Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 135 Talking with Oscar

Chapter 135 Conversation with Oscar

After discussing for a while, seeing the sun set, Ning Rongrong finally couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart, and asked the question in his heart. "Teacher Feng, how old are you this year?"

When she said this, there was hope in her brows, and even a trace of anxiety.

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, thinking to himself. "This little girl, it won't be."

Shaking his head, he put this unrealistic thought behind him, but just in case, Chen Feng decided to take a vaccination.

Chen Feng's face remained unchanged. "I am over 60 years old today. Speaking of which, how many years older than your father!"

After a pause, he added. "Rongrong! You should actually call me uncle, because when I was young, I was a good buddy with your father, and we have been in touch with you all these years.

In the future, don't call me teacher or teacher, just call me uncle, and the rest of you too, so it looks more kind. "

A group of people nodded quickly. As the saying goes, the elders are inexcusable, and they have no objection to this.

After receiving his answer, Ning Rongrong felt a little depressed, of course it was not very obvious, except for Chen Feng, no one else noticed it.

That's right, Ning Rongrong actually has a good impression of Chen Feng, but it's just a good impression, not so strong.

Chen Feng, who saw all this in his eyes, wiped sweat from his heart. "Fortunately, I have the foresight, otherwise this would be a mess.

No, we have to bring this girl and Xiao Ao together as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad if something goes wrong. "

Just do what you say, and you won't delay for a moment, this is Chen Feng's temperament.

I saw that Chen Feng asked with concern. "Rongrong, how are you doing? You're getting along well with the classmates, aren't there any conflicts?"

Speaking of this, Ning Rongrong's face turned red, and she remembered how she cried to Uncle Feng in front of her that day.

Chen Feng was a little bit reluctant. "After staying for so many days, have you seen any kid who is pleasing to the eye, tell me and I will give you a reference!"

Ning Rongrong stamped her feet angrily, her tone was somewhat complaining and shy, "Uncle Feng!"

"Hey! Don't be shy. These seniors of yours are all pretty good-looking. Look at Xiao Ao. I even talked about him when I corresponded with your father a few days ago."

Oscar didn't expect Chen Feng to mention him, he seemed a little excited. "Teacher Feng"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was stared at by Chen Feng with a displeased expression.

Oscar is also a fine individual, so he reacted instantly, "Uncle Feng!"

Seeing that Chen Feng's face improved, he continued happily. "Uncle Feng, did you really mention me?"

Chen Feng nodded affirmatively. "This is natural, do I still have to lie to you?
How can I put it this way? She is born full of soul power, a rare genius in the Douluo Continent, you have to be more confident. What do you mean by that? "

Oscar smiled. "Yes yes yes! Uncle Feng said yes"

Ning Rongrong at the side looked more and more wrong, why did this look like recruiting a son-in-law?

Seeing them singing together, Ning Rongrong hummed directly. "Uncle Feng, if you do this again, I will ignore you, and you, Oscar, is it none of your business, talk!"

When she said this, Oscar smiled coyly, and didn't dare to say anything more.

Chen Feng was different, still smiling all over his face, "Oh! Rongrong, what you said is wrong, girls should be gentle, don't be so fierce!"

Seeing the angry look on Ning Rongrong's pretty face, Chen Feng immediately hesitated, and changed the words immediately. "Okay, okay, I won't say, I won't say, I won't say the head office, right?"

Seeing him compromise, Ning Rongrong let him go.

After talking about some irrelevant topics, Chen Feng said. "It's getting late, you go back to eat quickly."

As if remembering something, Chen Feng patted his forehead. "By the way, Xiao Ao! You have the best physical strength here, and you can bring me a copy after you finish eating later.

I still have to enjoy the sunset here for a while. Today's sunset is very beautiful. It would be a great pity if I missed it. "

His reason did not make everyone doubt, after all, Oscar's physical strength is indeed the best among them.

Because under Chen Feng's unique teaching, although Oscar did not take Beast Blood Powder, he still broke through to the fourth level of body refining.

As for not fighting back when he was beaten that day, it was because he was ignorant, and the second was because he wanted to please Ning Rongrong, his sweetheart who fell in love at first sight.

The sky was getting dark, and the moon had already peeked out of the mountain, so Oscar arrived belatedly. "Uncle Feng, your food."

As a result, with the food in his hand, Chen Feng slowly stood up and stretched. "It's finally here, okay, sit down, I just have something to say to you."

After taking a few mouthfuls of food, Chen Feng nodded involuntarily.

Although at his level, he no longer needs to eat, but the habits he has developed over the years can be changed, and he doesn't want to change.

After chewing a few times, he swallowed the food. "Little Ao! Tell me, do you like Rongrong?"

Oscar was a little shy, his face was a little red, but he still spoke. "like!"

He is not stupid, the meaning of this sentence is obviously to think about himself, if he doesn't perform well like this, it will definitely be a waste of time.

Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction, he had nothing to say about Oscar's attitude, he was responsible, like a man. "Xiao Ao, you also know Rongrong's background. Although I have some relationship with his father, I can say something nice for you, but that's all."

He fixed his eyes on Oscar's eyes, and said word by word. "So, the final decision is still yours. As long as you are good enough, I believe no one can stop you."

After a pause, he was about to speak. "I believe you can also see that Rongrong is not very satisfied with you. Although a large part of this is due to her personal reasons, she did not pay enough attention to your excellence. But you can't give up because of this."

"As long as you perform better, so good that she can't ignore it, then you will be half successful, so you have to work hard."


Oscar nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice, it could be seen that he was very excited.

With Chen Feng's words, Oscar can be said to have dispelled all worries.

In fact, the biggest worry in his heart is the level of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, if Ning Rongrong's family members do not approve, then even if he is working hard, it will be useless.

Thinking of this, he looked at Chen Feng gratefully. "Uncle Feng, thank you!"

He is not stupid, although he knows that Chen Feng is there to help, otherwise he has so many great masters in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, how could he look down on him, a country boy!
Don't think that he is congenitally full of soul power, in fact, he knows in his heart that this is not taken seriously by those people. After all, congenitally full of soul power is just to cultivate faster, and there is nothing special about it.

And he hasn't grown up yet, it's too early to talk about that.

Now that Chen Feng helped him clear the only obstacle in his heart, he immediately relaxed a lot, leaving only energy in his heart.

Chen Feng is very satisfied with his performance, this kid is very smart and he likes him very much.

Patting Oscar on the shoulder, Chen Fengyu said earnestly. "Work hard! Whether you can succeed depends on your performance, don't let me down!"

Oscar nodded quickly, his eyes full of excitement
(End of this chapter)

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