Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 271 On Yu Xiaogang's Wrist

Chapter 271 On Yu Xiaogang's Wrist

Tomorrow, besides Zhang Dabiao, Yu Xiaogang and Ning Fengzhi were invited to discuss matters. As for Dai Minghan and Tang Hao, they didn't have this kind of intention.

Tang Hao was purely due to his personality, but Dai Minghan was disgusted. He had been the emperor for most of his life, and he faced such intrigues almost every day, so he had no interest in participating again.

Seeing Zhang Dabiao winking at him, Yu Xiao just had time to get up, stood up from his seat, and clasped his fists left and right. "My Xia Yu Xiaogang is one of the enshrined in the Palace of Thousand Emperors. Please give me more advice in the future."

His actions are well-behaved, so that even the pickiest person can't find a trace of fault. If he behaves too arrogantly, then others will say that the people in Qiandi Palace don't know etiquette, and if he behaves too humble, Wouldn't that be a lowering of one's status?

So his neither humble nor overbearing attitude made it rare for everyone present to look at him seriously, at least this demeanor cannot be deceived.

After they looked at it carefully, they couldn't help being shocked.


The one present here has never traveled in the rivers and lakes, let alone the cultivation level of his body, but his eyesight is not weaker than others.

Yu Xiaogang's breath is natural, these people can't tell the reason from the surface, and it is precisely because of this that they are startled. These people's grasp of breath is extremely precise, and it is possible to infer the general appearance of a person from their external perception. strength.

But Yu Xiaogang in front of him seemed to be so natural that he didn't even let out a breath. This kind of control made them speechless.

This is obviously also a master!
Just now they were only staring at Zhang Dabiao and didn't notice the others at all. Now that they suddenly came back to their senses, they realized that the Palace of Thousand Emperors was well hidden. Not much more.

Like him, as long as he is not willing to disclose it himself, others will not be able to see it from the surface, even if it is a god emperor, he may not be able to see what is good or bad.

As a result of their thoughts, they turned their minds to other people. With this vigilance, if they and others are still so blind, it will be unreasonable.

A momentary oversight is forgivable, but if it happens again and again, then it's worth pondering.

It didn't matter at first glance, everyone found that there was another person on the seat, they couldn't see the depth, just like that Yu Xiaogang, he controlled his breath tightly, this person was naturally Ning Fengzhi, seeing everyone's face was gloomy Qing looked at him uncertainly, he took it indifferently, slightly arched his hands and saluted, with a calm smile on his face.

Jumping over him, these people looked again, and the other people in the Qiandi Palace in the main hall were still not weak.

"It's really a solid foundation!"

They sincerely felt that the rest of these people were not as unpredictable as the first three, and they could clearly see the gap between them with their eyesight.

The rest of these people range from God King to God Emperor, and their grasp of themselves is not so subtle. People from various forces can naturally see their roots at once with their advanced cultivation and vision.

Good guy!How did these people practice?
If it's two people, that's fine, but these people all look like this, and each of them has a solid foundation, let alone how strong they will be, just relying on such a foundation, the future potential is also great .

Turning their minds, the importance of these people's hearts has increased several times again, and they are all amazed.

"The Palace of Thousand Emperors is really not easy. How much money will it cost to train these people to be like this?"

In the God Realm, there are naturally some people who attach great importance to the foundation. For some extremely outstanding juniors, their respective forces will spend a lot of money to purchase rare treasures, so that these outstanding geniuses can polish them carefully.

But such a good thing is naturally of great value, not to say that it is taken out immediately, and only some extremely core children can have such treatment.

Everyone was thinking to themselves, what a rich foundation the Palace of Thousand Emperors has!


Yu Xiaogang looked at these people with a half-smile. "Can the people from my Thousand Emperor Palace still be in your eyes?"

This is Yu Xiaogang, whose eyes are as bright as the stars, and with a faint smile on his face, which makes people feel a lot of affection when they see it.

After he reminded him, some people smiled awkwardly and looked away, as if they were caught doing something bad, and felt uncomfortable all over their bodies, but they are all people who want face, so they can only cough dryly Forcibly concealed.

However, there were also some people who were superior to them, and looked back on their own, looking like an old god, as if nothing had happened, and even asked a question back!
"Jade Priest has something to say, hurry up, there is no need to hide it like this."

Don't be amazed by such a thick-skinned, it's really because I have too little knowledge!
Yu Xiaogang smiled lightly, and didn't mention this matter, he didn't intend to make trouble.

"Everyone, it's not been a day or two since I came to the Southern Territory from the Palace of Thousand Emperors. Let me tell the truth. We plan to share a portion of the cake in the Southern Territory. Do you have any opinions?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Wuxiu from Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace jumped out again. "You are dreaming."

He can't care what it is, as long as it's about Qiandidian's affairs, Feng Wuxiu intends to intervene, he will never let them be so happy, the grievance between him and Qiandidian is deep!
However, Yu Xiaogang didn't pay attention to his words at all. This kind of matter has to be said by someone who really has the right to speak. The forces of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana Sect, and Piaomiao Pavilion expressed their views.

As for Feng Yuxiu, he is just a clown jumping up and down, and Yu Xiaogang has nothing to do with such a person.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang ignoring himself and looking at the group of people sitting in the front row instead, Feng Wuxiu probably guessed something, his face turned blue and purple, but in the end he sat down angrily and didn't dare to Say something.

It was obvious that he was talking to a hegemony-level force, and if he jumped out like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing for these people, thinking of the consequences, Feng Wuxiu couldn't help shrinking his neck.

None of them were fools, they were all ingenious people. Naturally, they understood that Yu Xiaogang wanted them to express their views. The principals of these companies looked at each other, and finally nodded at each other, as if making a gesture. What decides the same.

The person from Piaomiao Pavilion stood up.

"It depends on what reason your faction intends to use to convince us?"

(End of this chapter)

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