Chapter 77 Forging and Xiao Yao
After defeating Bo Caijun, Huangfusong and Zhu Jun immediately became idle.However, Zhu Jun's original goal was Zhang Mancheng's tribe in Nanyang, so he would only rest here for three days before starting to set off.

"Yang Le is going to be taken away?" Li Ming couldn't help being puzzled, Zhu Jun wanted to transfer Yang Le back to the army, so what should he do?
"He is not your confidant after all!" Zhu Jun said, "And he is also a collateral child of the Hongnong Yang family. You have too many secrets, so it is not easy to reveal too much to the Hongnong Yang family!"

"Disciple understands!" Li Ming immediately realized that Zhu Jun was also thinking about him, which really cannot be refuted.With Yang Le's level, the captain is already the limit, and Li Ming doesn't want to waste a entourage on him.

"What about the lack of places in the army?" Li Ming asked for advice.

"You can be promoted among the subordinates, or pay attention when recruiting soldiers in the Changsha, to see if there are any poor men with amazing physical strength. The generals under your command still need to promote a lot of confidants in order to command freely!" Zhu Jun pointed out. .

Anyway, in the previous battle with Bocai, many soldiers were indeed killed under his command.Li Ming simply sent Zhang Mo to open a recruiting point in Changshe to recruit a group of new recruits.

Zhang Mo knew Li Ming's fault, that is, he seldom took care of things and almost left everything to his subordinates.I am somewhat grateful in my heart, after all, this is trust in him, but as a dignified general, is it really good to be so leisurely?

Li Ming, who was idle and doing nothing, simply came to the blacksmith's shop directly. He wanted to learn forging for a long time. He didn't have the opportunity before, but now he wants to study hard.As a peerless warrior, what if he can't forge a peerless magic weapon for himself?Even if it was the five tiger soul-severing spear presented by Zhu Jun, he felt that it might be discarded one day.

Or pass it on to a subordinate, or put it at home to collect dust.It's a bit wasteful, but who made the quality of Wuhu's soul-breaking gun worse!

"My lord..." Naturally, the craftsmen in the blacksmith shop couldn't prevent Li Ming from entering. Finally, after Li Ming dropped the usual money, he was given an independent space and asked the boss to personally teach him the technique of blacksmithing.

After half a day, Li Ming looked at the first finished product in his hand. It was a rough iron dagger, and the quality was as rubbish as rubbish.Well, it is the kind of level that can only be rebuilt directly!

"Damn!" Li Ming was immediately upset, and started a new blacksmithing operation.

"Proprietor, this general seems to be on the job?" the blacksmith below whispered to the boss.

"Anyway, he gave the money, let him do whatever he wants! If he gets upset, we will be in trouble too!" The boss replied in a low voice.

After a few more hours, the sky began to darken, and Li Ming finally produced a qualified finished 'Rough Iron Dagger'.Not to mention that the durability of this thing is only 20 points, and the force can only be +1 point, but it is considered a weapon for the time being.

It wasn't until this time that he learned to forge this life skill, just like he learned 'equipment maintenance' after he successfully repaired the first equipment.

Forging LV1, get a preliminary understanding of mainstream ores, 5% of them are top quality, 20% are high quality, 30% are ordinary, 35% are low quality, and 10% are scrapped directly.

With the learning of skills, the rough iron dagger also has a prefix (inferior quality), which is combined to become an inferior rough iron dagger.I don't know why, but Li Ming only thinks that this is a skill and a mockery of him.

"My lord, our blacksmith shop is about to close..." The boss stepped forward at this moment and said cautiously.

Only then did Li Ming realize that he had wasted almost a day, only to learn such a terrible skill.Forget it, isn't that what LV1 actually is?Let's see when I raise my level up, so why worry about the magic soldiers not coming out? !
When I returned to the army, I found that there were already a group of soldiers here. It turned out that the recruitment on the first day went very smoothly.Knowing that it was under Li Ming's command who killed Bo Cai, many young adults chose to join.

"Is there any outstanding person?" Li Ming asked Zhang Mo to ask.

"My lord, what is outstanding?" Zhang Mo couldn't understand immediately, and asked weakly.

"From "Mencius Gongsun Chou Shang", 'The sage is also similar to the people. Out of his kind, he is outstanding. Since the birth of the people, he has never been more prosperous than Confucius." Brother Ming, when did you read it? Mencius?" Xun Cai helped explain, and asked by the way.

"I haven't read much, so I just remember this sentence!" Li Ming was choked up, because he had never read "Mencius".

"If this one is outstanding, there is one with amazing physical strength, who may be able to meet the requirements of the lord. It's just that this person has a bad temper, but he has to fight the lord before he is willing to join the army!" Zhang Mo immediately understood, and said with cupped hands.

"Oh, where is the man?" Li Ming was suddenly curious. If he could say such a thing, he should be very sure of his own force.Of course, bluffing is not ruled out. After all, in order to attract attention these days, many people can do anything.

Under the leadership of Zhang Mo, Li Ming came to the school grounds. He saw a man wearing a white warrior robe and holding a sharp knife, standing there silently, as if he was waiting for someone to come.

"Show!" Regardless of looking at the front, this is how Li Ming felt from the back.

"It's handsome!" Xun Cai praised, and Xi Zhicai also nodded, which made Li Ming doubt the aesthetics of the ancients.What kind of elegance is this, it's clearly pretending to be X!
Hey, by the way, isn't it the protagonist's patent to pretend to be X and slap the face?It seems that such a coquettish one came out unexpectedly!
"What's his name?" Li Ming asked Zhang Mo in a low voice.

"Xiao Yao, nicknamed Pengfei, a member of Chen Liu, his ancestor Xiao Shi, also came from a family of generals!" Zhang Mo said in a low voice.

"The Xiaoyao from "Zhuangzi" Xiaoyaoyou?" Li Ming was a little strange. Is there anyone with this surname?
"The Xiao who is not Xiao Zidi, it is said that the ancestor actually used the Xiao of Wen Zhonghou, and later changed his surname to Xiao!" Zhang Mo also had a general understanding of Xiao Yao's situation. After all, the waiting time for Li Ming was a bit long, and It is that the surname Xiao was rare in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

"Your Excellency is Li Ming and Li Shuguang?" Xiao Yao suddenly turned his head at this moment, and cupped his hands towards Li Ming, "Chen Liu and Xiao Pengfei, I have seen you!"

"It is said that your physical strength is amazing? But you don't know how strong it is?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Killing the enemy before the battle is absolutely unambiguous! Commanding the battle after the battle is not inferior!" Xiao Yao said confidently, "So this time enlisting in the army, I want to be a captain under the command of the adults! No matter how bad it is, I have to It's a military lord!"

Sure enough, too many words are bound to be lost. The first few sentences sounded a little handsome, but at the end, it felt a little underwhelming.Li Ming only thinks that this Xiao Yao should be the type who has some ability, but hopes to have a good starting point, so he directly swaggers, hoping to attract the attention of the general.

"If you can beat me, it's okay to be a captain for you!" Li Ming laughed and took the spear directly in his hand.

"My lord can't lie to Xiao!" Xiao Yao was naturally tempted.

"If you can't win, I'll be a military marquis!" Li Ming laughed and opened his posture.

(End of this chapter)

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