Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 121 Registration Disturbance 4

Chapter 121 The Enrollment Disturbance Four

After quite a while, several people came back to their senses.

Xiao Wu complained. "Why is this Shrek Academy so strange? Not only are the rules for recruiting students strange, but even the students it receives are also strange. He doesn't look like a 14-year-old at all."

The remaining three people nodded one after another, expressing their agreement with his words.

A smile appeared on Ning Rongrong's face. "However, his sausage is still good. I will ask him to make a few more in the future. After all, we are classmates, and we will spend more time together in the future."

Her point of view was agreed by the crowd. The sausage tastes really good. If there is a chance, I will order a few more.

Even when they were chatting about when to buy sausages again, Dai Mubai came back.

Coming back with Dai Mubai, there was also a strong man, he exposed the muscles of his left arm, his whole body was full of muscles, his body was a little short, but he was very strong.

From a distance, it looks like a hill, which makes people look very majestic and powerful, full of strength.

Dai Mubai greeted hastily. "The teacher is here, so don't stand there, come over and sit down."

The four rushed over quickly, and when they got closer, they felt the berserk muscles on Zao Wou-ki's body even more, and they even felt the oppressive feeling, which made them swallow unconsciously.

It was too far away just now, and they only saw a rough idea, but now that they got closer, their senses became more intense.

Zhao Wou-ki's stubble all over his face stood up like steel needles, his body was very short, not as tall as them, but the bulging muscles on his body could not be deceiving.

He is very strong, like a giant walking bear, very intimidating.

Zao Wou-ki sized up the four of them, and nodded in satisfaction, although he was very appreciative of their performance.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed, seeing the ring on Tang San's hand and the jade pendant on Xiao Wu's waist, his expression was a little shaken, but he soon stabilized.

After careful confirmation, Zhao Wuji had a judgment in his heart.

Tang San also saw the ring on Zao Wou-ki's hand, his eyes shone brightly, even a little excited.

As for Xiao Wu, she didn't pay attention to these things. She felt oppressed by this difficulty, and her soul beast's intuition told her that this man was very dangerous.

However, Xiao Wu knew that it was because the man in front of her was too powerful.But she is very relieved, her identity is not so easy to be recognized, after all, there are restrictions set by Chen Feng!
As soon as Tang San moved his footsteps, he was about to move forward, but Zhao Wuji stopped him with a look.

Only then did Tang San calm down, secretly cursing that he shouldn't, this is obviously not the occasion to say these things.

Zao Wou-ki loosened his arms around his chest, put his hands behind his back, and said in rough words. "I don't care what your status is, since you came to Shrek Academy, you are all students."

As he spoke, his eyes gleamed, and his whole body exuded a dangerous aura. "I don't care where you are from, just what kind of background? In this academy, it's best not to make trouble for yourself, otherwise, I don't mind making him look good."

Ning Rongrong curled her lips, a look of disdain flashed in her eyes, she was very unconvinced. "A mere teacher from the Soul Master Academy dares to be so arrogant. He really thinks that he is a corner. He really doesn't know how to do it!"

But when it comes to status, Ning Rongrong is absolutely confident, so how could he take the words of a little soul master academy teacher seriously.

Zhao Wuji glanced at her, and even if he looked away, he could see that the girl was a little bit unconvinced, but he didn't want to fight with the little girl because of this.

"I will preside over your assessment today, but let's change things up a bit and play something new today."

Dai Mubai looked astonished, and hastily opened his mouth to persuade. "Ms. Zhao is not good. Will the dean agree to change the assessment topic rashly?"

Zhao Wuji snorted coldly, curled his lips. "How many times have I told you that I am the oldest here, and I have the final say in Shrek Academy. If it weren't for the pity of that old ghost Flender, would it be his turn to be the dean?"

Dai Mubai looked him up and down, his eyes were full of contempt, he felt very contemptuous of Zhao Wou-ki's shameless thick skin.

As if to say. "Can you really be the boss? Why do I feel unbelievable?"

It wasn't until Zhao Wuji gave him a hard look that he withdrew his gaze, and scratched his head happily, with a face full of embarrassment.

Seeing that this kid is very knowledgeable about current affairs, Zhao Wuji snorted and let him go, Zhuan'er said to the four new students.

"Don't worry, my requirements are not high, I will release the coercion, as long as you get close to me for ten meters, you will pass the test."

Dai Mubai choked on these words, coughed a few times. "Mr. Zhao, you are too out of line. With their strength, it is impossible to get closer to you, not to mention ten meters, even a hundred meters. Aren't you making things difficult?"

As soon as he said these words, the expressions of the four people changed at the same time. Didn't these words mean that they looked down on them.Immediately, the four of them looked at Dai Mubai with unkind expressions in their eyes.

Dai Mubai didn't care about these, his eyes stared at Zao Wou-ki, appearing very anxious. "Ms. Zhao, why don't you change to something simpler. If you continue to be so self-willed, then we won't be able to recruit a single student this year?"

have to!
This is not only looking down on them, but also looking down on them very much. The anger rising in the eyes of the four people is like a rising flame.

Zhao Wou-ki slapped Dai Mubai's head with a slap, accusing him angrily. "Idiot! Do you really think I don't know how to measure? They are not strong enough, so I won't be restrained. Really! I don't know what you are pretending to be in your head?"

Only then did Dai Mubai come back to his senses, scratching his head embarrassedly. "I was negligent, and I blamed Mr. Zhao, hehehe! It's my fault, I apologize to you. Hehehe"

Zhao Wuji glared at him angrily. "I know I'm wrong, so why are you still here? Why don't you explain to the freshmen who signed up? Otherwise, if they really enter the academy, how will you get along with each other in the future?"

This reminder made Dai Mubai wake up instantly, and immediately glanced at Zhao Wou-ki gratefully.

He didn't pay much attention to what he said just now, but he offended these four people very much. If there is no accident, they will all become students of Shrek Academy, so he has to explain quickly, otherwise it will be embarrassing in the days to come.

Dai Mubai quickly turned to the four of them, just about to speak.

I saw the four people shake their faces together, and they all snorted coldly, as if they didn't want to talk to him.

Seeing this situation, Dai Mubai's head was full of black lines, and he was speechless for a while, it seemed that he had committed a serious crime.
 There are still five chapters left today, I will post them together, the time may be later, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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