Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 182 The storm is coming

Chapter 182 The storm is coming

These days, the atmosphere has become more and more dignified, and even the civilians can feel it.

The air seemed to be filled with something, making it difficult for them to breathe. If they were not rational, they might have thought that the end of the world was coming.

The reason for all this is known only to a few.

At this time, the Wuhun Palace is like a black cloud pressing down on the city, and the hearts of countless people are affected, and they are all paying attention to these things.

"Is it finally going to start? It's so exciting!"

"Yes! People on both sides have been preparing for such a long time, and it is finally time to start a war."

"Hmph! It must be a life-and-death situation. Then I must take the opportunity to get some benefits, or I will be sorry for myself."

"Hehe. You dare to go up to get benefits just like you. I haven't seen so much power. Do you think you have a share in speaking? Are you afraid that your life will be too long?"

"Yes, yes, this place affects the hearts and minds of countless important people. If you want me to say, all eyes of the entire Douluo Continent are focused on this place. It is not something we can participate in. We should just stay here and beg not to Involve us."

"Hey, even though I said that, I'm still very worried. If there's a big war, there will be chaos here. I don't know what will happen then. I think we should stay away from here. This participation is lively..."

Generally speaking, whoever said that more and more people from the two parties gathered together, making people panic here.

There are fears, expectations, some want to make trouble, and some want to take advantage of the opportunity.In short, there are all kinds of strange people.

The current situation has developed to the point where the Wuhun Hall and the evil spirit masters are facing each other. People can clearly see that there are distinct camps inside and outside the city.

Every day, large and small conflicts continue, and small-scale battles are constantly launched.

The war is about to start.

"Everyone, tomorrow is the decisive battle, are you ready?"

Shi Qitao had a formidable aura, and said to his subordinates with a serious face.

These subordinates of his did not speak, but each of them expressed their intentions with actions. They were all murderous, and their eyes were full of determination.

Shi Qitao was very satisfied with their performance, and laughed heartily.

He is like a business owner, drawing big cakes for employees, talking about ideals and the future.

"Very well, tomorrow is the moment when our evil soul masters change history, kill the people in Wuhun Temple, kill all the people here, with the blood of these people, we can all become gods, possess supreme power and that power."

These people have been lost by power, in other words, they have been dazzled, and all that remains at this moment is fanaticism, screaming and cheering vigorously.

"Everyone becomes a god..."

"Everyone becomes a god..."

"Everyone becomes a god..."

The momentum of tens of thousands of people is very huge, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is earth-shattering.

Hearing the vast momentum outside the city, the hearts of the people in the city became more solemn, because they knew that a storm was coming.

At the headquarters of Wuhundian, everyone here also heard the shouts from outside the city, and all of them looked a little ugly.

"Lord Pope, these evil spirit masters are too arrogant, we must respond as soon as possible, otherwise it will damage the momentum of our Spirit Hall."

"That's right. Recently, the longer it lasts, the greater the loss to us. Now that people's hearts are fluctuating, it's really hard to lead the team. We must use thunderous means to quell this chaos as soon as possible."

"That's right..."

"No, this matter involves a lot. We need to think carefully, and we can't ruin the overall situation just because of impulsiveness."

"What else are you thinking about? What kind of waves can a group of shrimps turn up? If you want me to say, just kick and beat hard to suppress this unhealthy trend."


Bibi Dong rubbed her swollen brain, and waved her hand to interrupt the debate.

"Why hasn't the Great Elder arrived yet?"

"As for the Pope, we don't know. We sent someone to contact us a few days ago, but there is no news until now."

Bibi Dong frowned even tighter, feeling an ominous premonition in her heart.

Although she had conflicts with Qian Daoliu, she has always been stubborn.

Wuhundian is now in a critical situation, Qian Daoliu can't sit idly by, you must know that this is all his painstaking effort.

But until now there is no news, that can only prove one thing, something happened to Qian Daoliu.

Bibi Dong looked solemn, and she figured out the reasons for everything in an instant.

Her mind was in turmoil. "It seems that things have changed. This time it may be time for the survival of Wuhundian."

She is very clear about the strength of Qian Daoliu, that is the existence closest to God.Proper quasi-god and demigod strength.

Even if something happened to him, it means that it is not simple behind this matter.

Bibi Dong knew in her heart that it was impossible for an evil soul master to possess such power, which meant that outsiders had interfered.

Bibi Dong muttered to herself, very heavy.

"Who is it..."

However, she quickly put these thoughts behind her, because the current situation seemed to allow her to hesitate.

"Everyone, it's time for everyone to see how powerful our Spirit Hall is. We must destroy the evil spirit masters with lightning speed."

Bibi Dong said loudly, her words were full of decisiveness, and her empress' aura was fully displayed.

Bibi Dong was not stupid enough to tell everyone her conjecture, the most important thing for her now was to stabilize people's hearts and not to mess up.


In an inn, Chen Feng and the others all gathered together, and even Tang Hao who had gone out to do errands rushed back.

"Brother Hao, are you done?"

Tang Hao smiled with a relaxed expression. "Of course, Qian Daoliu has been killed by me."

Zhao Wou-ki gave a thumbs up directly, Tang Hao's approach was too much to his liking, not procrastinating at all.

Several people could tell that Tang Hao was very happy, but they could all understand.

Qian Daoliu's death means that most of Tang Hao's revenge plan has been completed, and the only thing left is the Wuhundian.

Chen Feng had a mysterious smile on his face. To be honest, he was also in a good mood.

"No matter what the outcome is this time, the Hall of Spirits is completely wiped out, it's really satisfying!"

" are right, this is the happiest thing I have done in recent years."

All of them had some conflicts with Wuhundian more or less, and they were very happy that Wuhundian was unlucky.

Besides, Wuhundian did not less touch their interests.

Take the plan to unify the mainland as an example, it will make their several forces and Wuhundian become sworn enemies.

Especially Haotianzong and Tang Hao, they are absolutely immortal with Wuhundian, so how can they let such a good opportunity to make trouble?

(End of this chapter)

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