Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 195 Helpless

Chapter 195 Helpless
Chen Feng raised his left hand, looked at the interspatial ring on it, and seemed a little uninterested.

"You said why are you so heartless, I have never seen such a person who can pretend."

Yes, Chen Feng was very speechless to Yao Jingxiao, except for the first few words they talked with, there was no more communication.

Even if Chen Feng opened his mouth a few times regardless of face, Yao Jingxiao didn't have any intention of answering him.After a long time, Chen Feng's temperament has faded a bit.

"Oh! Forget it, talk to this guy again, anyway, I have nothing to lose."

Although Chen Feng learned from the system that there are many ways to control people, he doesn't bother with them at all.

He, Chen Feng, has always been upright in employing people. Although he is usually careless, he is still very principled in some things.

As the saying goes, there is no doubt about employing people, but there is no need for doubting people.Chen Feng has not yet been reduced to the point where he needs to control others.

For Yao Jingxiao, Chen Feng said that he would use his personality charm to conquer and influence him.Then let him be his subordinate willingly.

But the facts proved that he was thankless, no matter how many baits Chen Feng threw out, they all ended up being crushed in the end.

This also made the system laugh at him for a while, calling him hypocritical.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Chen Feng separated a ray of consciousness into the space ring, and his consciousness turned into a phantom shadow floating in the space ring.

Seeing Yao Jingxiao who was cultivating, Chen Feng's eyes were full of helplessness, and he lost interest.

The space ring at this time has changed compared to before, a thin layer of thin ice covers the surroundings, and the whole space becomes crystal clear, which is a bit pleasing to the eye.

Yao Jingxiao is indeed a piece of ice for ten thousand years, not only because of his temperament, he himself is like a huge ice bank, which actually affects the environment in the space ring, which once surprised Chen Feng.

"Hey! Lao Xiao, you feel like a bored gourd all day long, aren't you bored?"

Yao Jingxiao didn't seem to respond to him, so she just sat there quietly with her eyes closed, wondering if he heard Chen Feng talking.

Chen Feng wasn't discouraged either, he was used to it anyway, and said by himself. "Why are you so reticent? After all, you are still a god emperor. At least you should show yourself a little bit!
Are you willing to be imprisoned by a god emperor like me? I really don’t know what you think? You are willing to sit here quietly. Are you not angry at all?

Hey, I really misunderstood you. You don't have any airs of a god emperor. Where's your dignity? "

While talking, he shook his head and sighed, looking very sorry.

Do you see that what he said is human, how ugly it is, how ugly it is, if you want to persuade others like this, it would be good if you don't work hard with him.

It stands to reason that no one would be able to stand being ridiculed like this, no matter how calm the mood is, they will show some performance to some extent.But Yao Jingxiao remained expressionless, without any fluctuation in his heart.

In fact, this was not the first time. At the beginning, Yao Jingxiao still felt a little moved, but gradually he seemed to get used to it. No matter how hard he listened, it didn't affect him in the slightest.

Chen Feng shrugged and sighed inwardly.

"I have talked to you so earnestly, but you don't appreciate it at all. Isn't it a bit unsatisfactory?"

"You say that you live in my house, belong to me, and drink from me every day, and you don't even pay attention to me. Is this reasonable? How can you say that you have lived for such a long time, and you don't even have this kind of courtesy? Your conscience won't it hurt..."

The system seemed to be unable to stand it any longer, and a word came out of nowhere. "Host, can you show some embarrassment?"


Being choked up for no reason, Chen Feng was a little confused. "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"


It's over, completely hopeless.

System: "I now seriously suspect that the host wants to piss him off, otherwise why would you say such vicious words."

Chen Feng: "How can you say that? Am I that kind of person? I'm telling the truth! If I really want to kill her, do I still need to speak so hard?"

"Hey! System, you are not a human being and you don't know what the human heart is, so don't make a fuss here. You see, I was originally full of good intentions, but you misinterpreted it into this meaning. Aren't you just messing around?"

If the system has an expression, it must be full of shit, with black question marks all over its face.

"Oh! Why tell you so much? Anyway, you don't understand."

Ignoring the depressed system, Chen Feng turned his attention to Yao Jingxiao.

"Hey! Lao Xiao, let's just waste time like this. I'm not happy if you're upset. Why don't we talk about making a deal?

You see, you are like a piece of rubbish that takes up space and is useless, so you are upset, and I am also upset.Don't worry if you solve it early, I will be out of sight and out of mind when the time comes. "

These words seemed to have some effect, Yao Jingxiao opened his eyes, staring at Chen Feng without a trace of emotion in his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse. "Tell me! How do you want to trade?"

Looking at it, it seems that he agrees with Chen Feng's words, he doesn't intend to continue like this, and is ready to have a good talk.


The system sounded surprised, followed by disbelief. "It's all like this, and you still don't turn your back on me. Yao Jingxiao, why don't you be so aggressive? What about your dignity? What about your self-esteem? What about your personality?"

Chen Feng's brows were full of embarrassment, and he turned back without hesitation. "Small, the earth is too dangerous, the system, you should go back to Mars, I really haven't seen anything in the world."

He didn't hold on to the system either. After all, Yao Jingxiao had a hard time talking, and this was a great opportunity. He didn't know when the next time would be?

After clearing his throat, a smile appeared on Chen Feng's warm face. "Old Xiao, look, you've lived here for a long time, let alone a few years, shouldn't you pay some rent?"

Yao Jingxiao looked at him expressionlessly, with obvious impatience in his eyes.

System: "Just keep pretending! If it's not pornographic, I'll take your surname, hehe!"

Chen Feng smiled disdainfully, and scorned the system. "Cut! I really haven't seen the world, look at it, brother, how do I operate?"

After recovering, Chen Feng wanted to continue talking. "Old Xiao, don't make such an expression, what I said is the truth! Look at how clean this place is, I carefully arranged it,
If you don't pay some rent today, then I will drive you away, and then there will be no such good service. Maybe sometime I will release some soul beast feces, spit some phlegm, or some other day I'm in a hurry to pee..."

(End of this chapter)

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