Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 218 While Planning

Chapter 218 While Planning

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing this laughter, Bai Jingting felt a little irritable, and said in an unhappy tone. "What are you laughing at? Kid, you haven't answered my question yet."

"Hahaha..." Zhao Wou-ki patted his stomach without any image. "I thought your body training guild would be so amazing! I didn't expect it to be like this. I was still in awe before?"

"Where did this word come from?"

"Hey." Zhao Wou-ki had a look of disdain on his face, and he let out a gasp. "Tsk tsk tsk... my Bai Lao! It seems that the news about your body training guild is really not good, and you don't know about such a big news.

Let me tell you the truth, Ming Wuji and Zhao Yao, the big backers behind you, died two days ago, and don't think I don't know that your body training guild is dying.

Hehehe. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have risked offending you for this vote. "

"Hmph!" Bai Jingting laughed, with endless disdain on his face.

"Boy, I don't know who told you this news. I have to say that you are really stupid. You must know that this news has only been out for a day or two. Even if such a thing is really going to happen, it is impossible. That's how fast it is.

Also, there is no chaos in our body training guild, boy, you have been deceived. "

Bai Jingting has already made up his mind, the person in front of him must be the kind of idiot who was sold and counted the money. Although the strength is not bad, but this brain, hehe
"Cut! It sounds like the truth, who are you fooling?" Zhao Wou-ki smiled disdainfully, and said to himself regardless of Bai Jingting's ugly face.

"If you want me to say that your body training guild has no news, otherwise how can you not know about such a big news?"

"If you want me to tell you that you should use your brain, you don't know what those second-rate forces are doing now, right? They are attacking the Seven Great Aristocratic Families now, and if you dare to jump out and sing against them at this time, it will definitely be like a thunderbolt." put out.

The two backers behind you are very incapable of thinking, so they chose to make trouble for them at this time, but they were killed as an example, and a master of the Queen of God was directly sent to kill the two of them on the spot. "

"Hey hey..." Zhao Wou-ki's face was full of smiles, he looked a bit obscene, which made people feel a little funny, but what he said made Bai Jingting unable to laugh.

"I guess, Mr. Bai, you don't pay attention to the affairs of the body training guild headquarters? Hehehe... To tell you the truth, there are voices of discord within you.

Don't try to fool me, the fact that Chen Feng is not in charge of the Body Refining Guild has already spread, and it is estimated that it has already spread throughout the Douluo Continent. "

"Hey hey... In other words, you are already precarious now, and you won't be unrestrained for long."

Bai Jingting's complexion changed again and again, and he already believed a little bit in his heart. He didn't know about the previous matter, but the latter was the core. How could he not hear the slightest sign of trouble?

After the meeting that day, some people had raised dissenting voices, and the agitation was not small, and some people even wanted to leave. He knew all of this, but he didn't expect it to be spread so quickly.

If these two things are true, then Bai Jingting has to think about something.

However, now is clearly not the time to think about that.

"Hmph! Boy! I don't care if what you say is true or not, old man, anyway, you will not escape death today. Take your life."

As he said that, Bai Jingting actually made a move directly, but he didn't forget that the person in front of him still had a magical weapon.

I have to say that the speed with which he turned his back on him really caught people off guard.

Zao Wou-ki, who had been wary of him for a long time, would naturally not be fooled, but for some purpose, he still pretended to be panicked.

First he received a palm, then his body flew out suddenly, spraying a blood mist in the air.

bang bang...

Pointing toes one after another, Zhao Wuji finally stabilized his figure, and his face was angry, "Old man, you are shameless to sneak attack, don't you want a magic weapon? Grandpa, I will let you taste it today."

A flash of brilliance flashed by, and a long sword shining with divine light appeared in his hand. With the magic weapon in his hand, a ferocious smile appeared on Zhao Wuji's face, and he rushed up confidently.

Seeing this scene, instead of panicking, Bai Jingting's face was still full of joy, but the movements of his hands were indeed not slow, and he jumped out in a few strides.


After several fights, Zao Wou-ki was forced to retreat again and again, the bright red blood from his mouth spurted out desperately, sprinkled on the white snow, showing a bright red.

"Ahem... old man, why are you so strong?"

Zhao Wou-ki pretended not to know, but in fact he felt depressed!

You must know that this is a great opportunity. If Chen Feng hadn't specifically confessed, he really wanted to go up and have a good fight.

You don't think he looks so miserable, he seems to have suffered a serious injury, but he pretended that, even the blood was forced out by using soul power.

Bai Jingting didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would definitely be shocked. "Hey hey... boy, let me say that you are arrogant! You are not my opponent at all, even if you have a magic weapon in your hand.

Hehe, why am I talking so much to you, let's just accept your fate. "

With that said, he jumped up again.

To be honest, seeing this scene, Zao Wou-ki really wanted to go up to this old guy and let him know what strength is.

However, when you think of what Chen Feng explained, he reluctantly endured it.

A trace of struggle flashed across his face, but he seemed to have finally made up his mind, and Zhao Wou-ki suddenly threw out the divine sword in his hand, still yelling. "Second brother, I will lead this old man away, you take the magic soldier and take revenge for me in the future."

Shouting in his mouth, Zhao Wuji suddenly ran towards the other side.

Without any hesitation, Bai Jingting chased after the divine sword. Although he wasn't sure if it was to divert the tiger away from the mountain, or if the person in front of him deliberately did this to escape, but compared to this point, he cared more about the divine sword. soldier.

As for being fooled or not, it doesn't matter.

I have to say that Bai Jingting is decisive enough, if it were someone else, he might hesitate a bit.It can be seen from this that Bai Jingting is indeed a character.

After a while, Bai Jingting with the magic weapon in hand rushed back here again, looked around and found that Zhao Wuji had run away without a trace.

Not being able to kill anyone made him feel disappointed for a while.

However, looking at the magical weapon in his hand, a smile appeared on Bai Jingting's face again, he didn't come here empty-handed, did he?
After pondering on the spot for a while, Bai Jingting left quickly without stopping.

"I don't know if what the kid said is true or not. I will send someone to inquire when I get back. If it is true, some plans have to be advanced."

(End of this chapter)

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