Chapter 632 Abandoned Left Arm

"Cut these beasts!" Zu Lang swung the horse-cutting sword violently, and three or four fire bulls were beheaded directly.Although these fire oxen had successfully penetrated into the Chu army's position, they had completely lost their original speed, and they were just animals waiting to be slaughtered.

The soldiers who reacted also shot one after another, killing all the more than 2000 fire bulls in a short time.

Even so, the former army's position was still in chaos, causing the Iron Man troops to take the opportunity to rush in, tearing a hole abruptly.The Wooden Beast was just a cover, but it was actually the Iron Man Troop who really attacked.They now have the height and figure of a normal person. Although their strength has declined, their flexibility has greatly improved.

I have to say that the creator is really ingenious, whether it is the production of the palm and five fingers, or the joints are well considered.The whole iron man is similar to a real person, the key is that he does not know fatigue, has almost no fatal weakness, and is quite strong.

The opening doesn't need to be too big, just a little. The Han army followed this opening and immediately entered the Chinese army.Most of their soldiers had no armor. After all, when they ran away, they almost lost all of them in order to run faster.However, they now have a huge advantage, that is, their formation is fine, while the Chu army's formation is already in chaos.

"It's strange, why didn't it achieve the intended goal?" Sima Yi was in the middle army, looking at the situation ahead, he couldn't help feeling strange.Generally speaking, as long as they break into the central army and cut off the command of the high-level soldiers to the bottom soldiers, the results of the battle can be rapidly expanded.

Now on the Chu army's side, the high-level has indeed cut off the command of the middle and low-level, but why can't the results of the battle be expanded?

What he didn't know was that Li Ming has always emphasized grassroots training. When the school captain dies, the army Sima tops, the army Sima dies, and the army marquis tops. If the rate is dead, it is very long, and even the corporal chiefs are fighting on their own.

I don't know how many times the army drills have been carried out. Many times, without the cooperation of the chief officer, the various teams cooperated in combat.The money Li Ming burned was not in vain. When the formation was torn open and the enemy army penetrated into the core position, each unit could still be commanded by the corporal leaders of each corps according to the actual situation.

"Your army doesn't look very good!" Li Ming and Liu Ting had fought a few tricks, and both sides used their full strength, but for the time being, neither of them could do anything to the other.

Li Ming mainly just entered the innate cultivation base, and he has not yet fully controlled his strength. The key is that the cultivation base of the earth-level skills is too low.Liu Ting's cultivation base is very deep, but his natural force is not as good as Li Ming's. At the same time, his long sword is not dominant in weapons. He used to use stellar energy as an extension, but now Li Ming can also use stellar energy, weapons The differences are highlighted.

"It seems that there is still a need to practice!" Liu Ting waved a blood-red aura suddenly, gritted his teeth and said.

Originally thought that the Chu army would collapse quickly, who knew that they were defending quickly with a small unit like Yiwu, and at the same time trying to counterattack.It is difficult for our own army's offensive to quickly expand the results of the battle. Instead, after being surrounded, the range of activities is damaged and they become more and more passive.

"I won't let you have the chance to train them again!" Li Ming smiled lightly, and shot out a golden stellar energy, which directly counteracted the stellar energy fired by Liu Ting.Immediately, the second attack was unleashed suddenly, using a sandstorm and a big burial.

"Hedong Wei clan contributed their martial arts earlier, do you think I will be afraid of you?" Liu Ting smiled lightly, although this move has been changed, but he can still see the "Huangsha Wanli Spearmanship" of Hedong Wei clan, Immediately found a flaw and killed it.

"You've been fooled!" Li Ming changed his moves immediately. He practiced martial arts for a long time. Even if he changed his moves midway, there would be no internal conflict.

Liu Ting obviously didn't have time to deal with it, and he and his horse were repelled a few steps. If he hadn't parried in time, he might have been killed.

"It's interesting!" Liu Ting was indeed caught off guard, but he admired Li Ming's mastery of martial arts even more.If it weren't for this, ordinary warriors would not be able to change their moves so calmly.There will be a momentary freeze in the process of changing moves, so it is easy to be used by the real strong and kill him.

"I don't have time to waste with you anymore!" Li Ming went after him directly, his spear flew flying, using Asura marksmanship.In riding battles, Li Ming was actually a bit of a pain in the ass. The only martial arts he could use were "Breaking Army Spear", "Hurricane Spear", "Sandstorm Great Burial", "Sura Spear", "Returning Horse Spear" and "Nine Styles of Overlord".

"Netherworld Breaking Air Strike" can't be used with a charge, and can only use the second half of the vibration gun method; not to mention the strange gun, if it can't be turned, it will naturally be useless.

Shura marksmanship is a martial art for group battles in the army, and it is also Zhu Jun's own martial art. It is said to have the same origin as "Great Wind Breaking the Army Spear", but it does not follow the route of agility, but the route of explosive power.

But after all, they come from the same line, and it would be nice if they can complement each other. Li Ming has always wanted to integrate "Sura Spear" and "Hurricane Spear", but it seems that there is a lack of a certain opportunity, and it has not been successful, and the system has not judged that it can be integrated.

It's not surprising that one is group attack with the largest range, and the other is maximum explosion. If you focus on group attack, you can't focus on explosion, and vice versa. There is a lack of a bridge in the middle that can integrate them.What exactly this bridge is, however, is not yet known.

"Using group battle moves in single duels, there is no one but you!" Liu Ting stepped forward immediately. He knew that Li Ming's move was not suitable for single duels, but he still used it, fearing that it was a fraud, yes With seven points of strength, three points of strength were reserved for him to change his moves.

Who knew that Li Ming's move was a burst of shouts, and a blood-colored aura wrapped around it, directly killing Liu Ting.

The latter instantly realized that the other party was serious, but the reaction was still a bit slow in his hands. This move was directly and solidly hit, only to feel his tiger's mouth go numb, and his chest suddenly showed a flaw.

"Slash!" Li Ming would not miss this opportunity. Although he couldn't use his full strength, he still gathered a lot of strength, and the spear in his hand suddenly slashed towards Liu Ting.

Liu Ting yelled loudly, knowing that he couldn't dodge it with the long sword, so he poured enough innate energy into his left hand, and punched the spear directly. His right hand also quickly returned to defend, planning to block for the second time.

But Li Ming's move is "Nine Styles of the Overlord", even if he didn't pay enough attention to his internal energy, it was still terrifying enough.Liu Ting's left hand was instantly sucked in, only being shocked by the internal energy on the spear, it also made the whole arm bloody and bloody, and then it was completely torn apart.

"Drink!" Liu Ting didn't care about the pain of the broken arm. He waved his right hand violently, releasing a burst of gangster energy. He finally blocked the move, and he and the horse were knocked back two steps, but the horse didn't move. Unable to bear it, he fell to the ground, bleeding from seven holes.

"Your Majesty!" Seeing this, Sima Yi yelled sadly, "Hurry up, go and rescue Your Majesty!"

Habayashi Weimon stepped forward quickly, and finally snatched Liu Ting back.Liu Ting knew that there was nothing to be done, especially when the main army was quickly surrounded by the Chu army. Seeing that thousands of people were about to be eaten one after another, he realized that the opponent's opening was probably done on purpose.

"Li Ming, you won!" Liu Ting sighed, "Retreat!"

Others have brought him a new horse, Liu Ting got on the horse and turned to leave.Seeing this, the army retreated quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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