Chapter 91

The Yellow Turban Cavalry, led by Chu Feiyan and Huang Long, began to descend from the Taihang Mountains.

From the early days of the rebellion, the Taiping Sect had already contacted Montenegro, hoping to get Zhang Niujiao to join them.It's just that the latter thought that the Taiping Pope's hasty uprising was really taboo, so he didn't join.However, he did not completely refuse, but only provided a hiding place and logistical supplies.After reaching an agreement, the Taiping Sect hid [-] cavalry in the Taihang Mountains and mobilized them when necessary.

Earlier, this cavalry directly ambushed Dong Zhuo's troops, causing the opponent to turn back halfway, which was ridiculous.After that, he repeatedly attacked to harass the logistics of the Han army and serve the overall situation.

"Just attack Wu'an County directly and wipe out all the Han troops!" Chu Feiyan received the news again. Heishanzhai has been operating in this area for many years, so naturally there are eyes and ears in every county.

According to the latest news, the Han army has indeed arrived, and the fastest of them are naturally Yueqi and Tunqi schools.So what?The two officers played and sang every day, they were really in a good mood!How can such a person be invincible in commanding troops?

"Be careful with another group of troops. They arrived in Wu'an County on the first day and set off on the second day. It may be that they are eager to make contributions, but it is possible that the general of this army is a practical person!" Huang Long reminded. .

As far as the situation of Han generals is concerned, he is much more familiar than Chu Feiyan, just because he himself was once a frontier soldier.

"It's only [-] infantry, one charge is gone!" Chu Feiyan said with a smile, there were quite a few soldiers who came to surround the supply troops earlier, but most of them collapsed after one charge.Later, the number of soldiers and equipment was strengthened, which caused them a little trouble.

Even so, leaving calmly, resting calmly, and attacking southward calmly, Chu Feiyan no longer regarded the Han army as an opponent in the battle with the Han army.

"Do you know where their group ended up?" Chu Feiyan thought for a while, it's better not to underestimate the enemy so much.

"This is yesterday's news. Today's news hasn't arrived yet. In addition, they are moving so fast that they erased all traces, so that our people can't follow them at all! As for today, those two The cavalry also set off, but they have scouts, so our people have no way to follow them, we only know that they are coming towards the west!" Huang Long reminded.

"According to this statement, the infantry that came out earlier should also be heading towards the west... Ha! I found them directly! Hey, the number is wrong? Why are there only a few hundred people?" Chu Feiyan was about to analyze carefully , but didn't expect that an army had already appeared on the horizon ahead, and they were waiting in full force, as if waiting for something.

"This means that the enemy may have set up an ambush around here, you and I should be careful, release the scouts, and walk around!" Huang Long frowned, and immediately ordered to the guards beside him.

Immediately, several scouts quickly scattered around, and then looked around.It's a pity that the mountains and forests to the west are densely covered with vegetation. It is almost impossible to see the ambushes clearly in such an environment!Not to mention, at Li Ming's request, everyone also carried out a series of makeup and disguises to hide as much as possible.

"Not found!" The scout came forward to report helplessly, "Unless we go deeper into the jungle! There is no trace of people on the periphery!"

Generally speaking, if the periphery is not found, then the interior should not be found either.The scouts don't just look at it, they can distinguish the footprints, the situation of the jungle, whether there are traces of a large number of troops moving, etc. This is their professional skill.

"Hey! After all, what am I afraid of?" Chu Feiyan patted her head, "It's just a group of Han soldiers, let me eat him!"

After finishing speaking, he directly led the troops of the headquarters, and killed the five hundred Han troops in a mighty manner.The soldiers also became less and less afraid of the Han army in the battle after battle, and even saw that there were only [-] infantry, one or two were extremely excited.

"Officers and soldiers, you bullied us in the past, have you ever thought about today?" Even if he looked from a distance, Chu Feiyan could see commotion in the opposing camp. According to his previous experience, this was a sign that the Han army was about to collapse.

But suddenly, most of the people's feet were empty, and they felt as if they were thrown up, and then fell directly to the ground, having an intimate contact with the ground.Among all the people, only Chu Feiyan realized that the situation was wrong and immediately jumped off the horse, which made him not so embarrassed. However, there were at least 100 soldiers around, but they fell directly from the horse.

"General, there are pits on the ground! A pit the size of a fist! We lost at least a hundred horses!" The soldiers quickly came to report that these damned pits were too small and hidden in the grass, so that they could not be seen. less than.

Generally speaking, as long as the horse has a hoof sunken, the strong inertia will directly cause the leg to fracture directly.Then the horse will fall straight forward, and at the same time throw the cavalry behind it violently, and only then will it feel like being thrown up. ,

Under such circumstances, these fractured horses have almost no way to return to their heyday. Even if they are alive, they can only be killed to eat meat and drink soup!It’s just that horse meat is not tasty, it’s a bit sour and astringent. If it’s not cooked properly, at least for future generations, it’s impossible to eat it.

"Stir-fried horseshoes with sour bamboo shoots, horse meat in sauce... not bad..." For Li Ming, these damaged horses are all high-quality ingredients.This kind of military horse has a very high lean meat rate and is very chewy. It is precisely because of this that the processing is very technically demanding. If the processing is not good, let alone the fishy smell of the horse meat, the biggest problem is the taste.

Zhang Mo also breathed a sigh of relief at the moment. It seemed that the horse trap invented by Li Ming was indeed very effective. The hundreds of horses in front suddenly fell to the ground, which also made the horses behind stop quickly.

Even so, there were still a few soldiers who were trampled by the horses and trampled to death.

"Shoot!" Following Zhang Mo's order, the team in front suddenly stepped aside, and the hundred crossbowmen behind suddenly stepped forward and fired the first salvo.According to Li Ming's order, these soldiers were divided into four groups and took turns shooting.

Although there are only 25 crossbow bolts, facing these stopped enemy troops, they are directly willing to let them yell and cry.Sometimes when a crossbow arrow shoots past, at least one or two enemy soldiers will be pierced through.It really deserves to be the strongest rhubarb crossbow of the big man, no wonder it is not equipped casually for people other than the frontier army!
"Switch, the second round of shooting!" Zhang Mo shouted, and the soldiers behind followed the steps trained yesterday, slowly replaced the friendly troops in the front, and then started shooting.

After all, these guys are actually recruits, or they are just used to military life and killing.There is still a long way to go before elite soldiers.If the situation of the cavalry charge was changed, I'm afraid they would really flee.But now most of the cavalry have temporarily stopped. Facing a group of fixed targets, if they don't have the courage to shoot, then wait for the military law to deal with it!
"Guys, if you've got the merits, go for me! Light the fire and give them a signal, so you don't have to say we eat alone!" Li Ming laughed loudly, and naturally some soldiers lit the beacon.

"Look, they lit a fire!" Outside the camp twenty miles away, Fang Sheng pointed to the black smoke in the distance and said.

"Then let's wait, and we will set off in a quarter of an hour!" Li Fu gave the order leisurely.

In their view, let Li Ming play with these Montenegrin troops first.When the two sides are almost exhausted, they are just taking advantage of it!No way, you can still look at Li Ming's weeping face. At that time, he should have hatred on his face, but he has no choice but to accept this fact silently, right?

It's just that the situation is not what they imagined. When everyone started to go down the mountain, a rope was tied around their waists behind their backs, and the rope was helping a branch.The branches slid continuously on the ground, bringing up puffs of smoke.

From Chu Feiyan and Huang Long's point of view, at least tens of thousands of soldiers suddenly appeared on the mountain at this moment, and then they kept rushing towards them.Ambush, it seems that there is indeed an ambush here, and this also means that their hiding place has been exposed!

"How did this group of useless Han troops find our lair?" Although Chu Feiyan was annoyed at the moment, she had no choice but to quickly find a horse and ride on it, and then signaled to break through.

The army at this moment was already in a tendency to encircle, so it was naturally impossible for them to force their way in and ran directly towards the gap.And that gap, unbiased, happened to be due east.

"The only pity is that it seems that if you want to earn some heads, it's no longer possible!" Li Ming was a little frustrated. He didn't gain any experience from the more than 5000 bandits.

"Haha, we still have time to chase after him!" Xi Zhicai smiled and said slowly.

"What are you waiting for? The whole army is chasing him, chasing him forever, endlessly!" Li Ming immediately shouted behind him.

"Don't talk like it's a promise of love!" Xun Cai came to his side and twisted the soft flesh of his waist.

"Anyway, that's what it means, everyone chase after!" Li Ming took a breath, and then shouted.

The large army quickly began to gather, and then chased towards the east.Seeing this, Chu Feiyan and Huang Long could only continue to charge, and finally got closer and closer to the place where Tunqi and Yueqi were, and the latter was still leisurely getting ready.

The army finally arrived. When a cavalry suddenly appeared on the horizon and rushed towards them, Fang Sheng and Li Fu realized that something was wrong.The two were veteran generals anyway, and immediately began to direct the counterattack.

It's just that the soldiers under their command are not elite.After a while, they were rushed directly into the formation and became a mess.

"Hey!" Less than 5 minutes later, Li Mingce immediately stepped forward and shouted towards the front camp, "Lieutenant Li, Captain Fang, didn't I tell you to deal with them immediately? Why are you still here? dawdling?"

"Don't bother you, hypocritical guy!" The two snorted coldly, but had no choice but to throw themselves into the battle.

"How can we say that we are all robes. If you are really wiped out, how can I please you when I go back? So, let me help you!" Li Ming laughed and rode his horse forward directly, and charged into the enemy's formation.

With a spin of the spear in his hand, he killed the five oncoming cavalrymen directly, and blood splashed all over his body, but Li Ming didn't feel any nausea. Instead, he felt very excited. He had long been used to the battlefield!
At this moment, he is very enjoying the feeling of harvesting the life of the enemy. No matter who it is, under his spear at this moment, he can't last a round at all. After four consecutive hits, at least 23 cavalry were directly killed, contributing 690 experience points value.

In other words, each of these yellow turban cavalry can provide 30 experience points, which is really cool!In fact, according to the prompt on the interface, what he killed was actually the 'Chaotic Yellow Turban Cavalry'.That is to say, this army is in chaos, and there is no way to gain full strength, so the experience value obtained by killing them naturally is not that high.

"Fuck, at worst, I'll kill a few more, just because it's not enjoyable enough!" Li Ming gritted his teeth and continued to kill.

 I tried to speed it up, and found that it sometimes takes 2000 minutes to write a 40-word chapter.But it was only 1000 more words, but it took 2-3 hours to code the words.So after thinking about it, I simply thought of a way to forget it at the third watch, and it was about the same number of words.But in the short term, there is no way to do it right away... I will speed up as soon as possible!
  In the end, I still ask for recommendations, collections, and evaluations!Of course, it is a great honor to be able to pass some of that!


(End of this chapter)

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