Chapter 206

The two conspired for a while, and then they stopped talking. Before leaving, Bai Jingting made a special confession. "You have been out for a while, so be careful not to leak the news.

Especially the two Super Douluo in the branch, they are from Chen Feng's side, now is not the time to turn against them, remember not to have any conflicts, if they arouse their vigilance, I'm afraid they will attack us by then. Bad plan. "

"The subordinates understand that most of the entire branch is our people. It is easy to block this news, and they will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Chen Feng slowly came out from the darkness, his face was extremely gloomy.

But this is not a place to stay for long, Chen Feng quickly left along the way he came, Zhao Wou-ki is still waiting for him.

The way back was smooth sailing, and there were no incidents. Chen Feng and Zhao Wuji met soon.

Zhao Wou-ki showed anticipation, and some wanted to know the outcome of the matter? "Xiaofeng, what can I gain from this trip?"

Chen Feng smiled angrily, his words revealed a strong killing intent, and his emotions seemed a little agitated. "This time, we really have a major event. Hehe, I never thought that the matter is so serious. It seems that this time I have to go through it myself."

Zhao Wuji, who was familiar with Chen Feng's character, was moved in his heart, wanting to find out what happened, which would make him, who has always been stable, become like this.

However, although Zhao Wuji was eager to know the answer, he did not urge him because he knew that Chen Feng would not hide himself.

With a sigh, Chen Feng's eyes showed complexity. "Alas! Things are more serious than we imagined. This is not a problem for some people."

When he said this, he couldn't even believe it. "According to the information I have so far, most people in the Body Refining Guild may have been involved, and even the top ten elders may not be able to get away with it."

"No way?" Zhao Wou-ki was surprised. "In their position, they shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing!"

"Hehe." Chen Feng sneered. "If things were really that simple, why should I worry so much here."


"Wuji, do you know who I saw just now?"

"Ou? Who did you see?" Zhao Wuji was a little curious, and some didn't understand why Chen Feng asked such a question?
"Hehe!" Chen Feng chuckled and let out a breath of foul air slowly. "I saw Bai Jingting just now."

"What?" Zhao Wou-ki widened his eyes, and couldn't believe what he heard. "You're saying that Bai Jingting is the mastermind behind this incident. That's impossible. With his status, it's impossible for him to do that."

"Hehe. This is just a trivial matter. Bai Jingting is just a small person pushed to the front. There is someone behind the scenes manipulating this matter. Bai Jingting is probably just a pawn.

I was hiding in the dark just now, and I heard him say that several elders of the Body Training Guild are also behind the scenes, so Bai Jingting is a bit out of line, do you understand my mood now?"

Zhao Wou-ki took a deep breath, his heart was already icy cold.

He could imagine the anger in Chen Feng's heart.

After all, Bai Jingting's status and strength are there. Although he has retreated, that strength is also among the top group, and now he is indeed reduced to a pawn.

From this we can see how far the person behind the scenes has infiltrated the Body Refining Guild.

One must know that the Body Refining Guild is Chen Feng's painstaking effort, it is really unbearable to be occupied by such and such doves!

Looking at Chen Feng with a gloomy face, Zhao Wou-ki comforted him. "Xiaofeng, you don't have to be like this. At least we found out about this in time, and there is still room for redemption. Don't get angry and hurt yourself."

Chen Feng nodded to accept his kindness, and at the same time he was very grateful.

If the other party hadn't acted too hastily on this matter, so that he had noticed a mistake in advance, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Thinking that one day, the body training guild that he had spent decades to run would suddenly change hands without his knowledge, Chen Feng couldn't help but stand on end.

He really couldn't imagine what kind of mood he would be in when he really got to that point, whether he was extremely angry or became disheartened, all of this is still unknown?
At this moment, Chen Feng's face was full of coldness, his eyes seemed to be burning with raging fire, and his face was as frosty, making Zhao Wou-ki shiver involuntarily.

Zhao Wuji knew that Chen Feng was really angry this time.

Yes, Chen Feng was already furious at this moment. What he hated most in his life was betrayal, especially the betrayal he got after giving everything.

In this state, he can do anything.

However, even though he was very angry, Chen Feng still held back, because he knew it was not the time to do it yet.

Chen Feng was very curious, who in this Douluo Continent could change the hearts of those who were loyal to him.

What kind of chess is the person behind this playing, to actually try to steal his body training guild.

Is all of this a coincidence, or is it a conspiracy against him.

Chen Feng was extremely eager to know these things, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to let go of the flame of anger in his heart.

"Wuji, the person behind this hides too deeply, and those scum traitors in the body training union, we don't know anything about it now, so you may have to work hard for a while."

Chen Feng's face was unusually heavy, and he confessed carefully.

"I need you to use snakes with them hypocritically to find out more information. It is best to be able to get in and catch the mice hidden in the dark one by one."

Zhao Wuji nodded in response, he also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he didn't mean to refuse. "Don't worry, I know what to do."

"However." He seemed a little worried and said in a bit of embarrassment. "After all, this matter involves a lot of people. It's difficult for the two of us to investigate clearly. It's hard to guarantee that there will be mistakes in the end. See if you can find more people."

"Hmm! What you said makes sense. I plan to ask Zhang Dabiao and the others to cooperate in this matter." Chen Feng also knew in his heart that this group of people was hiding extremely deeply, and it would not be possible to find out in a short while.

After all, this is an internal matter of the Body Training Association, and there is nothing wrong with letting Zhang Dabiao and the others participate. This is a matter of duty.

At that time, Zhang Dabiao will be in the open, and he and Zhao Wuji will be in the dark.

Such a two-pronged approach will definitely have miraculous effects, and there may be some unexpected surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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