Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 227 The Confused Chen Feng

Chapter 227 The Confused Chen Feng

After seeing off Yu Xiaogang and his group, Chen Feng began to wander the road alone.

Now he is considered a loner, with no acquaintance or friend, and he is lonely in his heart.

Chen Feng just walked aimlessly like this, even wherever he went, he just went with the flow, without any idea at all.

On this day, he passed through a bustling human city and found a forest of spirit beasts.

The scenery here is beautiful, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but unfortunately Chen Feng didn't intend to appreciate it, he still didn't stop, and just moved forward slowly.

Chen Feng's mind is very confused now, he finds that he has become desireless, this is a terrible thing, as long as a person reaches such a state, it is especially obvious what he will do.Chen Feng also knew this deeply in his heart, so he was at a loss and panicked.

"What on earth should I do?"

Chen Feng's face was numb, and the brilliance in his eyes could not be found once.

He had thought about it carefully, it seemed that a long time had passed since he traveled here, and he had experienced many things during these days.

It seems that in a person's life, he has experienced what should be experienced, and what should not be experienced.That's why Chen Feng fell into confusion. He has no pursuit and no purpose now, and the whole person seems to be in a daze, his thoughts are empty, and there is no color in his mind.

"System, can you answer my question?"

System: "No!"

"Hehe. Aren't you amazing? Why not?"

"This is your own thought, I can't control it, and I can't interfere, so you can only go out by yourself."

After saying this, the system fell silent and chose to remain silent.

Chen Feng ignored him, but started to mutter to himself. "Sometimes I even think about what I am living for, power, money, or power.

Hehe, I have owned all of these, but I found that they don't seem to be that important. I am panicked about the future, because I don't know what I want to do and what I should do. "

The system is no longer silent, and suddenly replied. "It's scary, you risk destroying yourself."

Chen Feng laughed at himself irrefutably. "yes?"

"That's right, since you don't know what you should do and what you want to do? That is a kind of sadness for you. Without these, you will live like a walking dead.

If you have no expectations for the future and no love for life, then do you think there is any point in living like this? "

Chen Feng shook his head lightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. "Hehe. What you said seems to make sense. It seems that I have to figure out why I am alive, otherwise I will die like this. It seems a pity."

"Huh? It seems that there is nothing to regret."


The system couldn't give him an answer, and Chen Feng could only think on his own. Since there was nothing to gain, he ended the conversation.

Chen Feng has actually thought about it, he has no worries in his heart, and he has no ideals to realize, life is actually a bit boring.


Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, shook his aching head, and then laughed at himself. "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it! Since you have no desires or desires, then you can live with the situation. Perhaps, this is a part of life."

Putting away his own thoughts, Chen Feng began to look at the place in front of him, and when he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he immediately felt amused. "Hey! This place is nice!"

I saw a thick and lush bush in front of me, full of weird and blurred plants, some young spirit beasts shuttled through it, and looking around, all of them were colorful and eye-catching.

This is a small forest of spirit beasts, and these spirit beasts are not powerful, most of them are ten or a hundred years old.

Chen Feng has not seen such a scene for a long time, and he also has some special feelings in his heart, as if he is here for the first time, and he is full of surprises about the things around him.

Maybe he was used to it on weekdays, so it didn't attract his attention. It seems that there is a different feeling when he calms down and looks at things from another perspective.

Chen Feng clicked his tongue, and his eyes flashed. "It seems that I haven't been to such a place for a long time. Also, if there is no special thing, who would go to these places?"

Chen Feng walked around for a while, and then chose to stay at a place with a wide view on the mountainside.

This is a raised rock that looks like it hangs flat on the mountainside, covered with green grass and a few trees.

Chen Feng chose a relatively lush tree to lean on and lay down. Who made it cooler?
Looking around, there is a dense forest, sky, and white clouds in front of you, and you can't see anything else, even if there is anything, it is blocked by trees.

But this is exactly what he wanted, Chen Feng came to relax, and this kind of environment seems to be more suitable.

With nothing to do, Chen Feng felt a little bored, so he wanted to chat with the system.

"I'm talking about the system! You said that you don't have your own things like me. Don't you say that you are not bored on weekdays? I am only here for a short while, and I feel bored when I have nothing to do."

"What? You think of me now. Since you will feel bored, why don't you talk to me more."

Facing the system's scolding, Chen Feng was amused for a while. "We're used to getting along day and night, and we don't have any common topics here, so I'm used to looking for you when I have something to do. If there's nothing to do, I don't know what to do."

System: "Hehe."

"What?" Chen Feng said jokingly with a smile on his face. "Are you going to let me experience it myself?"

Regarding this system, Chen Feng sometimes still finds him quite interesting, and unknowingly he becomes another good partner of his own.

Thinking about it, the system is like one's own property. After decades of getting along day and night, even a piece of wood is almost emotional.

If it wasn't for the system, after so many years, Chen Feng would have almost forgotten that he is a time traveler.

Only when talking to the system would Chen Feng think that he was not a native of Douluo Dalu.

Thoughts were flying, he thought back to the beginning of his time travel, when he was only five or six years old, recalling it now, he felt amused for a while.

"System! There's a question I forgot to ask you all the time, am I a soul wearer?"

"You said that if it is a soul wear, but the body is indeed not my original body, but if you say it is not, then why is my current body not the same as before I transmigrated? Don't hide it, just tell me, I'm quite troubled."

"The host is actually your body when you were a child. The reason why it is different from your previous life is because you were affected during your growth. This world has martial spirits, and the environment is much better in all aspects, so your appearance depends on many factors. Naturally, it will be different under the interference."


(End of this chapter)

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