Almost everyone present was completely ebullient, and some even trembled with excitement.That is the god emperor, their lifelong pursuit, the kind of peak power that makes everyone obsessed and yearned for it, saying that it is something they cannot refuse.

Almost instantly, everyone focused their attention on the seven forces of Kongming Mountain, Bulaoya, Wanxianzhuang, War God Temple, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana Sect, and Piaomiao Pavilion. They are now attached to these seven forces. Hegemony-level forces, so any action they take cannot do without their support.

Chen Xiaoyu from Kongming Mountain was the first to speak, not to mention the life-and-death enmity between him and the Palace of Thousand Emperors, but just this tempting heaven-sent opportunity in front of him, he couldn't let him let go. "The matter must be put on the agenda immediately. If we let Qiandi Palace go, then we will have to pay even more."

Now Chen Xiaoyu seems to have become Kongmingshan's talker, and his words have already represented Kongmingshan's attitude. After he opened his mouth, it can be said that he has set the tone for this matter.

Afterwards, the suzerains of Bulaoya, Wanxianzhuang, War God Temple, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana Sect, and Piaomiao Pavilion also expressed their opinions. They reached an agreement in a very short period of time, and there was only one purpose - to take to that secret.

This is something that no one can refuse. If this possibility really exists and they hold it in their hands, it will not be an easy matter. By then, they will be able to break through the God Emperor, even if they are to dominate the God Emperor. It is also very possible to enter the world, which is another great temptation.

To be honest, the Southern Territory is much worse than other Eastern and Northern Territories. It is the weakest party in the entire God Realm. The feeling of being at the bottom is very uncomfortable, and almost everyone has resentment.

Therefore, due to various reasons, this conspiracy against the Palace of Thousand Emperors was completed beyond everyone's imagination, and it was different from what Tang San and the others had estimated. Facing such a huge temptation, these forces were unprecedented. This will also cause Qiandi Palace to suffer a lot in the future.

And this internal battle in the Southern Territory was also extremely tragic, so tragic that other forces in the God Realm except the Southern Territory looked sideways and were frightened...

(End of this chapter)

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