Chapter 65 Bread and Fire

To put it simply, Zhu Jun's headquarters has restored 3 people, and Huangfusong's department has a scale of nearly 7 people, which is fully equipped to launch a surprise attack.

So, he wanted to take advantage of the night to launch a fire attack, directly burning this group of Yellow Turban soldiers crying for their fathers and mothers.In order to further expand the results of the battle, if Li Ming is needed, he can go to the vicinity of Changsha and make preparations. As soon as the fire starts at night, he will immediately attack!At the same time, he said that Cao Sima, who belongs to Huangfusong's department, will also launch an attack at the same time, be careful not to accidentally injure friendly troops!

Who is this Cao Sima?Li Ming said that he is really not familiar with the Three Kingdoms era!He probably knew about the Battle of Changshe that Zhu Jun and Huangfusong took advantage of the dry weather to directly launch a fire attack, thus defeating the Bocai tribe with fewer victories and more defeats.As for Cao Sima, I have no idea at all.

It can be said that his understanding of the Three Kingdoms largely comes from a few games, which cannot even be regarded as orthodox history!

"To put it simply, it is to pick up bargains on the outside, and everyone will share the credit! Everyone, what do you mean?" Li Ming asked everyone after confirming the authenticity of this secret order.

"What else is there to say?" Yang Le spoke directly, "Why don't you take the credit for Bai Jian?"

"Not to mention that this is a military order, but this surprise attack, once it succeeds, it will be a great achievement. I don't think there is any possibility for you to refuse!" Zhu Yong nodded and said, since Zhu Jun has spoken, even if everyone does not go, He is going too.

Zhang Mo and Xin Pi also nodded, this time is a big move.Although it doesn't matter much in the past, it will obviously leave a very bad impression on Zhu Jun.Xun Cai smiled obediently and didn't say anything.

"Since that's the case, the whole army is ready to set off from now on!" Li Ming did not have any reason to refuse this battle, so he immediately issued an order.

Five thousand soldiers assembled quickly, and under Li Ming's order, they left Yingyin directly and moved towards Changsha in a mighty way.In the evening, it was less than twenty miles away from Changsha.

"Rest here tonight, wait for the signal at any time, and be ready for battle at all times! Before that, let your stomach eat, rest well, and recharge your batteries!" Li Ming solemnly declared.

"Here!" Under the leadership of the officers, the soldiers replied one after another.

"My lord, the things you want are ready. I have to say, it is very difficult to bake such an effect! Not to mention, it is not easy to refine butter!" Lao Zhou directly led a group of apprentices , brought up what Li Ming requested.

It took several hours just to figure out how to build the stone furnace; then came the acquisition of butter, cattle itself is a very precious resource, and it was more than difficult to get; finally, maltose, eggs and flour were the easiest get!

Even so, according to Li Ming's request, Lao Zhou tried five times before baking a very round and soft toast.

"My lord knows a lot of things. Even if this thing is a little burnt, it tastes delicious! Those defective products are also divided up by those little guys!" Lao Zhou said a little embarrassedly, after five times of baking , It was not until the third time that the finished product began to appear, and the fifth time it was perfectly released.

If so, those burnt ones, or those that failed to make, were also divided up.

"A man from Daqin once told me that this kind of baked bread needs to be baked in a special stone oven. I asked Lao Zhou to try to make a stone oven, and I didn't expect the finished product to be so soon!" Li said. Ming distributed three loaves to each general.

"Eating it like this is naturally very delicious, but if this is the case..." Li Ming took out a short knife, then cut open the bread, and added green vegetables and dried meat inside. Unfortunately, there are no tomatoes here, and there is no time to fry them. Burger meat is otherwise more perfect.

After clamping the ingredients, he took a bite of most of the food, chewed it with big mouthfuls, and said with great enjoyment: "In this case, it will have a special flavor!"

The generals themselves were already attracted by the smell of a piece of bread, so they immediately picked up one and tried it.But I didn't want to take a bite just now, and suddenly I couldn't stop my mouth anymore, I lost control of my mouth completely, and when I came back to my senses, I had already eaten a whole piece of bread.

"Why is it so soft and delicious!" Xi Zhicai said with great enjoyment, not to mention Xun Cai, she has completely disregarded her image, imitating Li Ming to make bread into hamburgers, and then gulping it down After biting down, she didn't look like a lady at all.

"I have to say, this way of eating is really heroic!" Zhu Yong tasted it with great enjoyment, "This is a man's food. The key is that it is very suitable for carrying with you when marching, and then take it out to eat when you need it!"

"It is said that this kind of food was originally invented by the crew for the convenience of work. Eat big mouthfuls, and you can continue working immediately after eating, without wasting any time!" Li Ming laughed.

"It's just that this way of eating is a bit disrespectful!" Simpi has received very strict etiquette since he was a child, and he is somewhat not used to this kind of heroic way of eating.

"Actually, there is an elegant way to eat..." Li Ming picked up the last piece of bread, "Just like this, tear it off bit by bit, and then slowly put it in your mouth to chew until you have fully tasted it before swallowing it.

If you want to be more elegant, prepare some small knives or forks, use the knife to cut the bread, and then use the fork or chopsticks to taste it.Anyway, only nobles in Daqin are eligible to enjoy this stuff. Most people eat black bread made of wheat bran or coarse grains, which is dry and hard. The key is to fill their stomachs! "

"I still think it's fun to just pick it up like this and eat it in big mouthfuls!" Zhang Mo shook his head, picked up his last bread directly, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

"This kind of bread is full of oil and water, so two of them are already half full, and three of them can fill up the stomach!" Xun Cai laughed.

"It's a pity that there are not enough materials. Otherwise, I will cook myself and make some biscuits or cookies for you..." Li Ming said regretfully.

"My lord, stop talking, I'm hungry again after you say that!" Zhang Mo rubbed his stomach pitifully.

Everyone was fighting and fighting, and finally went back to rest.The next day, the army continued to march until it reached the front line, facing the Bocai Yellow Turban Division.Before the war started, Li Ming added 2 points of free attribute to agility and intelligence respectively.

Agility has reached 70 points, while intelligence has reached 64 points, but the improvement is not large, so it doesn't feel very obvious.

"The improvement of the Dou Zhan Heart Sutra is too slow!" Li Ming looked at the experience bar. After a few days of practice, the Dou Zhan Heart Sutra has only increased to 20%, which seems to be a long way from leveling up.

What is gratifying is that during this period of time, during the sparring with Xun Cai, the Tiger Might Assault Gun has been upgraded to LV6, and the Gale Breaker Gun has been upgraded to LV7. The only pity is that the Gale Spear has not yet been upgraded, but the experience bar has also reached 87%.

That night, around midnight, a fire appeared outside the camp of the Yellow Turbans in Bocai!

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  I recommend the new works "Fifty Years of Migata" and "Rebirth of Cozy Youth" by two friends from the author group. When it is updated, you might as well check it out!

(End of this chapter)

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