Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 230 What is right and wrong

Chapter 230 What is right and wrong
"do you hate me?"


"Then why are you still willing to come with me?"

"I want revenge!"

"Then am I your enemy?"


"Then you are not afraid that I will kill you now?"



Chen Feng stared at the calm little boy in front of him, and looked at his calm eyes, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Beside the two of them, the bodies of Lin Butler and Xiang Feng fell to the ground. Lin Butler died at the hands of Xiang Feng, while Xiang Feng died at the hands of Chen Feng.

When Lin Butler died, Chen Feng chose to stand by and watch. For such a person who wanted to plot against him first, Chen Feng would not plan to let him go, even if Xiang Feng didn't do it, he would do it himself.

As for Xiang Feng who uttered wild words to himself, Chen Feng didn't intend to save his life either, so he ended his life himself before he was happy.

Slowly squatting down, Chen Feng and Lin Zixiu looked at each other. "I see the hatred in your eyes, do you think I will keep someone who is hostile to me?"

Lin Zixiu remained silent, but he didn't take his gaze away, still watching him silently.

Chen Feng was not angry, but continued to speak. "Do you think he was wrong because I didn't make a move?"

Lin Zixiu had an expression this time, and he said seriously. "yes!"

"Okay! Now that's the case, let me ask you some questions.

First of all, this has nothing to do with me. Logically speaking, he has nothing to do with me. Why do you blame me?

Secondly, what he said just now can be said to be a misfortune, and it is clearly malicious, so what face do you think I am wrong, and you hate me because I see death?"

These two questions are actually contradictory, but it is undeniable that what Chen Feng said is the truth.

The little boy Lin Zixiu was silent, and didn't know how to answer for a moment, but the hatred in his eyes did not diminish, and it could be seen that these two words did not shake his heart at all.

Chen Feng smiled dumbly, his interest in this little guy soared, he hadn't met such a curious person for a long time.

"He asked me for help, but from my standpoint, I don't want to cause trouble for myself. It's my choice whether to save or not. I have no obligation to do this. Can you say I was wrong? ?”

Lin Zixiu shook his head. "cannot!"

"That's good!" Chen Feng smiled, and randomly asked another question. "Since you can't think that I'm wrong, then it proves that there is no enmity between me and you, and you are wrong to blame me. Do you think this is the truth?"

Lin Zixiu nodded, and then shook his head. It can be seen that he is more entangled now. Seeing his expression, Chen Feng didn't intend to make things difficult for him. "Actually, I am not wrong in this matter, and you are not wrong. It's just that the two of us are in different situations, so we have different ideas."

Chen Feng chuckled, and immediately skipped the topic, not going to delve into it further, after all, he really felt a little bored discussing such a profound matter with a child.

"Tell me, how did you find me?"

A curious light flashed in Chen Feng's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "Don't try to deceive me. When I was woken up just now, it was impossible to find me from the angle you were standing at, and the distance between the two of us is relatively far. If you don't observe carefully, you can't see me at all. , I really don’t believe that your insight as a little child can be compared to that of a soul master.”

Lin Zixiu lowered his head and thought for a while, then he turned his eyes to Chen Feng again. "Do you have to answer?"

"Yes, you must answer. You said just now that you want to learn how to take revenge after following me, and I don't care whether you need to seek revenge from your enemies or seek revenge from me. Although I didn't promise you anything, But as long as you don't answer my question, then none of this is possible."

Chen Feng said this lightly, but his face was really serious, maybe because he didn't have to deal with other people so tired when facing a child, so he didn't have so many twists and turns in his words.

"You have no choice in this matter. Even if you have your reasons, you will let me kill you, but you will never escape this disaster if you don't answer, so you can only fight."

Chen Feng didn't tell a lie, he could really do such a thing, he had already locked his Qi mechanism on Lin Zixiu while he was speaking.However, his tone was still so calm, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Lin Zixiu stared at his face for a while, as if to confirm the truth of his words, but Chen Feng still had the same expression, and there was no change. He felt a little disappointed when he got nothing, but in the end He still chose to compromise...


"I'll call you Zixiu from now on, and you'll be by my side from now on." Chen Feng said so, and just a few words decided the fate of the little boy.

Lin Zixiu didn't speak, perhaps in his opinion, it was the best choice to save his life and stay by Chen Feng's side.

Facing this silent little boy, Chen Feng had some other thoughts in his mind.

First of all, Lin Zixiu's mind is deep. Although he doesn't seem to have any escape performance, Chen Feng can still feel his calmness, which is even more calm than Yu Xiaogang when he was a child. This kind of situation appears at his age. , seems a bit out of place.

Secondly, Chen Feng had seen the tough nature of this little guy just now.That is, although Lin Zixiu shouldn't answer those questions like that, he still said that. This doesn't mean that he is stupid, nor can he be said to be simple, it's just that some things are due to his personality.

Regarding these questions, Chen Feng didn't intend to ask the bottom line. Without much thought, he had planned to keep Lin Zixiu by his side.

No matter what kind of schemes he has, Chen Feng will always come to him. Now he has no worries and no thoughts, maybe if this is the case, Lin Zixiu can still add some fun to his ordinary life, can't he?

What Chen Feng didn't know was that his decision changed a person's life and his life.

Although Lin Zixiu received Chen Feng's affirmative reply, he did not leave, but buried Butler Lin's body.

Relying on his ten-year-old age and the cultivation level of a soul master.Lin Zixiu was not considered an unarmed person, after a night of unremitting efforts, he finally dug the hole and took Lin Butler to the side.

In this regard, Chen Feng did not stop, but watched quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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